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Fuck off Milo, stop posting yourself on Sup Forums you gay jew fuck boy.
and worst of all, a jew
Hes exposing the conditioning! you see which liberals are brainwashed when they can't compute his existence, or a black conservative
That dude had his moment of fame and fucked off into nothingness.
special shout out to whatever PR company was hired to do that character assassination, they really destroyed his career with the pedo quote mining
The only thing being blown around Milo is nigger cock.
Fucking based! He's homosexual but also a conservative so I can totally relate to him! MAGA y'all!
He's neither, just a khazar con-man taking the pepe-virgins for a ride and good ol' chunk of fresh dollar bills.
>mind blow
I like Milo. His faggy comedy help ease the red pills he's splooging out by the dick load.
Hope he is able to get his tour going. I would love to see him come to UCLA like he was supposed to last year.
did you just figure this one out?
what's bring slid?
What a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag!
fiscally conservative and socially liberal
Milo is a messenger of Kek.
I need to work on my Milo memes to help grow his digi-force magic to over 9000
what red pills did he splooge out? racism is bad but democrats are the real racists?
He's anti-feminism.
Feminism is cancer.
I think I new that, but was blue pilled after a decade at UCLA.
Until I heard that crazy faggot say it so eloquently, I was still calling myself a feminist.
Take your Kek elsewhere.
no he's not
He'll get the oven....just like you...and me.
Hi Milo, trying to stay relevant?
fuck off
No, he isn't. Never once did he say he was attracted to kids. In fact, his predilection was for older men, like the Catholic priest who molested him when he was a child.
Either offer proof of him being a pedo of fuck off, white knight feminist shill.
Friendly reminder Milo is:
-A Faggot
-A Jew
-A Pedo
Daily reminder that he isn't at all and it's character assassination taken out of context
i don't understand why people post these threads. they are not good threads
Only when it's convenient. ...all other times he's a full on Catholic ...even molested by a priest.
Doesn't get any more devout than that.
Jesus would approve.
>...and how.
Meaning: The digits are rising
He's half Greek tho - not just Jew
Where is the proof Milo is gay? I need photo and video proof.
He's just larping as a faggot desu senpai
You have to go back.
he is the dude that redpilled. really redpilled me. years back. before him i had really written conservatism and right-wing politics off. all i knew was i hated the government and something wasn't right. i still believed in "feminism" and "democrats" and blah blah. i first saw him back in 2013, before he was famous, and he had an immediate impact on me. through 2014, the whole gamergate thing, and then trump thing in 2015, and his campus speaking tours, which were awesome, he really enlightened me to a lot of things OP. i don't give a shit what anyone says about him. he is a hero in my eyes and i will always look up to him. and i am a proud white nationalist, not some civic nationalist cuck or neocon cuck.
Being conservative and a faggot is an oxymoron. Accepting faggotry is "progressive," conservatives fight for traditional, non-degenerate values. You can't be conservative and a fag, end this fucking meme.
red-pilled = brainwashed to be far right
epic1 have le upboat dear sir1
you wish. did CNN tell you that or something??
so really you are just a cuck who cant think for himself
i presume you're talking to me, even though you didn't specify a comment.
no, i'm not a cuck who can't think for myself, but watching him made me realize that there are some conservatives out there who "get it", whereas before him i had never given them the time of day because i basically thought they were old men who shilled for George Bush and the Iraq War.
boo hoo, excuse me for having been profoundly effected by someone, and actually having changed my mind on the ideals and principles i was raised to believe.
fucking retard.
>i basically thought they were old men who shilled for George Bush and the Iraq War
They are... you basically fell for Milos right wing SJW crap, the right is the same as its always been. Only now they have some hip young blood as their frontment.
Milo's great and persuades a lot of people away from the left. Only fags that don't actually want to beat globalism dislike him.
awwwwww hahahahaha look at the angry lefty, threatened by a dude with a marketable personality who can sell right-wing politics to the masses.
go cry in a fucking sewer, assbag. nobody gives a fuck about your game.
I got to you.
Grow up
i have definitely realized that "the right" was always "right".
i was raised in a fucking left-wing, feminist household and it was fucking hell. it was disgusting. everything was wrong. it was all crap. watching milo destroy the myth of the wage gap, which i had sort of taken for granted because i had been told it was real from a very young age, was liberating to me in a way you can't even fucking imagine.
left-wing politics are almost tantamount to fucking child abuse. that's the fucking reality.
go fuck yourself, you pathetic cuck. i hope the right-wing wins and just like fucking destroys retards like you. roots them out of our society completely. you need to be eliminated somehow.
i would honestly like to see you grow up in the sort of household you're shilling for. see firsthand what hte consequences of your political ideology are. they're fucking gross and awful.
call me "brainless" or "brainwashed" all you want, yes, i was heavily indoctrinated as a youth into left-wing politics and feminism. taught that anyone on the right was awful and evil. yes, i took those ideas for granted, largely because i faced consequences for NOT taking them for granted in my house. yes it took Milo Yiannopoulos to make me say "wait a minute, this is different from what i learned" and to get me on a path to looking at other sides of the political spectrum. and when i did that i learned that all of the shit i grew up being militantly forced to believe WAS FUCKING UNTRUE. so say whatever you want faggot, say i'm brainwashed or i can't think for myself. i would like to see you live the sort of life i had to live growing up. you SHOULD be forced to do so because you're the sort of person who is creating that situation for youths in the world today by shilling this broken ideology out over the net. fuck off, nigger.
feminism is the lowest of the low hanging fruits.
