Forgiving the Southern states for breaking from the Union is the worst fucking mistake the US ever made.
Forgiving the Southern states for breaking from the Union is the worst fucking mistake the US ever made
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How exactly would they be punished? Get kicked out of the Union after fighting a war to keep them in?
this is how you sound.
You're right, those traitors against the Crown should be punished.
Nah, the biggest mistake was keeping all the niggers, instead of shipping them back to ooga booga land.
>How exactly would they be punished?
Should've just let us leave, cunt.
What? Southern sates are net revisers of federal funds, not providers.
Yes, thank God we saved the niggers, where would we be without them?
You never heard of General Sherman have you.
food dude.
What are niggers?
What are agriculture grants?
>debtor colony telling religious zealot colony to listen to authority
The confederacy did nothing wrong.
OP is a faggot.
It would be better to import it rather than waste our money on subsidies for farming.
Undesirable things?
war reparations for one, where's my check for all the time they wasted on their stupid fucking boys club?
>not importing slaves
>not FREEING the slaves
>not sending the slaves back to Africa
>not giving women the vote
>not the god damned Immigration Act of 1965
>The worst mistake the US ever made was not being petty cunts to the south.
OP clearly has his head screwed on right.
They didn't you fucking moron. They went to war.
There was a war. Derpty mother fucker.
Nah, forgiving is fine. The issue was allowing the Jim Crow laws and not really enforcing the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments there.
Pretty sure that by 1860, almost every single slave in the US would have been born in the United States. And America had been pretty thorough about destroying any individual culture or society that they might have had thanks to breeding, shipping them around, etc.
Black Americans aren't African in any real sense of the word. They aren't Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Mande, Akan, or Fula. They're just Americans.
A perpetual union cannot be made more perfect by its dissolution.
>caused a massive civil war because "wahh the federal government isnt strong enough states shouldn't have rights northerners gib back our slaves REEEEE!!!!"
>nothing wrong
They had every right to secede from the union. And if you had actually bothered to read a book on the subject, you'd know the union started the war.
Nigger loving nigger lovers in this thread, defending their vile niggers.
>communist flag
>agricultural aid from a central government is undesirable
Everything checks out
Still should've let us leave, cunt.
>this is what the losers actually believe
This, Sup Forums is just nigger loving normie crypto cucks now
>They had every right to secede from the union.
The Constitution does not have a secession clause. It does state that it was created in order to form a more perfect union, that "more perfect" being in relation to America under the Articles of the Confederation. The Articles of the Confederation WAS a perpetual union.
A perpetual union cannot be made more perfect by its dissolution.
Right now you're saying "you're talking out of your ass", but this was actually the legal argument being made by Lincoln and other anti-Secessionists in the lead-up to the Civil War.
The matter was sufficiently unclear that a war was fought over it. The resolution of the war, and the subsequent Supreme Court case of Texas v. White (1867, I think?), settled the matter: Unilateral secession is not legal and never was legal.
didn't they have a legal right to secede?
wasn't that part of the offer to become a member of the USA? you can leave if you don't like it?
Im starting a patreon to put up statues of Sherman and Grant throughout the south.
gib monies plox
>>'1 post by this ID'
Seriously guys? You want to bump this sage post?
>leftist yankees absolutely hate the South
>demand they stay a part of the US, even though Trump and more Republicans got elected
>Black Americans aren't African in any real sense of the word.
except, yakno, genetically
so it was like the mafia?
was that explained to all the states before they joined? sounds more like revisionism
sorry, am poor, can only afford one (You)
Yes. But the tenth amendment says that all power not belonging to the government belongs to the states. There's no succession clause, and therefore, the states have the right to secede. And of course the union decided it was illegal after the war. They won. It would look really bad for them to have fought a war over something that was perfectly legal.
Its not really a mistake if it was not a choice
After defeat the South wanted to be states without military occupation
So it passed whatever BS the North wanted until they stopped caring
And the North wanted the South back in and did not want to occupy it
No one cared that much they just wanted a country
>the guy who practically tore the constitution up for the sake of preserving the union made a legal argument that must be right
Of course he'd say that. I like Abe, but I can't really take anything he says about legality seriously. He completely disregarded legality time and time again.
But user-kun, the SCOTUS ruled Jim Crow constitutional until the 50s when they changed their minds due to shitty social science.
Robin ((((Bernstein)))) no idea if a jew or not, has recently argued that the children's rejection of the black dolls could be understood not as victimization or an expression of internalized racism but instead as resistance against violent play involving black dolls, which was a common practice when the Clarks conducted their tests.
>muh perpetual union
Texas vs. White was bullshit
And the North were total hypocrites who encouraged the South to secede and had their own history of secessionist tendencies.
What other option was there, burn the south to the ground? That's like pulling out your toenails because your foot fell asleep.
There is no secession clause because it was never considered a valid option at all
Because that would invalidate itself to have an option in the Supreme Law of the land forever to have an option for the states to say no
Even Jackson understood this
Fuck the Union!
