>tfw mexican
>tfw not white
>tfw the future of my race doesn't depend on me so I can fall for the race mixing meme and get an asian for my dick
Not that any asians wanted to fuck mexicans but if they wanted I would be so in
Tfw mexican
Must be nice living such an easy, careful QT filled life. Being white is true suffering.
>implying nazi larpers is stopping anyone from embracing yellow fever
>can go for latin american women without it being racemixing
>goes after fucking chinks instead
>being brown
Just kill yourself, most asians are low quality chinks just like you, that what we need more low quality peeps.
"racemixing" is still wrong no matter what race you are, faggot. Don't ruin your family's genes by mating with some slant eyed gook.
Oh nevermind. Nothing you do could fuck up your mongrelized genes any further than they already are.
>latin american women
They are literally the second worst kind of women just barely ahead of niggerwomen and thats only because they are slightly less dark.
indio you are not white either you utter cunt.
desu fancy asians will only go after people with skin lighterand pinker than theirs
>implying I am indio
>implying I am brown shit
Unlike you I can blend as a jew, so when you get fucked by the jew I will be shaking his hands to survive.
the only race he'd be ruining is the asian one he decides to breed withi feel bad for the asian parents
Asian-Americans are the biggest racemixers in the country. They even fuck niggers at a far higher rate than white women.
>spic growing up in Canada
>Asians everywhere
> play that latin lover bullshit on them
>works everytime
those are the jungle asians and very few fancy asians go for anything primal
They still wouldn't fuck you either jose.
It's always fun watching Mexicans on Sup Forums go at it. Almost as good as Jap vs South Korean posters.
Dammit, now I wanna be a spic so I don't have to care about my race's purity. Why in god's name did I have to be born white right as white people are being exterminated?
haha silly spic. asian pussy is made for white cock only
Fuck off dumb chink. Asians are just as "primal" as any other nonwhites.
this. just transferred uni and alll those chubby faced gooks keep giggling at my lame jokes
This, based Thailand. Your women are decent too.
thats the problem here.
westernized asians are the worst.
calm down you edgy faggot. mexico is brotier. you however are just a kike larping as white
epic thread simply epic
>Not that any asians wanted to fuck mexicans but if they wanted I would be so in
Come on, I said that myself.
>Unlike you I can blend as a jew, so when you get fucked by the jew I will be shaking his hands to survive.
weak, I hope you don't consider yourself a man, you're an embarrassment to your race and to males in general
Very rare for any to look like that. They mostly look like pan-faced Eskimos. If all you saw was their pictures from Sup Forums, you'd be a victim of cherry-picking. Understandable. What really needs to happen is for the Japanese men to tell the Yellow-fevered honkies to get their hands off their women on the streets. Asian women for Asian men, White women for White men, and we won't have a mongrelization society of identity-less hapa lost-souls pissed off for their entire lives that they got cheated out of any racial foundation.
Yet westernized white women are clearly superior. What does that say of Asians?
Racemixing is never okay.
>being against white-asian racemixing makes me a Jew
Okay, Levi.
aslong as they dont check my dick I can infiltrate the circle.
the only thing i really dislike is their obnoxiously flat faces. its so fucking annoying and cringy especially when they smirk. your pic pretty much sums it up
I was stationed in Korea, they sure do love us Mexicans, but then again you have to a certain look. I guess the exotic Latino look, not the filipino looking indio from Oaxaca look
Leaf is completely right. One year in Korea and one year in Germany, showed me nothing can compare to Latinas
Actually, they desperately want white men
I know, i've been to Japan a few times, not everyone is a model of course but damn when the yellow fever hits even the most chink chonk buttfuck average chink looks like a good fuck.
im not saying people should race mix. all im saying is that fancy asians are at least miles ahead of niggers and spics in terms of aesthetics.
