Are Inuits the master race?

What does Sup Forums think about the Inuit/first nations?


As an Alaskan we need to take their welfare. They were alright before we gave them money and now they're abbo tier

why did you give them welfare... did they really have no resources to sell you? Did they really have no economy to speak of, and y'all walked in and filled the place with fish and fur and gold?

oh, they had land. and you valued it at the cheapest any land in history has ever been valued

Meh, they're just chinks who like to walk really far. Zero fucks given.

Basically northern chug scum drunkard inbred cousin fuckers...

I mean they're pretty nice people but they need to get off of welfare

Because we felt bad for being so mean to muh indians (who, by the way, are now in a similar situation)

blubber-eating ice niggers that drown their grandparents

The Inuit are not called First Nations in Canada. They are distinct because they came much more recently than the red man and historically warred with them or some shit. FNMI is the collective term for first nations, metis, indigenous. Like LGBT. One umbrella but not the same thing.

Sure ok but they are the first people in Nunavut

Probably decent people but given their low population and distances between villages they are probably pretty inbred.

inuits used to get bullied by athabaskans thats why they never were able to settle south of the brooks range

>feel bad you aren't helping someone
>give them money

jesus christ with nothing to buy? oh wait, you gave them money and whiskey. or you think they will trade the money between themselves for goods and services? money is not a human, a face, a food, nothing to these people. Even a rich Inuit will have trouble accessing resources, and the merchant knows the price to charge him. Alcohol is a psychological escape for the cage you put them in.

We gave them basically reparations, and they went and spent it on booze. When the villages started banning booze they started breaking into each other's shacks to steal and drink floor cleaner (this was an actual incident showcased on the Alaska State Troopers TV show). There is literally nothing but alcohol to these people, the way there is literally nothing but gasoline to an abo.


I'm one of those and I can assure you I have been drunk for most of the days in this year. Yet another reminder that money is useless in the arctic and you should have been giving them postal services and drinking wells.

Source for the drowning their grandparents thing?

They're worthless parasites

blah, I don't really know their full history. but from what we've tried in aus, the only way to prevent them from being literal animals is to give them everything except money.

I wish I could afford to live in the north or there were jobs in my field there, cities like Yellowknife seem really comfy


as a canadian you should know they are scum

Yes we survived on VERY little resources. Even Jordan Paterson likes them

They are stinky bush/ice niggers what more can I say

I have over a hundred words for 'no'