Born in Honduras

>Born in Honduras
>Brought illegally to America when 6 years old by parents, wasn't exactly given a choice
>Have grown up in America, went to American schools, listened to American music, bought American goods, work a job in America and pay American taxes, every friend I have is American
>Adult now.
>Work a job as an EMT, saved people from Hurricane Harvey. Pay taxes.
>Can barely even remember Honduras
>Trump wants to send me "home".

Sup Forums is full of heartless bastards.

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Why haven't you applied for citizenship in all the years you've been here?


Actually I was referring to Jesus Contreras, a paramedic who's been working the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey non-stop and who Trump wants to kick out of the country for...helping to save American lives?

But anyway, who says he hasn't? America only grants green cards to about 1 million people per year, and citizenship to about 500,000.

So what are you saying to him, Sup Forums? "Thanks for helping people with that whole hurricane thing, now fuck off back to a place you don't even remember and isn't your home?"

>brought illegally to Amer

Stopped reading right there


I mean, you're Canadian, so that's okay, what happens in America isn't really your concern.


I'm saying you're not special because you came here illegally. You deserve to be treated equally to everyone else in the world.

go back you stupid spic

I'm from Honduras, and am an American citizen. I went to middle school in Honduras, my parents are Honduran. And I'm an American citizen. I have friends who came here illegally and eventually became citizens. Btw, if you enter Honduras illegally, even if you're five years old, you bet your ass you ain't staying there. Even Honduras in its shitty (but improving) condition ENFORCES THEIR BORDERS.

>Sup Forums is full of heartless bastards

No. I'm just a staunch, hardline isolationist. And I mean in the medieval Japanese style. I want no foreigners here, none. America is large and populated enough to manage on its own. Immigration in the current world is a drag on progress. As a wealthy nation, most everyone just wants to come here for gibs, with a handful of go-getters and entrepreneurial minded individuals, but as someone who sticks to his personal convictions, I do not deviate from them. If you were not born here, you do not belong here. If you are not at least a 5th generation American, you are not allowed to vote or hold office. I want nothing to do with outsiders or foreigners, I don't care what kind of weird food or jiving j-pop song they might bring in. America has no need of foreigners.

Ill be waiting with my machete to behead you!

You should blame your parents they made that decision for you, nobody in the USA told them to go there, they went on their own their choice had consequences you could have died on the journey or you could have been deported at any time before DACA and now those consequences are at the door. Hope you leart spanish.

buh bye

>just keep spending money on non-citizens who take this country for granted, are ready to flee back to another country if needed, and are happy to use our schools and hospitals that are already overbudened, and never fix this broken system, suckers!


Go to almost any other country and try to do the same thing and see what happens.

>Protip: You'll usually be banned from entering that country in the future, as well.

Are you willing to give back every dime of tax that Jesus Contreras ever spent in America?

>America is large and populated enough to manage on its own.

Autarky is literally impossible if you want the quality of life to remain as good as it is in America. If you're willing to regress America to around at most a 1700s level of technology, then you can get your Autarky on.

Otherwise, part of the price of being the world's number one economy is that we CAN'T be isolationist. Also, all that wealth we have is based on international trade.

The point is that these people aren't being given any choice at all.


My parents broke into your house while you weren't looking and I've grown up here. Even though I didn't buy this house I feel I have earned it by fixing the occasional leaking pipe.

That is what you just said, do you hear how dumb it sounds?

Citation nigger needed. 1700s? Whites always find a way

People now are in their 20's suffering from the removal of DACA. I understand you had no choice when your parents forced you here and made you illegal. But you and your parents should have always known that. Obama even said DACA wouldnt always be around when he leaves. If you for example got special treatment and were allowed to stay for being a "good boy" then everyone in and out of the country would try to take that as an advantage. The country is allowed to do this, any country is, they are allowed to have strict immigration laws or just no open borders at all. You will have to go back, they dont care if you came here young without a choice. It is what it is.

>aren't given any choice at all

All these years to apply for citizenship or obtain it in other ways. Yeah, no choice at all. Does the concept of "citizenship" mean nothing to you?

If mommy and daddy don't pay the light bill the kids sit in the dark

>Are you willing to give back every dime of tax that Jesus Contreras ever spent in America?
The spic benefited more from being here than the US did for hosting him illegally dummy.

Whelp...Ya gots nobody to blame but had ample time to register as a potential immigrant...your responsebility 110%...

>Rode an American bus back to Honduras

but people arent given choices in many cases and they have to suffer the consequenses of other people's choices by that reasoning you would not throw away tenants with kids that cannot pay their rent.

At the end non citizens dont have the same rights as citizens do in a country thats how it works here. They dont HAVE to let people stay they can CHOOSE to if they want but theres no requirement.

He's lucky that he got to use our education system for FREE and use our social services for FREE. In all honesty this child is lucky he wasn't tossed back into the ocean on arrival, getting to live here is a fucking privilege. He can take his education and be a doctor in Honduras or whatever. We don't need or want him.

You didn't realize you were here illegally the WHOLE TIME, are you an idiot? why are you upset? you should of tried to solidify your status through legal channels, your loss.

