Discuss ways we can over throw the Jewish patriarchy and matriarchy and bring Aryan men and women together.
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aryan young women don't want to be brought together OP. they just want to bitch and moan and make yourself miserable until you literally fucking whack them around and MAKE them STFU.
BTW i'm not a wife abuser or anything. i gave up on women 6 years ago, after getting out of a relationship like that, where the woman was literally begging me to beat the fuck out of her and i was like "no dude, i'm not into that".
the white woman is fucking irredeemable OP. they HATE you. they HATE themselves. they HATE the white race. they HATE the idea that you're on here trying to get them to get on board with your aryan, pro white ideas. they are IRREDEEMABLE, unfortunately.
i don't want to keep a woman like she's an animal. have to tame her. have to teach her how to behave and shit. it's a fucking broken system. i am a good looking dude. nearly Chad material. blonde hair, green eyes, fit, not short or manlet. i'm not going to put up with the bullshit though, sorry.
if you can't be in an adult relationship and act like an adult on your own accord, your genes aren't fit to breed. that's my opinion. sorry.
i saw so many women reject me, a good looking guy, at least 9/10, prob 10/10, for literal fucking autists.
i'm talking about white, blonde, green or blue eyed women here. extremely good looking women. some of them were willing to fuck around with me, sometimes when they had boyfriends, but when it came down to it, at least two of them chose literal fucking flat out, obvious autists over me for boyfriends. one of these autists literally had a shaking problem and could barely speak. i'm talking that bad.
beyond that, i've seen them shack up with ANTIFA types, or "radical leftists". and some of those women will still cheat on their BFs with me, but they won't engage in a monogamous relationship.
the reason why? self harm man. IMO. white women self-harm.you've got to understand what it takes for a woman to actually take a knife and tear into her own flesh and skin for a thrill, or to make herself feel complete. you have to understand how broken and horrid their souls are. and even though most women don't actually knife themselves, many of them have those problems that exist on a spectrum. they're "sort of self-hating" and thus make horrible life decisions for themselves. it doesn't help that they're fucking stupid too. sorry OP, but what you're talking about has already failed and cannot be done by virtue of the white vaginas nature.
i've actually talked to some of these ANTIFA kids, one of them who's GF cheated on him with me, and he was still proud of the fact htat his girl was with him over me too. he was like bragging to me about it, that she "chose him over me". like it was my shame. it was like "dude, i just banged your girlfriend. it's not really a negative that she won't enter into a relationship with me" but he didn't see it that way. they're so obsessed with their status and proving themselves with women. they're so slimy and insecure they can't see how they're being used. he literally gave her a place to live for free and put up with her running around with other men and shit, wtf man.
im mentioning the thing about the guy to tell you just how hopeless the situation is. the men and the women. the entire thing is done. it's gone. it's bankrupt. the race is dead. it's dead but it just doesn't know it yet because the parts of the body won't stand up and defend themselves. trump and what you're seeing now with the alt-right is a dead cat bounce. it's a chicken running around with its head cut off. it's fucking sad man. it's fucking awful. but don't delude yourself into thinking that there is any hope to achieve what you want to achieve.
that girl is now with another (different) leftist antifa type. i can only presume she is treating him the same way she treated the last one. the other girl who banged the shaking autist it with another fucking loser. every girl i've ever been rejected by is with some fucking loser, or massive drug addict, or otherwise totally degenerate individual. some of them want to fuck around with a hot guy but ALL of them are in love with this idea of entering into a relationship with a pathetic puppydog that they control and manipulate. the jews laid that plan out for them. that's the sort of behavior that's glorified on the WB and whatever stupid teenage girl channel they have these days or in your area. it's what they see in movies and it's what they act out.
basically they're pumping out weak babies.
you want to know why autism rates are rising? it's not just because of vaccines, it's because women are banging autists.
look even at evalion. she is dating a literal sperg now.
they're making a generation of retards and those retards are almost always going to be leftist.
there are some right-wing autists on Sup Forums but the vast majority are always lefitst and you CANNOT REASON WITH THEM. THEY WILL AWAYS JUST CONTINUE TO BELIEVE WHAT THEY BELIEVE NO MATTER WHAT.
oh and also who knows what kind of havoc birth control is wreaking with their hormones. causing them to fuck undesirable or effeminate males. and then add drugs, "legalized" or "decriminalized" pot into the picture, and you've got a bunch of white kids running around with no fucking souls. sorry dude, but the wheels are off of this train. it can't be saved. i know i had a destiny with one of these girls, sad and pathetic as it sounds, because i had dreams about her before i met her. and i knew i was supposed to make many white children with her. i felt that because that was my spiritual drive and purpose in life, but she ultimately rejected me for a shitty betacuck that gave her a free apartment. it was fucking awful man. people can say what htey want about me or what i'm saying, or say "hurr durrrr OP is prob an ugly manlet" or whatever, but this is the reality i'm sharing here tonight. this is the true sorry state of affairs our society is in.
