What are realistic solutions for white genocide

Let's have a thread about brainstorming realistic and pragmatic solutions to the white genocide going on in the west.

Being real here, mass genocide is not a palatable political platform to normies. Nor are we at a stage where that is necessary. But if we don't come up with solutions now, how we may reach a point where pretty much every previously white nation is at 30-50% white, and we'll be forced into a massive racial conflict, which should be avoided.

The biggest issue concerning white genocide is the fact that this has been done to our nation's slowly over time and it took a while for us to notice. And now a lot of foreigners have established themselves in our nation's. The biggest problem is once they're here, it's almost impossible to get rid of them. An example being great britain where the majority of the muslims and blacks are second or 3rd generation.

We must come up with solutions and form a platform around these pragmatic solutions. But we also need to have a coherent message as to what is happening to our nations and WHY it's bad. This is important, people first need to fully understand and be aware of the problem before they are open to solutions. Redpilling normies is actually easier than you think if you're one on one with them and stick to data and facts.

Let's go.

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shameless self bump

Creating an ethnostate would be the best bet. It doesn't have to begin in some violent revolution, there are some ways to go about acquiring sovereign land, such as seasteading or claiming disputed territory, and settling on it.

Political assassinations against all politicians and influential individuals promoting immigration, multiculturalism and other neoliberal policies.


How about letting nature do its thing

>white """"people""""


Immigration reform doesn't stop the birth rate problems. Literally all whites need to do is raise their birth rates to 2.5 or so and white genocide (suicide?) ends

What does immigration reform have to do with creating our own ethnostate? If we claim unsettled territory, then white nationalists can move there and we won't have deport nonwhites, and no nonwhites would want to go to a country that would allow the legal killing of them and doesn't have welfare.

There is no white genocide. Migration waves are a normal part of population evolution. Europe was once filled with blue-eyed dark skinned peoples until a group of white skinned people came from the caucus region into the rest of Europe.

Fighting against population demographic evolution is lunacy.

Turn on the showers and fire the ovens....

While I don't oppose this, it's not an adequate solution.

I'm frankly not satisfied with some backwater island off the coast of chile or some shitwhole in between to warring nations. I want to protect MY nations.

I don't like the idea of just bailing and carving out some small terrirory. And what will happen when those few small terrirories are the only place's left while America and Europe have been completely taken over. They will come for us and we won't have the means to stop them.

And it's not just "the white race" I'm concerned about. It's the west in general. The history, the art, the landscape and it's people. I want to protect all of it. I don't want to surrender my lands to foreigners as they defile our countries and destroy our monuments.

Unless we were able to get somewhere sizable enough that we could retreat to until we could muster up a reconquista of our old lands I would want to shoot for saving what we can.

Aye, perhaps we are mad. But so were 300 Spartans standing against the Persian army

There already is a white ethnostate in America. Its called Maine. 95% of its people are white. Go ahead, move there and deal with the shit winters. Digging out of 4 feet of snow sucks, but hey, everyone's white and thats all you care about.


the movement that is happening now is completely artificially engineered and has demonstrably negative effects on our countries.

Arguing that this is one, natural, and two, even it was natural we shouldn't do anything about it simply because it's natural, despite it's effects.

Immigration and border control reform is the first step. Whether it's enough isn't relevant. It is the first step. If we can't get that policy idea addressed, and made holding the position social normality, we might as well shut up and surrender. Stop sperging out over the water being at your ankles and the pipe being busted, and cut off the damn tap first. THEN address the other problems.

Birth rates are low because of our strong economy. In shit economies, birth rates are high. If you want to stop the "genocide", then fuck up our economy so the "darkies" will stop coming here for jobs.

Race specific bio weapons and space ships capable of FTL travel.

What about the darkies that are already here? Even if shit hits the fan, most of them don't have the means to leave even if they wanted to.

And birthrates are low now partially because people don't have enough income to support a family, but immigrants who get money under the table and gibs can.

For the United States at least, create a eugenics program that gives a welfare check in exchange for sterilization and abortion. End gibs for single moms, set up child support that it can only be spent on kid-related things, deport ALL illegals, and make mandatory civic service a thing.

Basically we gonna be full starship troopers

The normies will continue to ignore the problem and oppose people addressing it until they can't leave their houses in peace

go illegally to nigger countries and cuck them

When you want a barrel to be full you have to either plug the wholes or increase the flow in.
Wholes would be islam, niggers, abortion,etc. and flow in would be more births.
Increasing number of births is harder than killing muslims
invaders and banning abortion.

Artificial wombs. We will no longer require white women to reproduce with us to keep the white race alive.