I get it, I have lived also. You went from left to right, now go one step further. Thats where the truth is.
you know it's so easy to say this now, but our culture was different just a few short years ago. guys like Milo and Donald Trump pushed the overton window so much farther to the right in our country. under obama it was fucking heresy to speak out against feminism or any sort of left-wing principle. so it doesn't sound "edgy or cool" to speak out against feminism now, but back then when he was doing it, i think it definitely was, as is evidenced by all of the uproar and terror he caused the american left, because he was able to get to people like me who had been raised as hardcore leftists in this world and make us say "wait a minute, maybe this is all bullshit and we should look at the other side of things". and i will always be grateful to him for doing that to me. like on a personal level, you have no idea. i will always be grateful for what he has done.
When is he giving that speech on Pizzagate?
>dat thicc edge in dat homo user
dude shut the fuck up, choke on the big fucking dick you stick up your ass every night, loser. may you die and come back in a household like the one i had to grow up in, with militant feminists shaming you for your gender and telling you that anyone who isn't a communist or socialist is an evil monster who needs to be culled from the earth. you fucking deserve to live that life, because that's what you're contributing to here with your bullshit.
>a jew homo making money with the alt-right
What's so difficult to understand about that?
Sounds like you had a really bad leftist upbringing.... I guess the truth must be right wing ideology... I mean what else could the truth be???!!
do you have any kind of like valid or cogent point? or are you just going to continue saying nonsense and pretending to talk in riddles like a fucking fedora wearing neckbeard who watched too many martial arts movies growing up and then decided that he is yoda or some shit??
Fuck off op
milo is a jew fag who loves nigger cock and happens to be a pedo.
he also shills for israel way too hard.
he is 100% def not a pedo
I really want to fuck this guy's ass
i dunno why milo is cool, but all other fags and even-half-jews that aren't him need to be gassed.
My point is you went from being indoctrinated one way and then got indoctrinated the opposite way. Stop it. Think for yourself.
>What's so difficult to understand about that?
The fact that your great grandmother sucked russian cock in ww2 and still survived the rapings.
except you offer no evidence or no real cogent points to suggest why i am "indoctrinated", nor do you really know anything about me other than what i've told you. hmmmmm, very interesting.
are you just saying that anyone who is a conservative and believes in american values is "indoctrinated"??? hmmmmm, very interesting.
it's just funny that you would say such absurd things, particularly to me, whom you know is probably in a position more than anyone to have seen "the other side" of the political equation in our nation. it's just insanity. people like you will fucking believe anything and you will say anything. i hope you truly do get to oneday live a life in the world you have built for others.
you mean
We need more Milos. Shit on him all you want, he's attracted a LOT of young people to our side.
>bubba dodged the question
Tell us the story about how you got your three-eyed sister preggus, Bubba!
wait wait, let me guess though. you're gonna say "its not about left or right" or some shit, and then say you're a fucking communist, or a rabid libertarian, or a fucking satanist, or whatever hte fucking thing is, right? nobody fucking cares. guess what faggot? not everyone who disagrees with you is "brainwashed", you're just a retard. you sound like a fucking autist. you are acting like a fucking autist. i am almost 100% certain that you literally wear a fucking fedora
milo is an admitted pedo and has lost the respect of Sup Forums for all eternity, becuase he is a FUCKING PEDO. please close this thread.
I can't hear you over the sound of your great grandmother slurping some russo cock.
A little louder please?
my low
He admitted to being molested as a teen by a pedo. Why do you distort facts ?
At least he wears his degeneracy on his sleeve unlike other Alt-right heroes.
"you are wearing a hijab in the US? What the hell is wrong with you?"
This has been the moment i started rooting for Milo.
All he read was a headline on r/politics
Milo new news site is pretty cool,
Milo has done a lot of work on it-
I go to it Daily!
For the lul's,
He wrote a book too!
Pisses off a bunch of Liberal Snowflakes, daily!
There is no stopping Milo!
Best of luck dude!
milo is a god. why can't Sup Forums accept it. i literally dislike fags too, but i can still accept milo's supremacy and dominance of the american left.
He's a good entry level redpill for women and feminism. That's as far as his usefullness goes.