Would weaken the integrity of the union. If the south was allowed to secede for retarded reasons neither union would be able to survive. How long until Utah seceded from the union because Mormons, how long until Texas seceded from the South due to tariffs or high taxes?
before the civil war These United States was effectively an American UN
Leaving wasn't something specifically denied by the constitution and any power not expressly granted to the federal government is deferred to the states
so there's no reason they couldn't
The north decided against that, they wanted 1 nation under a strong federal government and now we have The United States instead of These
>Would weaken the integrity of the union. If the south was allowed to secede for retarded reasons neither union would be able to survive
aah, argument from necessity?
what idiots would enter a union you can't leave, except yyaknow, all those idiot yuros
they did that
>was that explained to all the states before they joined?
It was debated back and forth but wasn't a serious issue until the 1850-60s. It's kind of like how the states that have laws fining faithless electors are probably in violation of the Constitution, but that point has yet to be challenged, so it remains in legal limbo.
>And of course the union decided it was illegal after the war.
Lincoln and a not insignificant number of lawyers decided it was illegal before the war, too. Like I said, the matter was sufficiently murkey as to allow the potential for interpretation. Hence the war and the Supreme Court case to settle the matter.
For the record, the conclusion was that UNILATERAL secession was illegal, but that a state could work in concert with Congress to leave the Union in some manner (most likely a bill passed through like any other).
The point being that you shouldn't take the stance that secession was unquestionably legal, because there was in fact quite a bit of questioning on that matter.
>It would look really bad for them to have fought a war over something that was perfectly legal.
If you want to get technical-like, they weren't fighting a war at all until the South opened fire. Prior to that they were just being ornery and had the potential to make a legal case for their secession. Once shots were fired, the Confederacy unquestionably became an insurrection, which Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 empowers the Federal government to suppress.
>Forgiving the Southern states
wot? there was a goddamn civil war over it, and the north won. There's no "forgiving" there, it was a war, and there was a winner, and it was thus settled. Are you a fucking child?
You realize continuing reconstruction would have just brought up more rebellions. The Union might put them out but it still extends war which harms the United States
that's why the nullification crisis ended in south carolina's favor right
>muh war reparations
you burned my city to the ground and killed and raped my ancestors and left me holding the bag for shit i had no say in. Where in the fuck is my reparation nigger?
>and a not insignificant number of lawyers
what makes you think lawyers make the law, or decide what it is?
>For the record, the conclusion was
so you claim, without proof
>you shouldn't take the stance that secession was unquestionably legal
you mean it's immoral to take that stance?
are you a lawyer? you talk like one
>And the North were total hypocrites who encouraged the South to secede
What did the north do that was so horrible?
are you retart
The act of 1871 was, easily.
They don't. Judges do. Hence Texas v. White.
>you mean it's immoral to take that stance?
I mean it's disingenuous. It wasn't unquestionably legal or illegal in 1860. It was up in the air with strong arguments on both sides. The matter was eventually settled in 1867. Or 1869. Still can't remember which one, can't be bothered to check.
Win a free, legal, fair Presidential election. I'm not even kidding, that was it.
ye s
>You can't break up with me
>I'll beat you into submission to prove it
>They don't. Judges do. Hence Texas v. White.
so why mention all the lawyers who had opinions?
not that I trust judges either
Dixie land is eternally salty because y'all ended reconstruction early. The average person didn't own slaves, the ruling political class elites did, but everyone was punished for their decision to secede.
Lincoln violated the NAP by shooting first.
>By forcefully reassimilating them via the Civil War
Remember children, the (((Confederacy)))
was run by (((them)))
The Union was BASED AS FUCK.
Confederates fought to protect their pet niggers.
>"Yes goymn! Fight so I can hide my gold and silver!"
>"mah States rights"
Confederates are traitors, and this is what SHOULD have happened.
>"As of May 10th, 1865, the Former Territories of the "Confederate States of America" are hearby disbanded."
>"Furthermore, the States that have Seceded, are Disbanded, and are to be considered Unincorporated Territories."
>For no less than 100 Years, The Right to Bear Arms is Forbidden. The Right to Vote is Forbidden, All Property of Former Slave Owners, to include Money, is to be divided amongst Former Slaves.
Because while judges ultimately decide on the law, lawyers are the ones who make the cases for a given interpretation.
the PEOPLE are supposed to decide the law, not some UNELECTED faggots in black robes
look up jury nullification, the jury decides if a law is invalid. this precedent bullshit is ridicuous
how many laws are there in the US now? know them all? does anyone?
could any one person even read them all in an entire lifetime?
but ignorance of the law is no defence
how is such a system fair? what happened to common law? "cause no loss, injury or theft, do no mischeif in contracts, and don't breach the peace"
how did we end up with this system with a billion laws, needing millions of lawyers, where the common man virtually always gets screwed?
no answer?
The war was started over the secession you retard. That was the punishment.
>> Anything other than instituting the Federal Reserve is America's worst mistake
How does it feel being so ignorant?
It was much easier to let it go than to continue going on.