Also national transhumanism. Genetic engineering can be used to edit out shitskin genetics, and can be used to genetically engineer ourselves into Chads.

Whats funny about all these black lives matter activists is that blacks wont exist in 50 years since they will all end up mostly white.

There is no such thing as black genocide by the way.

No one is trying to get blacks to race mix to speed up the process

>Work for Elon Musk
>Volunteer to be the first to Mars
>Smuggle weapons on ship
>Get to Mars
>Build society
>Pull out gun
>Kill all non-whites
>Tell HQ of Martian virus killing non-whites
>Populate Mars with pure bloods

Jews are a dying race also. If their numbers dwindle, their grip on the white race will weaken.

With every good racial discussion comes the first faggot who wants to talk about the goddamn Jewish conspiracy. eyeroll.jpg

Natural flow over centuries, whatever.

Planned extinction at the hands extremist ideologues? Fuck that and fuck you to death if you support it.

Spread awareness. That's the stage we're at. A time will come for redress, but that's a ways off.



In all seriousness, if we had the will, it would be possible to gain a cult following. We could raise enough money to buy acreage in North Dakota for cheap. Build a city. Build aquaponics for food. Build Solar/wind energy for electricity. Then import entrepreneurs to get our economy going. Whites only.

It's a poor choice of tactics for sure. Much more effective to stay with "globalists".

The reasons behind white genocide are many. You'll have to tackle these. They include:

>Living only in the now, instant gratification addiction
Porn, games, music, promiscuity and more are pushed all the time by the media. Take the media back

>Not recognizing differences among race
People are constantly bombarded with the narrative all races are equal, in school/university and in the media. Take education and the media back.

>Lack of purchasing power
Corruption in politics increase the cost of entrepreneurship through regulations. Monopolies are allowed to crush small business. Globalization destroy local economies. Importation of illegal aliens permit the lowering of wages. Central banking and usury orchestrates inflation. Take politics and economics' institutions back.

>Lack of a moral backbone (religion) to end promiscuity
Atheist narratives are promoted as cool and sound by media and education. Take theology and philosophy back.

>Lack of an indentity, no interest in history or in the ancestors
Shaming of one's own identity and manufactured cultured replace "organic culture". Genuine lack of interest in history as well. Teach kids their history and to take pride in it early on.

We kind of see what the battlefields are: Media, Religion, Education, Economics and Politics. Use your personal skills to influence these in cohesion. You don't even need to meet. Sup Forums might be enough to organize these things. Example: you enjoy vidya and want to make games. Make games that are redpilled, hire people with a similar mindset. Avoid hiring from the libs or the tribe. Give preference to white employees.

The only thing that would matter is convincing other whites. Once white people decide to do something as a group there's no stopping them.

By the way I don't want to see any of this. I wanted an egalitarian color blind sort of thing but it appears that's not an option.

It's only an option if everyone agrees to do it. We've seen how much that can be trusted. So fuck it.

talk to girls you permavirgins

ultimately, when you tell people to leave and they say no, you have to make them.

you could try sterilization with incentives. most are fucking stupid so if you word it vaguely they'll just treat it as more gibs for something trivial.

UK only:
>End needs-based housing allocation
>End needs-based benefits
>All of the above becomes contribution-based only, housing on waiting list only
>Bengali waiter can't have housing for his four kids and cousin-wife
>Single mums BTFO
>Single men on waiting list able to have small flat and build a life
>Permanently unemployed Muslims BTFO
>Appeals to sense of fairness so general population in support

>End support to asylum law centres
>All claims to be independently proven
>Any migrant with no docs incarcerated
>End right of citizenship by means of birth on soil when one or both parents illegal
>All immigration skills-based so gen pop knows each one is here on merit
>Again appeals to fairness

ban anime, porn, and videogames.


Pretty sure if you don't love digging out four feet of snow, you might not be that white. Snow lands is homelands.

Total war.

Literally shovelling 4 feet of snow sounds amazing to me. I love the cold so fucking much. I'm not even memeing.

get rid of the elite en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Cercle

I agree totally.

First step is administrative separation. This gets them out of the system.

I agree with you about forming ethnostates but this sea steading shit is fucking retarded.

"white" isn't going to mean anything after genetic engineering takes off. not that it does now. you nazi good goys have to wrap your brain around what your philosophy actually is- you want to remove the jews because they're better than you. it's the retard equivalent of how china killed all the landlords. hence, get ready to hate your genetic overlords. it'll be funny you holding on to your "whiteness" as if it amounts to a fucking thing.

Stop believing in that nonsense and realize the homogenous mixture of different ethnicities is unavoidable in the modern global economic world.