this is true and a byproduct of multiculturalism. if asians were never introduced to whites this would never have happened
scurry away coward
rare as in the sense that they make up less than 1% of the population, as any hot girl of any race often does. not rare in the sense that traveling anywhere in asia you will see girls like in OP every day. except the philipines
in your dreams
asians wont even shake a nigger's hand let alone a short greasy spic. (spics are actually shorter than asians kinda hard to believe)
You obviously never been to Cali, Spics and chinks are always fucking here. And in Korea where they never seen a Latin American, you become exotic as fuck, again as long as you dont look like jungle savage. Like MexiLeaf said they always fall for the Latin Lover shit. Add an army uniform to that and they start ovulating
>implying I haven't already mastered Japanese and getting ready to move over so I can make cute ハーフ babies
Mexibro here, contrary to popular belief, most chinks are fugly and I mean maybe 95% are worthless the rest are quite desperate for white dick and quite few dumb enough to fall for them. Obviously white chicks are cutest but the most difficult to obtain, the easy ones have too much baggage to even try to deal with
and you just posted a gif of a race mixer.
her mom is jungle asian.
Not really
Being white means you can get way better Asian girls (and even Latin girls) than him
The only difference is you shouldn't, while it doesn't matter to him.
cali has chinese, dude. those are insect people
doubt it.
fuck you paco, i want an Asian waifu but will be forced to marry a white woman because blood and soil.
Lol you’re fucked bro. I was at camp Casey for two years. Korean chicks love us Hispanic guys. Granted you have to dress with style and have good facial features. I had a blast in Korea non the less. 10/10 would go back.
I don't what I just watched but great.
>implying your lard assed, mustachioed putas are much better.
Fuck off Paco.
english better pedro
Sorry, after watching that my brain decided to shutdown for a few seconds.
Better that your gross chinky underdeveloped facial features Wong
her mom is Burmese
>exotic Latino look
that's some fancy words for a grease beaner
things I see in mexicans
>ears always much lower than eye level
>massive jowels
>eyes constantly look dark and infected
>squashed nose, nostrils usually flared
>nigger lips
>bell shaped head
>body shaped like a bell
>hrt tits
>big feet, small hands
>constantly sweating
>soul patch mandatory
>dirty sideburns
>black string like haired moustaches with massive open pores
ugly as fuck tbqh
Shes CUTE!
You obviously never partied in K twon in LA :-)
Yeah my family is from Northern Mexico where the indians look more like the Navajo and Apaches than the mesoamerican filipinos and their is also higher percentage of Spanish blood so I good facial features. And yes sir, nothing but Michael Kors and Calvin Klein here my dude
>>massive jowels
my sides. (its funny cuz its true)
Ok. White boy.
True to all
Even then, Hispania looks are quite superior to all chinks, who the fuck likes straight black hair, round faces and mongoloid eyes???
Drink bleach bieatch
Come on, thats the lowest of the lowest.
Only true fucking indios look like that.
>Not that any asians wanted to fuck mexicans
tell me about it brother. I myself have to settle for south east asians, I'd kind of rather have nothing desu
In some parts of the US that is all you see, indios from Oaxaca and Guerrero immigrate to the northern states while the mestizos usually stay in the southwest states. I am assuiming he a yankee cuck living somewhere in cucked new england kek
Hahaha the mongrel thinks it can insult anything.
>your country is run by cartels
>you can't drink the water
>the only culture your country has to offer died a thousand years ago
>you have a resource rich country but are too stupid to do anything with it
>you have contributed absolutely nothing to the world
Latin Americans and Asians mix just fine. They are really not that much different unless the Latin American has negro blood mixed, but they usually look similar.
gooks are expressionless and aesthetically their faces are more symmetrical
mexicans are sly looking cunts and aesthetically their faces aren't symmetrical and the shape of their heads look like they were dropped from a prolapsed rectum
I'd say mexicans are tied for last with african plate in my mouth niggers, sri lankans and indians
gooks are much better looking and identifiable, mexicans range in looks from ugly middle eastern to indian
White Christian Americans created the greatest country and culture ever to walk the earth.