My parents robbed a bank and bought a house with some of the money. They also put aside some money for my college education with some of the proceeds of the robbery.

One day, they were caught and the government seized my childhood home and my college money, leaving me homeless and destitute as a teenager.

The government is heartless for not letting me keep these proceeds of the robbery, after all, I didn't rob the bank, my parents did. I had no say in the matter. I should have been able to stay in the house and keep my college money. It's not my fault that all of it was stolen.

Children of criminal parents should be able to keep a portion of what their parents stole!

>Are you willing to give back every dime of tax that Jesus Contreras ever spent in America
If you go to vacation or to work /w work permit to an another country you pay taxes to the country you are in for your purchases and the income you gain abroad. What makes him so special that he shouldn't have to pay taxes?

I hear how dumb you sound considering that you're equating "fleeing for your life" with "home invasion".

Maybe if your metaphor covered that the people only broke into the house to get away from a violent gang, that the "house" is actually a massive Versailles-sized estate and the place they came from was a tin-roofed shack; and that both the parents and the kid have spent the entire time working to keep Versailles running, making friends with the other people who lived in Versailles, who never seemed to have any real problem with them until just a few years ago.

Oh, and also and to abandon the metaphor we're talking about 800,000 people. In a country with 323.1 million. That's .2% of the population. It's insignificant.

He should suck each and every one of us off for the privilege of being allowed to breathe our air.

Before he's tossed onto the boat back home, I mean.

Hey, brown, half-breed midget. Why don't you ask your parents why they put you in this position? Why are you our burden?
Also, you're not a fucking child, why are you still an illegal alien?

EMT school takes 4 weeks on average; can be completed in a weekend in some states.

Paramedic school takes 1 year or 2 if it's a decent school. Neither are special, neither are hard.

>t. ff/paramedic 8 years lmao

>brought over illegally at a young age
>gets a handout in 2012 to stay
>thinks this means he is forgiven for his past
fuck off and blame the parents. i don't give a shit about some sob story.

You stay, your parents go back

Registering as an immigrant runs the rather significant risk of getting him kicked out of America, the only home he's ever known. It's completely reasonable that he'd rather keep his head down and hope for the best.

Like I pointed out, America only gives out about 1 million green cards per year, but has 5.5 million pending applications for one.

"Well, thanks for doing things above the board, but we've decided that this, the only home you've ever known, is full. Fuck off back to Honduras, a place you can barely remember, where you know no one and have a far lower quality of life waiting for you."

You don't want him to save people in his own country?

Hope you liked it while it lasted. There's the fucking door!

Thats why we dont let in illegals in the first place

OR.... apply for citizenship like every other person who came to America the legal way instead of waiting to be forgiven.

how many fucking illegal beaners are in america already jesus christ

Now you can be president of Honduras

These savages love Mexico so much, that they refuse to become US citizens. Then, flip out that they have to go back to Mexico. Why?

slide ... slide away

And when will it be enough? When will it stop? NEVER it will never stop because Honduras as most of latin america is filled with people that cant create decent countries it will remain miserable for a while and even if it improves it will never be comparable with the USA, there's always going to be people trying to go there what about their sad stories? Do they let the people with the saddest stories first or what? Shall we send the whole Honduras into the USA? And its not like the USA has been a shit country that never lets anybody in, there was an amnesty already and it did NOTHING.

your not being sent home
you are being used as political leverage to tighten up on immigration
we dont need MORE spics

I'm sure Honduras is in need of a trained EMT. Go make latin america less shit again, OP.

The DACA larpers keep claiming they pay taxes, like that's the sine qua non of being an American. Just shows how little they understand us, despite their claims to fit right in.

Legal beaners, bitch. Get it right.

>listened to American music
and you can listen to the exact same "American" (((music))) in Honduras because they play the same top-40 shit on the radio down there too.

>Can barely even remember Honduras
Don't worry, it's like riding bicycle.

He is saving people in his own country.

Threadly reminder that legal immigration is a psyop to make you agree that some immigration is good.
The fact is that ALL immigration is bad, be it European, Asian, African, South America, etc. immigration. This is proven by the fact that immigrants compete with resources that natives need. This includes food, water, housing, and jobs.

This will be you soon.

>I stole food to feed my family
The law cares not of your good intentions. The law is the law. Apply legally or gtfo.

Trump is irrelevant, the people who "wanted" you deported is your parents for putting you at such risk. Be mad at them. I would never put my children in that situation.

DACA is unconstitutional. Become a legal U.S citizen.

Assuming that we catch 1/3 of all attempts to cross the border illegally, then there's 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, or about 3% of the population.

T. Drumpf

There's probaly 50+ million "Americans" born to recently illegal parents

This is what you fucks get for breaking the rules and expecting citizens of another country pay your way and not have a say.

Kill yourself

Come home, brown man.

If you came in illegally you cannot just apply for citizenship. You have to go back to your country and begin the process again. There is no path to citizenship for illegals.


>no choice
Maybe when they are six, but when they hit 18 and they are aware they're illegal then they damn well have a choice.

