Anarcho Primitivism General /ANP GEN/

Anarcho Primitivism General, discuss anarcho primitivism.

Topics to get your started:
>Scientific fraud
>Global Warming
>Privilege and Equality
>Industrial Revolution
>Unsustainable environmental practices
>Government Corruption
>Capitalism's failures

This is the ONLY form of government that has worked for hundreds of thousands of years.

Would you spread a sentient AI that could manifest itself in the real world?

This ideology is fucking retarded

>let's just make it obvious we're trying to collapse western society without a plan of what to do after it or what to replace it with


>>Scientific fraud
This interests me. Any links?

>implying its not already happening

>Not being in the literal world of "I have no mouth and I must scream"

what r u doin on the net

Age: 26
Profession: Javascript Contractor
Country: USA
Political history: n/a
Reasons for joining: Day to day improvement & networking
Skills: n/a
Interests: A.I.
Contact information: You can contact me here for now.
Any kind of projects you're working on: A.I. Bomb
I'm here to improve my day to day life & keep up with news relevant to my future well being. I want to engage primarily with the technically inclined.

Spreading my message through the necessary evil that is modern technology.

If you can't beat it, use it to destroy itself

AnPrim is fun to imagine but I don't know how anyone could take it seriously.

Hunting and gathering has been the successful arrangement for hominids for millions of years. Agricultural civilisation is only a few thousand years old and on the verge of collapse.

AnPrim is inevitable.

I like monarchoprimitive give for city States and anarcho primitive for the deep wilds.

What's this shit about "privilege and equality". Equality doesn't exist in nature. A primitive society without governance would naturally be hierarchical.

Is that you accountt?

Yes but everyone would have an equal chance


Nvm thought you were this dutch guy - /r/accountt1234

>me go drink
>me see frog
>frog strong
>like other strong frog
>water bad
>screaming wizard not lie

Fixed hierarchy only spawned with agriculture and land ownership.

H&G bands had respected elders and the like but no hierarchy like sedentary societies know it.

stop using language



Language is fine, but technical math is not because math beyond adding, subtracting multiplying and dividing leads to technology

Which makes one think if Ted Kaczynski hates himself for being a mathematical genius.

He does, he hates technology and he knows how tech is developed

If you anarcho-primitivists want to destroy civilization, all you have to do is import millions of niggers into western countries and dilute white genes with low IQ nigger genes. That way no one will be intelligent enough to rebuild civilization.

Good, because everyone should have access to free travel, no countries, no borders. However, you cannot fly there, only use boats that are not modern.

Is Kaczynski god here?

Globalist cucks are inadvertently anarcho-primitivists.

>196. Revolutionaries might consider favoring measures that tend to bind the world economy into a unified whole. Free trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT are probably harmful to the environment in the short run, but in the long run they may perhaps be advantageous because they foster economic interdependence between nations. It will be easier to destroy the industrial system on a worldwide basis if the world economy is so unified that its breakdown in any one major nation will lead to its breakdown in all industrialized nations.

A sentient AI could be used to destroy the industrial system

Why are you using a computer anprim?

I always say to my IRL anarcho primitivist friends that the only way to achieve the destruction of the industrial civilization is through advanced technology, maybe some AI.

It bugs and blow their minds.