>>you have contributed absolutely nothing to the world
you're both ugly as shit, just accept it
Nigga asian woman go for anyone non-asian, even Mexicans.
mfw 5 11.5 but fat
I'm sure it's my personality that turns them off
Looks like a Mongolian bastard so he probably would fit in fine.
Asians are just as a degenerate as Europeans minus the fact they're ethno-nationalist
Name a country more hedonsitic then Japan and (((Korea)))
Congrats, a dish created by a civilization that died off a thousand years ago. Your shit country managed to preserve one thing. Kudos.
If you look like one of those mexicans that are short, chubby, brown and has a huge head, you won't be able to have a kawaii jap.
But this country is full of disgusting looking females who can't find anybody to get married and are completely desperate. Many of those females go to latin bars, so it wouldn't be that hard.
In any case, you should stay in mexico. For the greater good of the world. You're all rapists.
Gówno uderzy
were you looking at my picture when you wrote this?
At least is not sopa de macao.
It's the truth english teacher
I've went there and didn't rape anyone, come on dog.
But your women love to be raped anyways, they get all groped in the trains and stuff.
Actually East Asian girls generally like "hispanics" (white with some spice basically) because they look just a bit more Asian, so if you're actually hot you can defo slay in Asia.
Stfu leaf this is fucking wrong. No race should ever mix.
East Asians are extremely degenerate, pretty much glorified roasties.
Divorce culture doesn't exist in Asia meaning they can fuck as many men they would like but can't leave their husbands as it's against their tradition.
Never marry/breed with an east asian. You can fuck them, but nothing past that.
I've met many halfus, and their parents were divorced in most cases.
Yo come here, they let you fuck them, they're cute and they cook for you, you think you love her, you marry her and you have a child. But years go by, you have to stand a childish cunt, her stupid mom and her dad who hates you as fuck, things get sour and you end up divorced. That's the story of the parents of most halfu kids.
It's pure evil. You can fuck them, but don't make kids.
>your country is run by cartels
yours is run by a jew puppet with little hands and trangender wife
>you can't drink the water
your race is diying and its called natural selection
>the only culture your country has to offer died a thousand years ago
at leat we had a culture, murica never had one
>you have a resource rich country but are too stupid to do anything with it
:^) at least we dont have faggots and niggers like you
>you have contributed absolutely nothing to the world
TV color, Birth control pill, Anti-graffiti paint, Indelible ink, Catalytic nanomedicine, Breakwater, etc and TACOS
>trangender wife
But Michelle is no longer first lady.
Thats fine, just find the orphan.
da fuck is a halfu?
"Melania" is a man, Trump is a faggot who love trannys just like his supporters
80-90% of 国際結婚 (marriage of japanese natives to foreigners) ends in failure
simple search in japanese will bring up tons of surveys stating this
You must be talking about the (((promised land)))
I haven't read any survey but I believe. In all the years that I've been here I must have met more than 30 and the 100% of them, their parents were divorced.
Having kids like that is pure evil.
If i find a hot half white half asian girl im going to fuck her. Fuck that race mixing myth bullshit. Theyre just trying to keep the competitian down. Hahaha! Im white.
>Brags about race mixing with asian
>Isn't race mixing with asian
Enjoy your mongrel child
the real redpill is fucking whoever I want regardless of race mixing politics because i'm
not retarded enough to get someone who isn't white pregnant
I'm mexican and i got a asian gf. I cant stand beaner girls.
>but when years go by, you have to stand a childsh cunt, her stupid mom and her dad who hates you as fuck
nothing unusual here, it happens at some point when you're married, but i presume it must be way shittier when it's japs as they treat foreigners as this dude that will alwys fuck it up no matter what because: well duh, it's a gaijin!
>don't they treat niggers and other dark-skinned people really badly?
yes they do, but it's always the same: as gaijin you weird n sheeeeit and will fuck it up.
>it's pure evil
i don't think so lad, it's either stupidy/innocence (ayy kek) or the gaijin being a fucking weeabo idiot. If one think the cultural gap will always make things difficult.
>the hafus
are there many of them?