6 years now i have not dealt with women. i prob could still get laid if i wanted to, but all of the women i liked are older now and i wouldn't be very interested in them, because that whole thing is supposed to be about childbirth.
and lastly, i just wanna say the decision was made before our time OP. the fight was lost before were even of age. the damage was done by our society once they handed all of the social control over to jews through academia, education and television. once we started sending our children off to be brainwashed by jews an strangers, rather than raising them ourselves and imparting our knowledge upon them, the fight was already lost and there was nothing we could do. if you control the children you control the future and unfortunately our parents ceded control of the children long ago.
kill yourself now you gigantic fucking faggot.
no really, do it. put a fucking gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Pull the fucking trigger and leave a note behind that says "Sup Forums was right again"
Fucking kike hiding under confederate flag
>Discuss ways we can over throw the Jewish patriarchy and matriarchy
By having Jews die out
Artificial wombs are the only way to save the white race
you honestly have no clue. keep refusing to acknowledge the problem and how bad it's gotten, see where that gets you.
funny how the right-side keeps on saying "we're winning we're winning" and yet they do nothing but lose, right?? maybe you should just start telling people that things are FUCKING BAD because they ARE and unless people wake the fuck up and start actually doing something about it it's never gonna change until whites are extinct.
>we'll go extinct if we don't give up on white women
Sure thing, Levi
im not really pro-technology. i think over reliance on tech is as big a threat of anything. so this doesn't really stand out as a viable option for me.
and for certain if the gov has any hand in it your children will invariably come out and brainless slaves.
even worse if some rich jew communist sympathizer owns the artificial womb bank or whatever it's called.
i didn't say that. that's a terrible strawman. i just told you that white women don't want your fucking aryan rhetoric and they will never accept it. they have no loyalty to you and you won't ever be able to "turn them to your cause". i think history and modern times have basically proven that.
and your little graphic depicting the virtues of white women is mostly due to older white women. boomers particularly. young white women hate you and hate the white race openly and with vicious passion.
theres probably something very repulsive about you. probably your personality. sorry.
plus i told you that they're fucking weaklings and making more weakling babies. which is a major fucking problem that you have to solve, particularly if you think democracy of any sort is still going to be a thing 20 years from now.
also keep in mind that more than half of the babies being born in the US are now nonwhite, and that doesn't even take into account illegals. you're pretty much already lost.
im a white girl, blonde and blue eyed, and i damn sure will have light eyed children. fuck off and stop hijacking the thread
nope BULLSHIT wrong because these women love to bone me, but they feel insecure about relationships for whatever reason. "you'll leave me" or "you don't give a shit" blah blah blah and the only thing i can say about myself is i usually don't bother to bullshit with all of that "ooooooh baby u muh queen, i aint never gonna leave u" horseshit. if you don't want me, i aint gonna beg and chase you.
>mostly due to older white women
Literally debunks that right in the image, dumb shit.
>take the (((blackpill))) and just give up on fighting at all
Thanks for the Redpill my man.
shit personality confirmed.
its either shit personality or the girls you choose. stop picking insecure girls ??? or girls who only want to bone??? especially girls who have bfs and bone u on the side???
>Literally debunks that right in the image, dumb shit.
where? i certainly don't see it.
also "not fucking blacks" is hardly enough. it's well known white women mostly openly fuck other whites, but they fuck weak whites with mental problems, disabilities or leftists because these people are the most naturally communal, thus making them more efficient slaves, thus making them more economically stable.
you have women fucking strong, good looking guys for sure, but they don't MAKE BABIES with them. they make the babies with the weaklings and they do it FOR MONEY.
and then you have the fact that the overwhelming majority of young white women voted AGAINST TRUMP and identify politically as left-wing, liberal or progressive.
your shitty graphic doesn't debunk shit. literally not shit other than to say "they don't fuck niggers as often as some people claim" and nothing i mentioned in any of my comments above even mentioned niggerfucking, so stfu.
