Should women be banned from comedy clubs?
Should women be banned from comedy clubs?
You mean female "comedians"? If so - yes please.
No but SJW cows should not be given support and should be BTFO at every opportunity. RIP Patrice.
The jokes.
audible rape is still rape
>going up against little jimmy in the Cellar
The """""""''woman""""""""""
Looks like a prostitute
Should women be banned from the entertaiment industry? Why, yes, of course.
So Frank Wu finally did it, huh?
Fuck "comedians" and the people who go to their shows
Who is Pat Morita?
hahahaa she looks like she fucks dogs
>married, to a guy
>I have a hispanic wife
Sounds to me like he was making fun of both sides. The liberals who get overly offended and the conservatives who try use the "it's okay my X is Y" excuse to justify their racism/prejudice for something. Probably one of those god darned centrists.
woops teehee, didn't notice you taking my picture!
>sobs uncontrollably
I think it's solely western women. There's a handful of female French comedians which I find hilarious, and a lot of Japanese female comedians are amazing.
Some of my favorite comedy mangos are written by women mangaka.
Klara Novikova is also very funny.
Chip chipperson us the funniest fucking character he does.
Used to be funny until Norton started doing that podcast and turned Chip into a cringy wigger
Was Sam Hyde performing?
was it sam hyde? heheheehehehhe
These jokes remind me of Mark Normand.
Comedy clubs are boys clubs, and women have no business being there. NO GRILS ALOUD.
No, just kick them out if they muh feelings.
What’s the problem?
Eats dogs too
You could've stopped at comedy
Norton suffers from AHBD. Please leave him be.
No, but SJWs should.
He's cured
Al on Happy Days(one of them anyway)... Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid movies...
How about banning female comedians.
fucks sake
>Don't have a sense of humor
>Go to a comedy club
For what purpose?
and the lovely Nia everybody!
Leave dah chipah alone!
Wigger chip is kinda cringy though. Jewy chip is hilarious.
Sounds pretty funny
RIP Patrice, honorary aryan.
> paid for an expensive ticket to a comedy club
> was aware that the comic told racist jokes from time to time
> yelled at the comic for telling a racist joke
> got kicked out
Boy she really told him.
Women should be banned from public. It's the one thing Muslim societies have right.
They all sound like stock open-mic'er jokes. Nothing to get a sour vagina over.
Terminally offended chic right there
How leafs deal with racist humor.
Where's all the fucking yellow fever fags now?
>muh docile waifu
so quirky and random lol
I miss Patrice so goddamn much.
This is physically painful to watch. I can feel the second hand embarrassment through the screen.
>be stone-faced and stoic by nature
>can't help it
>go to a comedy club
>get singled out by the comic every single fucking time
just because I'm not laughing doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the show please just move on sir
Why is Margaret cho making problems for other comedians?
Nice thighs though to be fair
>go see a comedian to get offended
>asians are totally honorary guys I swear
>this random projection of your fetishes
There was actually a really good episode of Louie about this very problem.
>culturally appropriating burritos
i know that feel bro
every time i bring crab legs they make a big fucking deal out of
i have to fucking bring my own because they dont sell them at the shower
Dudes crushing it.
Doing stand up takes guts. Good for her.
To quote Jeselnik. Dumb women get mad at comedy shows. Smart women dont go to comedy shows.
God damn, man. When Norton is right, he is right.
Must be all that pent up sexual frustration with women that also drove him to trannies.
>naming your child gagarin of all things
Idiocy runs in the family I see
I wish I could know what Patrice would say about the state of America right now.
Exactly he was making fun of prejudice!
I guess I agree with her. No white man should be able to get away with such shitty jokes.
the BBC took this off their youtube page lol
He'd wear the ill-est Trump hats, while being such a profound advocate and cultural bridge that these racial separatist movements would never have gotten traction in the first place. Of course, he'd still go uncredited.
>based norton
Patrice would be doing 25 to life for beating Amy schumer to death for stealing his jokes
Western raised asian women are like 80% turbo SJW
He was too good for this world.
Why the fuck am I even reading this thread
It's true, especially Asian Canadians
Her fat ugly friends are rallying to her aid on twitter, don't forget to remind them that they are disgusting women who can't get laid.
He would have destroyed that fat cunt.
She looks like Marilyn Manson, clown makeup and all.
>Engaging with them. Ever.
They feed off attention user. The only way to defeat the roasty is to not feed it it's sustenance. Every time you read a book or play a video game or lift that's what kills the roasty. Not fighting with her. She wants you to argue with her because A) You're paying attention to her and B) OMG she gets victim points from her fellow roasties. Let her die a sad old cat lady. Alone. Completely isolated.
Without Patrice I don't think I'd understand Black Americans enough to actually like them, in my soul and whatnot. I wouldn't get the importance of flair, unorthodox gravitas, or blunt honesty without that perspective. In the long term, Patrice might be as valuable to our culture as Zappa.
There were very few good female comics. There are much less good ones now, both as a total number and as a percentage. Females have RUINED comedy. Because of the female comic's political correctness as well as the females in the audience. From introducing the aggravating "Woooo!" in place of audience reaction (from pity laughs to real genuine enjoyment) to the racist behavior of that bitch on twitter.
For instance, I'd have never gotten this... In another time we'd have called Patrice a Prophet. Frankly I think that term is right. I miss him dearly and I never met the dude.
That was the punch line he started out saying he was married to man then it ended with being married to a Hispanic. You have to be paying attention to get it not just listening for something to be offended about.
Female comics all do the same exact shit about relationships and their looks.
Fuckin love lil yimmy.
Shoutout to the OnA leddit sub. Those guys are funnier and edgier than anyone on Sup Forums, probably cause they're all aged 25-50 and are jaded as fuck without the teenage element to the conversation that you get here.
One of the best comedy discussion boards on the web right now and that's not exaggerating.
Stand up comedy itself was designed to be self-deprecating for gentiles.
and when you think about that, it's not really funny.
Don't forget "muh vagina"
the sad thing is that his sarcasm went right over her entitled little head
seeing women get fucked by dogs isn't really a sexual fetish for me
its more like divine comedy
>white men dont just get to do whatever they want
> got kicked out
How can she ever recover
If he could see the shit women are pulling now he would be nuclear about it. Almost glad he doesn't have to see how bad it has become
It always pisses me off to this insane degree whenever he's on with O&A and Patrice is talking about real shit. He could have easily been some cheapshit race comedian and he takes the topic to a real discussion about masculinity and even the expectations on white people. And then O&A immediately change the subject to something totally fucking stupid and trivial and then the moment passes by. They're both so far from his level it's just painful sometimes.
Hecklers are always drunken slobs
This is an example of a drunken slob who's ideology excuses her horrible behavior in her own mind, who's behavior is horrible because she's a drunken slob, who drinks because she's angry because her life is shit. Probably molested as a child too