Don Lemon just called Trump a fatass.
Don Lemon just called Trump a fatass
We can't let Trump have access to the nuclear codes
>says the nigger with at least 30 less IQ points
HOW many scoops did he have??!??!?
Don's last name means "junk" AND he's a nigger, also gay.
Two scoops fatty Blumpf Blimp BTFO
That's fat shaming!
And I thought fat shaming was a bad thing, please make up your mind leftist.
At least he isnt a gayass
t. fatass
>he knows more about lemon party than i do
>can't form an argument
kek every god damn time
>inb4 a leaf goes but "muh Sup Forums says mean names"
>trump making out with pence.gif
At least he isnt orange
Well, Don Lemon is a homo. So that's that.
This is the ideal Presidential body. You may not like it but this is what peak governance looks like.
It's okay, he's allowed to. He's on the right side of history. And he's a gaynigger from planet earth.
This never gets old
Yoppest keke my friend
That's a man who sings bills.
and signs them after.
70 year old gets called out for being out of shape by people in their 20's, 30s and 40s who are not in their peak shape.
this world is truly nuts.
My president is thiccc
So are you
>trump is skinnier than the average american
Says the fag flag
Heyoooo hypocritical fuckstick
Archive or screenshot please
don loves him the ass
>obama has average male body
>trump has 70 year old grandpa body
>lmao drumpf
I honestly just don't see what this is supposed to make anyone think in terms of anything meaningful
medniggers on suicide watch
We cant let codes get the nuclear trump
I guess it's another case of "it's ok when we do it".
only if you think a lardass in tight tennis wear from the 80's is peaky fucktard.
Sauce or didn't happen
No more fat shaming please
We are body shaming the elderly president now? What you doing over there CNN
Holy shit don lemons gay? I have the worst gaydar. I had no idea he was a homo. i also had no idea that cooper was either until he came out. WTF
This user gets it. They go on about his intelligence. He's one of the most intelligent Presidents in U.S. history. They go on about his business and negotiation skills. He parlayed a $1 million loan into billions. They laugh at him when he says he will run for POTUS. He wins. So they make jokes about his ass. Seriously. They can fuck off.
>Mocks other's intelligence.
>Uses non-partitive adjective to describe a partitive quantity.
Says the loose ass. Trumps rectum is semen free.
Call the hurt feelings police!
He can't keep getting away with this!
What if the left does actually abandon identity politics? Will the right become the new "I'm offended" crowd again?
I like when they call him stupid, even though he beat them. It was a big thing for a while, they have done it lately. guess they gave up on that one.
And no one gave a shit.
So if everybody's a fag and i have a fag flag then what kinda face am I supposed to make for you?
You missed the point, non. No one's feelings are hurt. What you have here is a failing fake news celebrity on TV making a derogatory and sophomoric insult towards the president. It gains Don Lemon nothing except more disrespect. Trump doesn't feel hurt about this. Just amused. Lemon took the bait and now there's nothing left of him but a pathetic shell desperately trying to plot some kind of future for himself. Lemon and CNN are both toast. It's only a matter of time.
open those lips faggot
and he shills for BLM while married to a white man. if an all out race war broke out the whites would rope him first and his hubby first, then the niggers would rope their dead bodies just for good measure
This, no one is being paid to shill for hillary, it's a Republican-funded lie and pathetic smear attempt against her campaign.
He's a nigger, and a TV monkey. Explain to me why I should care about his worthless opinion?
>Believes that "Mocks other's intelligence" is proper.
>Uses unnecessary linguistic terminology to feel intelligent.
You jewed?
I feel skitty
and it's beautiful
wtf, don lemon is 51 years old.... he looks mid 20's.
hate the guy but he looks really good for 51
"Mocks other's intelligence" is consistent within greentext grammar.
That was simply a succinct way of phrasing it. Otherwise It would have been a paragraph.
If I were going out of my way to sound intelligent, I wouldn't comment on something as trivial as the difference between less and fewer.
no fucking way 51??
Well. I wasnt talking to you. Maybe ill blow you and maintain some kinda shifty dog eyes for other user over yonder
you will service me whore
>no one is being paid to shill for hillary,
Yeah but nobody touches my head when im doing said duty so i can look around at places. No i wont look at you when you want and no you cant spit on me. Take it or leave it
literally who?