>telling a sideman he's a sideman
meet someone you actually do want to go for.
yeah being an adult and expecting your partner to be an adult and not play games is really "shit personality". maybe "degeneracy and implicit immaturity / neotany of western females confirmed". what you're saying is BS on so many levels man.
wrooooooooooong again leaf. guess what? no matter how much you try to spin it, it's not "always the man's fault". reality is that it just comes down to the reality that western women are fucked up. physically, mentally and spiritually, they're fucked up. period.
ladyleafs are like 10 times worse than manleafs
im slavic actually, moved here as a kid.
im not saying the west breeds degeneracy in both men and women. im saying #notall (ew). also there are things you specifically are doing wrong in terms of who you go for etc.
make it illegal for jews to speak in public.
it sounds like you have a really high opionion of yourself and just got involved with the wrong trailer park whore while thinking she was your princess. just go to another country and find a wife, it's probably relatively easy if your not such a sperg
Kind of in a comparable boat to you, short of ever getting laid. I know I'm not that bad looking and I've had female interest, but the second you look for anything committed here you're fucked.
Elliot Rodger 2.0
'Redpilling' women is futile. They side with whatever is prevalent and dominates.
who cares you were raised around leafs and assimilated leaf values. you're a ladyleaf and you're unwillingness to look in the mirror and accept the failure of the white woman is irredeemable.
i appreciate and respect the fact that you want to have white children and whatnot, i truly do, but your unwillingness to break from the female hivemind and call the spade the spade is a massive problem unto itself.
*im saying the west breeds degeneracy in men AND women. im having a hard time finding a decent guy who actually wants a family, has his head screwed in right etc.
lol no. no no no no lol. lmfao. this is so not true, lol, i was waiting for this one though.
>when shareblue takes too much methamphetamine: the post
lol im JK. honestly i can't imagine what life must have been like for that kid though. he was so small and must have just been totally disregarded by every female entity on the planet. i have some sympathy for him, honestly, but no i'm nothing like him and my situation / beliefs / personal feelings toward women / or anything about me wouldn't even be remotely comparable. damn man.
show us your real flag, faggot
i am 100% shareblue. i literally work for hillary clinton and worship her vagina in a satanist temple on sundays. i just can't get enough of the smell of rotten cabbage, you know??
>but they fuck weak whites with mental problems, disabilities or leftists
Where do you get this idea that they fuck "weak whites with mental problems, disabilities"? Just from your fucking idiotic anecdotes?
>you have women fucking strong, good looking guys for sure, but they don't MAKE BABIES with them
Complete fucking load of horseshit. Women have MORE babies with good men than they do with the cucks. Where the fuck are you getting this bullshit from?
>the overwhelming majority of young white women voted AGAINST TRUMP
The majority of ALL young people voted against Trump. Millenial men voted majority against Trump. Of course women would too.
>your shitty graphic doesn't debunk shit
My graphic proves that white women are more likely to stay within their race then white men. The WOMEN are doing more to save our demographics than the MEN.
lmfao i actually strongly dislike the west and plan to move back to russia. dropped out of uni because it was propaganda and there was no point since i wasnt going into stem (my sister did and hated it once she got to her masters) have a business and im omw to financial stability (ie being able to properly take care of a kid) please travel and ull see for urself we r not all brainwashed or just stupid.
fine. i am an american, and i love america, and i love the white race, and i don't even really "hate"
or even resent women in any way to tell you the truth, because i have actually had quite a lot of sex with them. and some of the points people make about MGTOW being a jew thing are founded, in a way, but that doesn't mean the reality of western women isn't what it is.
screw you then, i don't care
i see the angry woman starts screeching here.
>"blah blah blah everything you say is untrue"
no arguments, no arguments.
conservatives have more babies than liberals for sort of obvious reasons. doesn't really have anything to do with what i'm talking about.
and conservatives aren't necessarily "strong, healthy males". ask yourself if fucking ben shapiro is a physically fit, genetic specimen of any sort?? obviously not. i'm pointing out that the white race is going to have terrible problems when this most recent generation grows up and their moms, who fucked for money and financial security, find out that money doesn't translate into good genes.
>keeps talking about the white race and whether women bang blacks or whites
literally nothing to do with anything i said. go back and read. you, like the other user, don't seem to understand anything i said. you're projecting your own arguments and ideas onto my statements, so that's not my fault.