>parents robbed a bank
>I should get to keep the money because they did it when I was 6 so I've been rich all my life and I don't want to be poor

He is not right. You cannot "apply for citizenship" as an illegal alien.

>On the one hand, my family could stay in Honduras and get killed by drug lords, disease, malnourishment, or any number of other horrible ways.
>On the other hand, I could illegally enter the US. The worst that could happen there is we're sent back to Honduras, leaving us no worse off than before
>Alternatively, we might not be caught in the US, leaving us in a substantially better position.

>Apply legally or gtfo.
How about stop trying to vie for our resources and stay where you live?

Clearly not, Honduras needs him. Make Honduras great again.

Sorry faggot democrats, your cultural marxist spic voters are going back :)

This. Trump has nothing to do with it. Your parents did this to you.

>be here your whole life and still didn't apply for citizenship
Who's really to blame Paco

Even better

>Your parents make shitty life decisions
>Better blame this on my host country that only just recently got tired of my status as an illegal while I didn't apply for citizenship status for at least 13 years

Get fucked desu

>Sup Forums is full of heartless bastards.
Sorry didn't realize domestic policy is supposed to be shaped and determined by emotions.

Sure its not your parents who are the heartless ones, putting you in this situation in the first place?

Enjoy your flight sudaca

>doing the correct thing runs the risk of consequences!
>therefore it's perfectly reasonable to keep doing the thing that will benefit me most.

It's perfectly reasonable to expect consequences when you're caught, then. You have to go back.

Illegal immigrants can't apply for citizenship or green cards. Rather, they can't, but they're rejected and instantly put on the "deport" list. For a choice they never made. Kicking them out of the only home they've ever known.

>Trump wants to kick out of the country for...helping to save American lives?
Don't be intellectually dishonest. That's not the reason at all and you know it.

>America only grants green cards to about 1 million people per year, and citizenship to about 500,000.
Only! Y'hear that guys? ONLY 1.5 million people a year! How selfish!

>"Thanks for helping people with that whole hurricane thing, now fuck off back to a place you don't even remember and isn't your home?"


Why does no one want to fight for their own country? Everyone wants to run away from the problems facing their country and get a better life. I get it. It's hard to fight for what is right in opposition. But everyone has a sob story, and everyone wants the easiest path. The USA can't take everyone with a sob story.


Can you really not understand that someone who's been living in America since they were 6 considers America their home country?

this. i've known kids in this situation. The smart ones apply for citizenship bout when they hit highschool.

Used to fuck with a friends green card ...@ 19 he got his shit. (was even african ...south african)

You could be Jesus incarnated and you would still have to go back


I also know an individual personally that came from Ukraine a few years back illegally who applied and worked his ass off to become a citizen.

This is why you have to have a firm stance on immigration and not give in to emotional sob stories. If you start letting people in on the basis that life in their countries is worse than in America, say hello to the entire 3rd world population trying to invade your country.

this. most of them fuckers have had almost a quarter century to get their shit done.

Come mierda cachucerdo pendejo, Honduras se esta yendo a la mierda cada dia mas. Somos el pais mas pobre de america latina, somos el mas violento, una dictadura se esta preparando para isntalarse. Pijudo llenarse la boca de mierda siendo un culerito acomodado.

Your parents robbed a bank (American taxpayers). They then handed you the cash (benefits and associated cost of subsidizing your illegal family). Now both they and you are crying about how you should get to keep the money because you had no choice.

It doesn't work that way. You do not get to benefit from their ill gotten gains. You have to go back, your country of origin needs you more than we do.

Go fix the problems your parents ran away from while robbing honest Americans.

By god you're not honduran - And be glad.
It's not too bad for people like me, I'm fairly wealthy, white and all those memes.

Aside from my astronomically higher chance of skin cancer and being the number one target for any robbery.
Most of the capital is akin to some shit tier Detroit ghetto, even the historically important parts. The worthwhile stuff is in the wealthy foreign areas, euros love this shitfest.

To be quite frank, I want out

my friends dad was a diamond broker from south africa. That fucker got one without ANY problem.

Blame the parents, not Americans.

Don't care. Leave.

Press 1 for English, BYE.

Life is not fair for anyone, user. That's what makes it fair.

i see shitloads of eastern european electricians that do this where i work. They get a card to do electrical work, then end up stayn. Mexicans that do the exact same job seem to always be gett'n deported.

Honestly, I feel bad for little Paco having to go back, but don't be mad at me. I am just doing what you are doing.

You, Paco, and your mom and dad, decided survival was in their best interest and a good life, so they moved to the US. I as a white man acknowledge our survival and our good life can only be maintained if you leave. If we let 800,000 of you young fertile bean rollers in, its game over for us. So yes, I can sympathize with you and see the misfortune of the situation, but eventually the chickens come home to roost amigo.

Maybe if this was 1975 and we had a good white majority, you could stay with no welfare, taxed remittances, and no chain migration... but that isn't really the case anymore. I am just doing whats best for my people, as you are doing whats best for yours.

You will lose this war, and you will have to go back.