Divide America. Give the nonwhites the plains. Let the west coast be multicultural, let New York be kind of a Constantinople, keep the south nice and white except for independent black lands. Except blacks will be allowed to reside in Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, The Outter Banks, Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and Savannah. Making it easy for them to leave to make an African American colony in Africa. Texas should be literally fought over by Mexicans and Texans until it is divided the way might sees fit. The north west should also be fought over between righty and left. The shittt old North East can be commieland.
Division is key to preservation with strategic points of using eachothers strengths.

>the jews are bettter than you
Imagine a nation comprised of 100% Jews.
Imagine a nation comprised of 100% whites.
I know for damned sure which I think would be the better nation.

>muh 6 million

"it's inevitable" is an excuse, not an argument

It speaks volumes about your narrow and uncritical worldview that you can't resist lacing your "rationality" with snark

Sounds like someone who isn't white being super mad

Low IQ/low conscientiousness people will plug into the coming matrix/heaven computer games in very high numbers. They will not breed, or may even die early.

Conscientious/High IQ people will be driven to continue experiencing life for its own sake, even knowing they may be happier in the matrix.

>Google keeps giving me the same picture to identify.

What do you want?!

Actually, mixed black and white children are considered black and are quite dark, so you'll be mostly speeding up white genocide

Abuse and defraud the welfare state in order to finance a white baby boom, thus destroying the welfare state that keeps the the nigs and spics breeding.

There are none, whites are completely fucked.

nope, english and german blood, family's been in the US since the late 19th century.

>I know for damned sure which I think would be the better nation.

wow, you mean you know you'd retain your brainwashing, who are you, nostradamus?

Absolutely nothing. It's been over for a hundred years now, there's nothing anyone can do at this point.

territorial divide.
you guys need a wall in silicon valley more than mexico honestly.

>nope, english and german blood, family's been in the US since the late 19th century.
But of course this means nothing to you, only useful insofar as you can display it proudly as a badge of how much you're "above" caring about it. In the same breath that you mock us for identifying with our community you laud your membership of your own, the Jewish-dominated gene-edited World State where everyone knows caring about anything but material wealth is the simply the domain of rural and suburban retards.

Maybe black lives matter is the solution. Think about it (and hear me out) blacks are always protesting because they want equality and the end of violence from a system that wants to protect them. Those same blacks question why society hates them and seeks companionship in white citizens to seek social validation, given the hate they perceive by society. By treating them equally and making them feel socially accepted, they won't seek validation through white companionship and thus the end of white genocide.


You've been taught lies for your whole life.

This might have to be a thing too. Being white is a evolutionary traight for northern (not too far north) latitudes with foggy mornings/long winters. You have an advantage in vitamin d production vs our melanin enriched brothers. This reduces depression and increases functionality in northern latitudes.

If you stay in the south of america you're gonna turn brown because it's advantageous.

End the fed. The rothchild jews control your money. Use crypto currency instead, much harder to manipulate.

>you laud your membership of your own,

nay lad, I'm simply contradicting your assumption. i'm plenty proud of european culture, but don't feel that it's automatically superior to other cultures.

>the Jewish-dominated gene-edited World State where everyone knows caring about anything but material wealth is the simply the domain of rural and suburban retards.

straw man

retaliatory genocide IS practical and increasingly inevitable

each white republican man only needs to kill a single nigger or brown to completely cleanse the country

buy guns, send guns to europe

Perhaps it would be better for the world if race didn't divide us. Honestly, humans will continue to be fucked either way. Whether they interbreed or don't.

>nay lad, I'm simply contradicting your assumption. i'm plenty proud of european culture, but don't feel that it's automatically superior to other cultures.
Where did I say I thought European culture was innately superior to other cultures? Why is the idea of identification with European culture and ethnicity inseparable from supremacism? You're the one strawmanning.

Further, if you're "proud" of European culture then why was your opening post a sneering remark about how identification with it is merely a proxy for feeling of inferiority versus the Jews? I thought your gene-edited utopia was above such things?

trump needs allies. if we are in the streets killing niggers, we can be in the reeta killing congressmen, quango admins, etc

we are trumps army. arm up fags

>he believes nigs stop nogging

Or you can go back to Europe and do that shit there. America wasn't white to begin with, but Europe was

you know, I don't see the alt right swelling the ranks of classical music concert halls, creating a renaissance in neoclassical art, discussing any books from the last 400 years save those that uphold the thin basis for white supremacy.

nope, it's just liberal faggots like me who do that.

no one cares. niggers and mexicans started the violence here. we will end it.