What a kike dyke..Jesus women posters can never grasp a thing
it's just always the man's fault, in their minds. they could never look in the mirror and recognize that maybe there are some problems with female nature and western women in particular that aren't really positive or beneficial to anyone, including themselves.
they'll just keep doing drugs, cutting themselves, and fuckign their lives and their childrens lives over without ever accepting accountability or responsibility of any sort.
i do think there is a lot wrong with western women. i never said there isnt. women here are taught that promiscuity is ok, that family doesnt matter, that boys are wrong all the time and oppress us. its all bullshit. feminism as a whole is a tool to destroy western society. my point is that not all white girls buy into it. just travel and ull see. also, stop going for low quality girls. if she has a bf and shes fucking u, shes not relationship material.
yes daddy talk dirty to me
You have literally spelled things out in ways I try to buy I only get a nod in return in real life there was a switch flipped in white women years ago I would say 4 or 5 but they are allergic to traditional chads...time will just keep ticking away for good strong accomplished white men and who knows if it will even come back
You've completely run out of arguments, then? This doesn't refute anything I said.
>no arguments, no arguments
kek, I refuted every point you had, you dumb faggot
>doesn't really have anything to do with what i'm talking about.
>literally nothing to do with anything i said
>>literally everything to do with exactly what you said
Fucking Jews are so shit at arguments, kek. Go back to subverting and spamming. It's the only thing you JIDF kikes are good at.
>not all
nobody cares about this stupid argument that women make whenever discussions about women come up. so you can find a small minority of women that don't exhibit SOME of these behaviors. nobody gives a shit man. it doesn't matter. it's implicit in any discussion about large groups of people that there is obviously variability and that generalities and trends are being discussed. until some dumb ladyleaf comes along and says "blah blah but no, my cousins roommate isn't this way hurrrr durrrrrrrrrrr". i don't fucking care dude. fact still remains that me and probably 99% of men have never known a single woman that ever had her act together. literally.
now fuck off if you're gonna go back to russia and have basically disavowed white society. good god, you don't matter anymore. you only matter to fucking dimitri and his fucking vodka, you wanna be ruskie.
You could start by leaving pol.
Since you will fail this simple first step you should think about other stuff to do.
I didn't see your other posts but I knew from the first one you were a woman lol...just please be a good example for other white women...it's rare to see a traditional couple especially in their mid twenties...so it's like a dog whistle to all other similar women to remain single and safe by themselves
russia is a white society dipshit, with women youd cream urself to have. if you wanna die alone with no kids so be it. fuck off this thread with ur MGTOWN bullshit, its not for you.
yeah, like it's not like im some incel or whatever complaining about women because they won't bone me. it's the opposite lol. like they won't bone someone strong and with their shit togehter because society has programmed them not to. i know we all want to think "oh it's nice when the regular guy gets the girl" but it's not really a positive thing for mediocre genes to be passed on. i'm just saying. it's bad for the human race and for everyone. it's really a pretty ugly thing.
i have no idea what you're talking about. you didn't make any points other than to say women have more babies with conservatives than liberals, which isn't surprising because of abortions and other similar factors, and to say that women are most likely ot bone white men, which has nothing to do with anything i've said. stop the drugs ladybro.
such anger.
and damn, i had no idea that russia was white. totally miffed at that. i thought they were all niggers in the frozen north. i thought vladimir putin was a fucking sandnigger, honestly. my god, you learn more shit every day. the more you know *rainbow star flies across screen*
fuckin' dumb women
>lose another 6 million jews this century
>another 6 million
honestly hitler must have been the most magnanimous and caring individual on the planet to round up the jews and then keep them alive for a whole decade, at GREAT EXPENSE to himself and his nation, all because he cared about the humanitarian aspect of NOT murdering jews, and keeping them alive so they can be deported after the war
but seriously you've got to love the normie logic
>claims hitler tried to exterminate all jews
>acknowledges that hitler rounded up 15 million jews and kept them in camps for over a decade
>acknowledges that said camps were not profitable
>claims that because camps were not profitable, and were such a drain on germany's resources, that eventually a plot was devised to murder them all
>still can't explain why after all of this, jews continued to be fed and clothed and housed for another 3 years.
>still claims "holocaust happened"
seriously WTF normies. it's stupid. just stupid. their narrative litererally collapses on itself, even if you believe 6 million jews DID die in those camps (which they demonstrably did not)
considering starting a youtube channel... with the basic shit girls usually watch fashion/lifestyle but with actual values.. not sure if i want to put my foot out there tho. also fame really screws with your head and i dont want to fall into its traps.
normie logic:
>hitler tried to murder all of the jews by rounding up 15 million of them and feeding them, housing them, and keeping them alive for a decade and anyone who says differently is an evil nazi misogynistic, racist, southern, confederate, stupid, ignorant, mouthbreating badman.
k normies
I love how whenever right wing white men talk about bringing women into the movement, or when the occasional conservative fem/pol/ user speaks up, it's a deluge of SCARED KIKES that flood the thread. It's because they don't want happy, healthy, white families with lots of wonderful white children. Get fucked, schlomo!
