I'm about to get rekt by Irma

Floridian here in Fort Myers, FL.

We're fucked.

Just two weeks ago we had heavy rain and deep flooding leaving hundreds of cars underwater.. and that wasn't even a tropical depression.

The grounds are soaked, it's rained all evening here locally and all the retention lakes are filled to the brim, some streets are still flooded out from what happened over a week ago.

I'll be staying for the storm, ask me anything

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are you going to do your patriotic duty and hunt looters?


I'm watching.


Ready for looters as well.

Who is this weather wench

The flooding was at apartment buildings and shit. No wonder if flooded. We're going to be fine.



Jose is coming behind

The tropical storm isn't going anywhere near us, and even if it was it would hit Miami. Fuck Miami.

Some ugly slampig

I live in Tampa but am going to school in Orlando.
Where should I go for the storm? Stay inland or go back to Tampa?
Also, I don't have a gun so if shtf im fucked

In the cape and in Bonita

Lots of things to consider, I could leave but I'm worried about coming back after being a big pain in the ass if traffic is locked up

Go to Pine Island. You'll be safe there. Get one last Publix sub.

Yeah, at apartment buildings and shit because dude water levels lmao. Those shitty developers always build down when they know they shouldn't. Either way, you and I both know that even during Charlie the flooding wasn't that bad. Not Houston or New Orleans tier by a long shot.

Rick Scott said homes would be 'covered' today and to prepare for a catastrophic disaster

>inb4 trusting Rick Scott

I don't think most of lowlying non-gated community SWFL can take 10+ inches of water as it is let alone with 220mph gusts

>lowlying non-gated community SWFL
>non-gated community
I think SWFL has the most gated communities per capita out of anywhere in the world. Let the niggers get drowned.

same here, currently at UCF
waiting for them to fuckng decide if we're gonna evacuate or not

Godspeed, and you should livestream the happening.

What's good I'm in lehigh, we didn't get that much flooding like cape and Naples. They are fucked after this.

Yeah they issued vol Evac today here in collier

Best way to do it? I don't mind as long as I have internets

How many spicks live in your neighborhood?

Yeah Marco to The cape west of 75 is gonna be gone

Fucking tons of ICE avoiders

Is Lehigh as bad as everyone makes it out to be?

do you roll bones like a white boi

The nigger and spics parts suck but it's pretty rednecky

Its fun to shoot your gun in your back yard because you can

The fox girl is so big boned she hurts my eyes everytime i see her!
I am stuck in Ft mcmyers, was going to moms place nprtrchey but they are leaving for vabch. Storage unit in naples has all my good clothes, 8+guitars(not telling) and equipment and all sorts of cool stuff. Please spare cubesmart!!!!!!!!

Lehigh fucking sucks


Parents are in alva but still kind of worried.

My friend is about 15 mins from the fort Myers beach and wants to ride it out. Complex is the newer ones but still risky if this bitch doesn't move or die down

Yeah im at UCF too
EE major/sophomore

Put a flashlight on your star wars tactical dildo as well user

The only thing to do is bowling and drugs.
True, true.

Will you be live streaming your death for the enjoyment of Sup Forums?

If so, link periscope account here,

>live on the Space Coast
>not going to get shit from Irma
>everyone is still freaking out and buying up everything they can from stores
>gas stations are out of gas and there's long lines everywhere
I'm so fucking embarrased right now. Most likely a bunch of fags who just moved here within the last 5 years who have been slowly shitting up the area or dumb suburban rednecks with their Salt Life decals and Guy Harvey t-shirts.

>130 mph
It's nothing

>people still live by the coast in fucking florida

i hope you all drown, twice

Brevard here... not leaving, No fucks given! I went 13 days after a storm once when i was a teen with no power since then I have always had shit tucked away just in case!
>PRO TIP Have a battery operated radio, shit gets boring as fuck when the lights go out & you don't wanna waste your phone battery!

Fuckin Amen!

Ayy UCF here too CpE. I got shit that needs to be done at home i can't focus on this shit with the storm coming.

I live on the barrier island in Brevard and there is definitely reason to be concerned. Better to be prepared in case shit goes FUBAR

quit being a pussy, your in the middle of the fucking state, you will be lucky to see 65 mph winds!

your turn bitch

im in fort myers too wish me luck anons

Im in SWFL too... I am staying as well.

IT wont be that bad I think, just have a pistol so you can hero if things get too bad.

Its pretty surreal being in town after the storm hits and there is wide spread destruction.