It's not a complete solution, but actually increasing funding and visibility of planned parenthood is an important step, because it is still serving its original purpose of lowering non-white birth rates. Many on the Right are making a mistake when they say to defund planned parenthood, it is one of our most effective tools.

As for increasing white birth rates, I simply don't know. The trend of neglecting a traditional family, being childless, not marrying etc. is so deeply ingrained in the current culture that I cannot think of a way to reverse it. We can hope that maybe the standard of living improves slowly and that Gen Z swings the pendulum back towards traditional values, but I wouldn't expect it.

>Let's have a thread about brainstorming realistic and pragmatic solutions to the white genocide going on in the west.
The Northwest Front is a political organization of White men and women in the United States and Canada, of all ages and social backgrounds, who recognize that an independent and sovereign White nation in the Pacific Northwest is the only possibility for the survival of the White race on this continent.

Northwest Front

>you know, I don't see the alt right swelling the ranks of classical music concert halls, creating a renaissance in neoclassical art, discussing any books from the last 400 years save those that uphold the thin basis for white supremacy.
Oh, I forgot that modern liberalism was the champion of classical European art and music, and not feverishly rewriting Western history to be a vague deracinated handwave about freedom and democracy. Tell me more about how seeing Hamilton for a third time and pretending to understand Foucault represents the preservation of the West. Truly the flame of Europe is kept alive by skinnyfat nu-males going to the opera so that they can check in there on Facebook and spend the entire show musing about how progressive it is that they cast the central romance as BMWF.

Actually, America was established through the use of white violence. Blackband Mexican violence result from not being able to stay afloat against the forces of inequality and injustice. You'll find that if you treat them like you treat your fellow white man, they'll calm down and there'll be less interbreeding

What I don't understand about the NWF is that there is already a significant population of non-whites in the major cities of that area. Shouldn't it be Montana and the Dakotas?

The solution is for whites to race mix until there are no whites left. Problem solved - no more white genocide.

>What I don't understand about the NWF is that there is already a significant population of non-whites in the major cities of that area.
So what? Overall it's still the Whitest area in the USA.

>Shouldn't it be Montana and the Dakotas?
So landlocked, surrounded on all sides by the enemy and not having an open, deep water port needed for trade and fishing?

Your concerns have already been addressed at the website, in RFN and the novels.

Quite simply there is no other group with an actual, viable plan to save the White race.

While speculation threads like these pop up all the time, there's an actual group with an actual plan to save the White race.

Indeed there has never been conflict between monoethnic peoples. Look at the endless peace in Asia, pre-Columbian Americas, Africa, the Middle East...

Good point. Middle America is the best bet, as minorities tend to live on the coastlines. Given the weather it's probably safest in mid America anyway

>So landlocked, surrounded on all sides by the enemy and not having an open, deep water port needed for trade and fishing?
Fair, I hadn't really considered that. I'll research the topic more before commenting on it further.

*See "The Turner Diaries"

>Fair, I hadn't really considered that. I'll research the topic more before commenting on it further.
I recommend with the Radio Free Northwest Listening list.

Then check out the novels.

Northwest Front

>*See "The Turner Diaries"
The Hill of the Ravens - H.A. Covington

A Distant Thunder - H.A. Covington

A Mighty Fortress - H.A. Covington

The Brigade - H.A. Covington

Freedom's Sons - H.A. Covington

The Turner Diaries - Andrew MacDonald

Hunter - Andrew MacDonald

Siege - James Mason

Civil War Two - Thomas Chittum

Include all of this and eventually retake the entire continent.
Shoving all whites into a tiny corner of the US is not a realistic solution.

Tell em!

probably the only practical solution given how fucked up white women are.

Recruit silent white killers, actual murderers.
Make a list of people to kill.
Zuckerberg, etc etc.

> ...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

> (a) Killing members of the group;
> (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
> (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
> (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
> (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
> —Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[3]

save the world: get a jewish girl pregnant


>Include all of this and eventually retake the entire continent.
How about taking the PNW first then worrying about the rest of north america once the White race's existence is secured?

This isn't about reclaiming amurrica. This is about the survival of the white race. That is paramount.

>Shoving all whites into a tiny corner of the US is not a realistic solution.
The area proposed is not "tiny". It's larger that the country of Germany.
Besides, it's not running away from something. It's running to something.

Again, check out the information provided in the pastebin. It explains everything quite well and even answers your concerns.

Northwest Front

>Yet another reason I will never stray from the path of 2D girls

>already lost gun rights and the coast to ultimate liberal shithole like California is.

California has conservative counties too. They don't matter.

Not sure I'm convinced we could retake even that little bit. Raise my spirits user. It's shitty.