I'm XX and right wing. I'm about to try to redpill a lot of women slowly through making normie-tier youtube videos not about politics, then introducing them to hobbies like gardening, guns, self-improvement, and slip in little redpills here and there. There's lots of moderate and conservative women who feel they have no voice and feel afraid to speak up in this shit liberal environment. Never lose hope and ignore the blackpill jews.
being sexualized, having to wear makup, being called a slut, getting "mistreated", raped, and "getting the shit beaten out of them" is what women are secretly into though. that's why national socialism doesn't appeal to them. you have to understand that to understand the nature of the situation you're in and just how hopeless it is. also the idea of having babies is appalling or frightening to the majority of them and most of them literally believe in the rights to murder their own unborn children.
Why not just a vlog of your traditional lifestyle...pure living for life no shill on this but literally are a couple building a house in the woods and have 200k subs...you won't get that with fashion or lifestyle...if you could do a vlog of traditional couple activities aimed at a lower age range it would be successful...that's what people are looking for they have to live out a fantasy on YouTube of something simple and basic just a generation ago
good, come make a baby with me. i promise im not a schlomo or a jew. prove me wrong. pump out some little white nationalists for me. prove to me that western women are redeemable.
i swear only if you're hot though. i'm not wasting my time with fugly's
fugly women only get on board with white nationalism or conservatism to gain favor with men, and avoid the stigma of "the fugly feminist"
Sage, I want Humanity to die out.
Excellent plan.
Don't forget to make lots of white babies though.
Do it. I'm about to, too.
As long as you speak well, you don't even have to show your real face.
I just got marred over the summer to a nice huwhite man. Workin on it.
the only hope for the white race is if some horrible tragedy befalls humanity. like an asteroid, or an EMP attack, or nuclear war with north korea, or something possibly related to global warming (if any of that is real, which i don't think it is). then the weak will be culled, and the degenerate will die out, and women will either bone the strongest alphas around or die off. then maybe there is some hope.
i would like to think humanity could someday achieve a utopian society but the 21st century has pretty much proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that that is impossible, at least in humanity's current form and state.
i wonder what it must be like to crap a baby. i imagine it like taking the biggest shit you've ever taken in your life times 1000
get to the bottom of this en.wikipedia.org
I agree but if you show your face you are more relatable and become an inspiration which is the whole point. Im pretty and fit so I could use that to my advantage. No slutty clothes tho. Modest and classy.
>Making this obvious of D&C/Demoralization thread
Humanity was a mistake. Let's correct it. Who knows, maybe I'll end up siding with the enemy.
nice talking to everyone here. i gotta go. got shit to do. remember, i am a jew and i work for share blue, and i sniff hillary clintons rotten vagina every night at temple.
Congratulations! All the best x
>also the idea of having babies is appalling or frightening to the majority of them
Only until they start hitting the dreaded wall that is age 30. They just don't know what they want because of how fucked society's image of what women should be has gotten. Same as the MGTOW fags.
Still takin screencaps though
Islams got it right.
my lifestyle is not trad since im single. lol... i think vloging things i like doing, like cooking, gym, books, family, gardening, and also business/finances (i think its important for women to be able to stay home with their kids as long as possible and that requires some planning)travel, sowing... as a 22 year old dating will obviously come up and thats a huge redpill convo
30 and the wall is a meme ...women know they can have kids until 42 and by then they will not want any....and any change in attitude is just temporary to lock down a spouse
Bring cute trad fashion back
Just don't take yourself too seriously and find a niche in a couple of those things ...don't shill products and don't be into materialism or consumerism
thats the goal. currently redoing my closet so if you have suggestions where to shop it would be much appreciated!
yeah i dont plan to be a product ad whore.
If you're having a lot of sex with plural women, you are ruining those women, decreasing their lifetime fulfillment potential, and just generally shitting up the world. Stop it.
Why is commitment such a hard fucking concept for some people?
out of all the 5 grills on 4chin the roastie in this thread has already proven herself to be narcissistic and annoying as fuck
there we go, that's the kind of honesty i want to hear.
go fuck yourself faggot, i love you
>If only I could fool Sup Forums by shilling too much
fucking kys disgusting try hard faggot
... toronto *eye emoji*
she's already here, with me
>t. chad
expose the Kenite Khazar Talmud links and redpill everyone on these redpills. www.veteranstoday.com/2017/09/05/khazarians-then-khazarians-now/ not sure how to make this link hot... can someone set this to hotlink??
kisses baby
Not at all the same as MGTOW. We know what we want, but it isn't in plentiful enough supply to bother chasing after it.