ITT We Post Images Too Spicy For UK


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Not so fast honey



not even the UK and badly photoshopped



freeze peach?


freeze peaches!

Who is this semen demon?

I hate UK with all of my heart. You miserable cucks.
Unless your'e red pilled to the Jews and trying to secure your British heritage, then cool, keep u[p the good fight~ (0^0)7


Fuck your shitskin, sandnigger rapefugees.

Since UK is surely turning Muslim and thus third world, you could very well post anti_Muslim pics and be relevant to OP's interests.

>British heritage

Come on Brit user! Fight back! Keep the barbarians out! y-you can do it.... maybe....(;_;)

>Keep the barbarians out
You fool. We ARE the Barbarians. We were never meant to live in so called "civilized" degenerate, domesticated conditions. I'm not British either, I'm English. Only immigrants class themselves as "British".

Paki detected.

British posters always say that. They never refute what you say or give a decent, well thought out response. Fucking cancer of this planet, this country is. Along with the folk who dwell within it. Shit people to a man. Nasty, despicable creatures.

Why do you think I posted a sweet goat ass. Maybe the goat was too old for Mohammad?

The difference is, if the Brits are "barbarians" from their past conquests, then they have sat least attempted to bring civilization to the world at large.

But now, your leaders (and apparently, Her own people too... looking at you) are selling out your rights and culture to African and Mid-Eastern Muslim invaders who get more rights and support than any native-born. You should be pissed that you have big-brother cameras around so many White neighborhoods, but none around Sharia-controlled neighborhoods. When kitchen knives and wooden sticks are confiscated, yet the Muslom, terrorists can practice using live ammunition at their Mosques with black-marketed guns. Come on dude.

That's better :3
Those kids would make perfect sex slaves. and human kids that age would make excellent wives. :>9

I'm English too. What prize do I get, faggot?
Captcha: free

Britain has always been a Jewish nation. It was created to spread Jewish influence globally under (((the British Empire))) .Do you think I care what becomes of it? Let it rot in the ground, I despise this country and I despise the people within it. Most of them at least. Modern Britain's condition is final payment for berating Adolf Hitler after he offered his hand in friendship.

No you aren't, you are an American.

I understand and agree to your points. That is the reality of the situation, but I see you're taking a pessimistic (realistic) approach to it. You're not even wrong, and I wish Churchill wasn't such a uncircumcised cock gobbler.

The country may have been tainted from the start, but that doesn't mean the "cattle" can't jump the fence and bash the "farmer's" door down... if my crap metaphor is understandable. I wish there was a better way we all could actually help in throwing the (((shackles))) off our nations and choose what WE can do.


Look at your ID....
(J+w7ebws)..... almost like....

Genetically I'm English. By brith I'm American, and proud to be one.

I don't think you understand the mindset over here. Consider; 300 years of propaganda infecting the minds of the slave class (working class). Told what to think, what to do, what to believe, what is right, what is wrong, what is left, what is right etc, all orchestrated and controlled by the Jude and their puppets. That's the "British" people. Slaves to the (((state))). They will NEVER "jump the fence" as you put it. It will never happen. Only the few who are intelligent to see through the garbage will free their mind and realize what a mistake it was siding against Adolf, what a mistake it was believing Jewish lies since Cromwell let them back in, what a mistake our entire Empire was for fighting for Jewish interests. Britain itself was an unnatural creation. The Union, it was never meant to happen. The Union serves Jewish interests, not the interests of the people. But hey, as long as Love Island is on the TV, the fridge is stocked, the banter keeps coming and the pub is open, it's all okay, right?

Arguably, Adolf's biggest mistake was not returning the favour to the (((British))). He should have firebombed each and every city just as the (((British))) did to the Germans. They had zero intention of aligning with their Germanic kin. Mosley was the last chance and he ended up in prison, for becoming too powerful and a threat to the head of the Jewish snake, which is based in London. If he had gained power, the world map for the future would have been set before us. Permanent peace, permanent paradise.

Face it, the British won't do anything. Look at them today. "Two World Wars, one World Cup". They think it's funny, they actually think they won! Children raped on our streets, grooming gangs, immigrants taking over, societal decay, poverty etc. Britain is going through the final stages that had befallen Rome. And it's all got that same Jewish hand all, just like it did hundreds of years ago. The hand is still there, playing the puppeteer.

Good for you, stay out if you know what's good for ye. This place is dead.


We fought the wrong enemy

>digits end in 33, age of Christ at the cross
>JewHebrews ID
>Romans honorably sacking jews
Kek must be referring to the destruction of the temple. UK is literally the jewish headquarters in the world. Something is up.

Good post

Mate it's a photo of Australia, the Pole is pointing out that Aussies can't buy knives without ID either

I'm sorry to hear that dude... (and I know at least peripherally the mindset issues). That's what is most infuriating to me... and I hate to see it happen anywhere. It's why I said I hate Brits in one of my earlier, hasty comments: a lot of them are the reason why they are in the is predicament, but I try to be optimistic. You are yourself, before you are any nation's puppet, and even if you can't get rid of those attached strings, you can still be happy and live a successful life, especially since you're aware of the bullshit.

At any rate, keep yourself, your family, and friends safe. Take care Britanon! (;^ ;)7

Of course we did. We all know that now. My great-grandfather knew that, I'd wager. A pity most Englishmen/British folk will not see this pic.

Whatever, faggot. Blow it out your ass.

I can't live a happy and successful life in a Jew ran country. I can't do it. I'm not doing it now even. I'm miserable, sad, lonely, depressed, suicidal at times and I haven't even hit my twenties yet. I will never give up, mind, but I can't be happy like this. I am nothing without my kin, my community, my nation, my ancestors etc. My people are my extended family, and they are all brainwashed to death and full of spite for me and their fellow man. The very things I want are the very things this country I dwell in fights against now, back then and will fight against in the future I'd wager.

This is why we need to cut ties with your island. Your rot spreads to us via our politicians like Tony Abbott, it's literally the only thing we still have in common.

That and Indians.

>Genetically, I'm English
