What does Sup Forums think of the gold standard?
What does Sup Forums think of the gold standard?
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I'm more into the Bitcoin standard.
The certificate of authenticity
nice piece of paper with gold on it. that makes it "authentic"?
The Lead Brass & Copper standard is better
Most important news of this century.
It's literally made of gold bro I bought it on amazon it's probably fine
Feels like metal
It's just a D&D spell ingredient anyway
Its the Gold Standard.
Next level b8 m80
Monometallism is inferior to bimetallism.
Dinner today
The Goat standard is the redpilled standard.
Is your house so nasty inside, opening your mail on a gravel driveway really the best option for photographs?
whats that like 1/10th of a gram of gold in all those notes combined?
people hording gold is what killed the gold standard. why collect 1-2% interest rate on money in the bank a year when gold consistently went up faster. but going from PM's to debt notes was a bad move; its really just a pyramid scheme that has been kept afloat by automation keeping prices from skyrocketing and population growth
Inefficient, and based on the myth of intrinsic value.
You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold
It's an illusion just like paper cash, people believe that a metal has value just because it's rare, it's all a mental meme. Gold won't help you when civilization falls, it just becomes another worthless rock. Food has inherent value, weapons have inherent value, energy has inherent value, money is nothing more than roleplay.
Naw Bro you got to Bite it, if your teeth tingle then it real... you have Jew Blood
When the hard times come medicine, ammo, food and fuel will be the only currency. Start stockpiling.
It's Gold for Jews but paper money for Gentiles!!
It's koo, but its value is too volatile. Palladium is the true redpill
medicine, food, and fuel/energy have very short lifespans. even ammo now doesnt last that long. gold will never tarnish. and silver/gold have hundreds if not thousands of applications where they are the metal for the job, just not used due to price. currency is a median for trade which is important during a "hard time" which they will still have a value as they always have
The Jews started hyping this after they crashed the economy in 08 and printing themselves trillions of dollars.
It's a fraud.
The Jews at ZeroHedge.com pushed this doom and gloom gold bug thing as a fake alternative to the Federal Reserve "trying to manage the economy". Of course a gold standard would crush the peasants and middle class because the oligarchs own all the gold for one.
Two: The problem with the Federal Reserve was never that it was a fiat currency. The problem is that the banks own and control the Federal Reserve. They bring all money into existence as a debt with interest so inflation, taxes, and crashes inevitably keep all but the billionaires desperate for money all the time.
We should let the states issue loans with the money it holds in its coffers.
Wages would go up. Taxes would go down. Things the government needed to finance would cost half as much.
That doesn't make it inherently valuable, energy is valuable and tools are valuable, gold is neither unless it's being specifically used in something like electronics. Monetary systems enslave mankind, and they're complete illusions, everything we need is provided by the earth, the idea of hording value is ridiculous and reflects a fear of death and ego attachment
Indeed it can be useful. But that doesn't make it intrinsically more desirable than things which are more useful.
If you're at the point where you can use gold for the technological based uses, then you can probably use real money instead.
Once again I would like to reiterate my allegiance to the United States of America
You know what I like best about America? I think it's the freedom.
Gold is connected to the sun like blonde hair. the Jews control it and so the aryan aristocracy becomes mongrelised.
Changed my mind about what I want for dinner
coinage dates back to around 800BC with silver, gold, and electrum being traded in raw form prior to that. its stability for mantaining wealth has prevented it from becoming worthless for thousands of years. why you believe a median for trade that cant be printed into oblivian like a fiat currency can doesnt have value is beyond me. it is intended for a liquid-able surplus, investments, and to have something that wont perish in a year.
>gay boy
Oops sorry wrong pic
Wait, no, it was this one
Gold markets were purported to have been cornered by financial titans as early as the 1880s, or at least, if not cornered, could be cornered by a coalition of loosely connected financial factions.
For those of you who want a gold standard: do you have any gold? Who do you think has the most gold? Don't you realise that if someone owns even 20% of the gold supply, he can easily manipulate the money supply, causing debt deflations and re-inflations at will? Pumping up stock markets and then dumping them?
Now do you realise that this exact issue was the background to the Free Silver movement in the US? To decentralise monetary control?
To be honest, the current problems of inflation have much less to do with fiat currency than they do with the banking system. 97% of money is currently credit, not cash. 97% of the money supply is thus created by private banks, not by government. Fix that and then worry about your gold standard.
>Gold and silver can't be devalued
The English and Spanish would like to have a word with you.