Why are african migrants so much better than african americans?
Why are african migrants so much better than african americans?
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actual culture, structure and motivation vs hood life hand outs dog shit.
Culture creates your perspective on life.
Not saying that African Africans have brilliant culture but the ones who can afford a plane ticket and passport are already top-tier by African standards.
They sold the jews most their retards hundreds of years ago
Because Africans had to work hard to get out of africa for a better life and as a result they work hard when they get there. They have the same expectations as asians of their children in education and have zero tolerance for welfare nogs.
Nogs in the US are victims of gibs culture perpetuated by the democrats post Lyndon B, and they are the demographic that suffered the most from the south losing the civil war. 150 years of poverty and gibs culture destroys a people.
Fuck me, she's beautiful. The world will eventually see that Africans are the master race.
Black people are unironically more biologically fit, and we'll use this to simply overpower and overrun the lesser races, Soviet style.
It depends on the African country. Stay away from Somalians.
You can't get obese if there's no food.
That's what I want to know.
Also, here's a West African qt to boot.
Niggers are niggers and there are way too many of them.
Breakdown happens with every single foreign immigrant that comes to the US. Usually by the 3rd generation, you get degenerates. Example:
>1st generation comes to US, dirt poor, escaping some hardship, and believing it to be the land of opportunity if you work hard
>2nd generation get their parents' life story beat into their head daily growing up, usually have to work for parents and hear how ungratful they are. blah blah blah, but turn out generally well-rounded and end up having some wealth of their own due to what they were taught
>3rd generation, grandparents are soft so they tend to dote on them now that they are in their tender years. Parents don't drive home the "work hard=success" model, thus you end up with a spoiled generation that grew up with luxury and no work needed to get it; can live off of grandparents trust fund when the need comes
So you see OP, no matter how awesome or "based" any immigrant appears to be, this is the contribution they have to offer their host country. You can bet by the 3rd gen., african immigrant grandchildren will be no different than black people, with one exception: they might have money thanks to grandpa.
because they arent spoiled coddled willfully ignorant culture destroying piss baby black skinned white trash like our african americans.
Not to say an african migrant cant machete you to death and eat your face but in general I think they realize that there is potential in our country, their own ability and reason to appreciate things basketball americans take for granted.
This is completely retarded
Because they're all rich as fuck from oil money/ are connected to the govt...how else you think those weirdos get here? Afro Americans are better than them since we have real culture and don't speak english in a weird way...fuck em' they're so weird I fucking hate my weird relatives...they're not like us i mean they're not real niggas y'know? Fuck em'...Black Power is only for us, not those stupid immigrant niggers.
good luck Jamal
>best examples of their race looking to leave their shit hole countries for a better life in the west vs descendents of dumb slaves
I understand; this can be difficult for immigrants to comprehend. I believe it has something to do with genetic IQ. I applaud you for attempting to try, though.
There are not democrats in Africa brainwashing them.
They're not.
They come from traditional societies that taught them responsibility whereas our blacks were taught that whitey owes them gibs.
don't forget that the average one is still a retard though.
Nigs have a difficult time making long term intertemporal decisions. Prolonged contact with the welfare state reduces nigs to mindless gib me dats.
They aren't.
>Africans wants a better life and are ready to work it up
>African-Americans think they deserve a better life and are ready to chimp out about it
That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't the 2nd generation teach those same values to the 3rd generation?
They haven't been brainwashed by nigger culture
They often come from high IQ Africans like the Igbo
They have not been tainted by inferior why*te Neanderthal DNA
Africans are more likely to have a sense of family and community and aren't raised being taught to hate police and people who study in school to get ahead
Fuckkk she's cute.
God damn it.
they aren't, meme flag
they aren't born knowing they're only where they are because of slavery.
They are worse you cuck. The most dangerous hellholes in Europe are made by nigfricans.
Wetin dey african migrants dem be less wahala?
Theyre not.
Second generation are already race baiting and reading The Root.
Only the very top can immigrate to America, dooming Africa in the process. When refugee exceptions are made and standard immigration requirements are void then they commit fewer crimes than African Americans because they are in a safely low IQ zone contemplated crime is infrequent.
I donk know ask germany, sewden italy etc
You fucking niggee
Sup Forums laugh and laugh at we wuz kanz meme thing, try even if you can to put yourselves in the place of an african american male, ancestors brought here as slaves after civil war was made by white society to stay in 'their place' and for over 100 years emasculated by white society. first by being refused to be able to be educated and given jobs or brought into white society to learn the speak properly, then have the gov't give you money out of pity and realizing your woman don't need you for nothing but sex. no real control over your destiny. very sad really. Probably the real perpetrators for the keep the darkie down were the 'do gooder women and churches and commie loving jews. like with the DACA thing.
this nigga has giant hands and a tiny head
There are good and bad people everywhere.
Beautiful portrait, btw.
Humanity is so amazing :)
African americans are the descendants of slaves. Do you really reckon the best and brightest of the continent were made slaves?
Jesus pol is shit, it is selection bias like with all immigrants. Most Africans are to dirt poor and aids ridden to be here. African immigrants will be the top 10% of their society or incredibly hard working and frugal in order to afford to get here. Africans like Indians are mostly shit but we get the good ones because we are separated by an ocean