How would the face of politics change if midichlorians were real?
How would the face of politics change if midichlorians were real?
bump again
Who cares you fucking nerd?
>midiclorian privilege
bump again and again
fthdzr thsh th rt
vxccfdzhh tsst nnf gdnf g
Sexual harassment would be impossible to prove.
>Reaching out with the force to pinch the nipples.
xf xvc g c fgx tbg ftbb g
fb szrgvschm gb gjmgfb
The same or worst since the Jews would end up controlling them anyway
bdedgf gfb bvvfbh
cxvdvb vcdcnb mmnb
sht ht rsdj rj rt
bfdf thh tht ht
you'd still need the high ground so you'd have to check your Nepal privilege
it wouldn't change at all
midichlorians would simply be dismissed as a social construct by the left and their "intellectuals" and by the vast majority of politicians for being "elitist" because politicians seek to appeal to the majority
gfhf g h
xghh xgf hxg fn
sdfn f
ssfdgbvsdf s
dsg gasesg
h str hhhhhhhh
fd zg
br gsr gf d
Is Sheev /ourguy/?
Hollywood has loved pushing incest for several decades now.
rcsggr seg g
sdfdfgdfh dh rt
like the bible never even went there dick face.
g jfhj df jfg
hdf herth erth tr
scsdg rdgre
I guess it depends on what magical bullshit you say would happen out of the star wars universe.
Can people get shocked to death by pointing your finger? If so, witch Hunts.
Can you persuade stupid people to do simple things by waving your hands? If so most of the politicians would be high on this ability. Common con artists too I imagine.
How common would these powers be? Very common then it might survive. Not so common witch Hunts.
People would ultimately hate other people with these powers if they didn't have them.
And guessing by the autistic thread bumping op wouldn't have these powers.
wtf is happening to my thread?
sdfgdgre g
what makes you think they aren't?
fuck you that what
seems like people are larping as elsa and spiderman youtube comments
drug companies would learn to make them and sell them for 50 dollars a bottle.
> They don't already.
Suppression, suppression, suppression! Don't worry, you'll still be free to do what they tell you!
zfdfg d hg hd hd
d s th htd htd trh
fd d hd rs
Fuck you faggots I'm outta here. You wouldn't know what to do with anyway.
rjt sd ht hsht df
xc dfvdf grdf
fbdfgbsfgnfgn h
s rth rth rth
the thread is number one again
zxcdfv fgb
gdrgdrg dg
svsd vsrsr ggsr g
esg ser hset h
dsb dgb hd hd
I hope you fucking die (((Disney)))
Fuck off with your bullshit ads.