Back in 05 when that happened, you could go take photos of everything and have some cool unique stuff.

Now all these glory hunting fags will be out doing that.

My home is on the fucking coast. All the models have it going through my home town. That's not being a pussy, that's genuinely being fucking worried.

I mean it could somehow come straight north and just go up the east coast but so far everything looks like it's going to be the Keys that are going to get the worst of it and then who knows? Even if it comes right up the state immediately it doesn't seem like we're going to get the worst of it.

There's also a difference between being prepared and acting as if the apocalypse is here when this shit is almost a week out.

is it true a lot of the seawalls are falling in at cape coral?

I thought you were worried about Orlando! No need to panic till early Friday anyways, then we will know the actual path for FL!
I feel bad for the Keys, there gonna get the worst of it!

Isn't that where El Rushbo does his show?

As an honorary Floridian neighbor - I love you bubba

God is just setting the stage for the alligators to take over Florida

I live in Naples less than a mile from the beach. I am legit terrified this is not good for us. I have my kayak ready cause I'm sure my entire town will be flooded pretty bad. Any other Naples anons wanna meet up after??
Maybe help each other if we need it. I'm staying in my town. I've been in the same house my whole life and I'd be devastated if it washed away.

Help is on the way!

lived in FL my Whole life, If I was in Naples I would be leaving for this! Yall are gonna get jacked looks like!

>Just two weeks ago we had heavy rain and deep flooding leaving hundreds of cars underwater.. and that wasn't even a tropical depression.

The good news is, you don't have to worry about a drought, so you can wash your car and water the lawn.

im in in two counties north of you.

If it rides the west coast, there will be no power. Your phone will be dead and cell towers will be broken.

National Guard will come into town and block off both exits.

It wont be fun, no air conditioning for weeks, punk ass kids running around shutting off generators because its a prank bro.

Your neighbors left will band together.

Storm Surge typically happens with slow moving storms, Hurricane Charley that hit Punta Gorda was a fast storm and a direct hit so we did not get any storm surge.

If the eye hits like 40 miles north of you, the counties under it typically get storm surge.

Wet Wipes are a great investment...

We were using bottled water to take showers.

One thing that is nasty is if the pink house insulation gets on you, that fiberglass digs in and the only way to get it off is to shower... with water bottles.

Dominican Republic made though. so thats great.

I have a safe place in Naples and lucky for me it's right across the street. I need to be here. Plus my parents are here.
In my town a lot of people will have left and the few around are usually pretty smart. I am a cynic and anticipating total destruction.


>I have my kayak ready

wow you can wave at people as they drown around you

please use
as to not clutter up the catalogue and/or front page

man Charlie.. that shit leveled Arcadia!
My ex's mom lived in Punta when that came through, she only lost part of the back porch

Hahh not during the storm funny guy, for after the devastation. To get around and find new alligators to have sex with.

thats where i live.

Have fun with that!

you must get bored!

I'm hunkering down too my man, may we meet in valhalla

>what did he mean by this?

Here's hoping the winds degrade before they hit you. Got food and water for a couple weeks?

Bonus: Got a generator and enough fuel to keep the creature comforts running?

Double Bonus: Got enough /k/ to keep everything above if your area Katrinas itself?

i try not to hero every day.

I am broke and unhealthy and a complete loner, so i hope the storm takes me with it.

It'll probably end up being nothing

>get hit by hurricanes often
>lets just keep rebuilding
>oh lawd why you send this damned weather demon

The only thing separating me from the ocean rn is a condo complex famalam, pretty sure I'm gonna die


I live behind miromar mall
am i fucked?

nothing makes me more jealous than posts like this.

Orlando here.

Leaving state later this week. Be back when the storm passes to collect insurance money.

Good luck, faggots.

Broward here, wish you guys good luck.

Hopefully those other red states like texas can donate you money

>I'll be staying for the storm, ask me anything
Are you fucking retarded. You can crash at my place. 20+ hours north, but irrelevant.

stay safe user

Yum yum.

godspeed burgerbros
when hurricane season is over ill open a donation account for your relief
be safe and fuck up the looters the way only an american can


sup PG bro
pub will be open, that's all that matters

get to higher ground, stay alive user.

Go with God based floridian

>Capta: 36th Holy

UCF user here, they wont cancel, all they did was move up the football game. Fuck UCF

>I'm about to get rekt by Irma
>about to

That's interesting, tell me more.

the ray?


Let's get together user I have yaks and canoe I'm in the park


Buy a couple of those usb battery packs to keep your phone from dying too fast.