Brought here as baby

>brought here as baby
>grow up and get educated, work hard, contribute to society, don't ever commit a crime, net positive effect on US,
>comply with laws to get citizenship
>watch fat betas on NEETbux (welfare) sperg out

Other urls found in this thread:

>in all fields

>>brought here as baby
Watch pol not give a fuck about this fact while simultaneously pretend to be staunchly against cp and ht. This place is double standards from end to end.

The same NEETbux recipients I am referring to are more often than not defenders of cp and ht.

SO if you never do anything illegally, how do you get caught and deported? Really activates the almonds. Sage for dishonest propaganda threads goes in all fields

How do you form the requisite intent to commit a crime as an infant? You can't.

Also, now that you've made a good faith effort to apply for citizenship and submitted to background checks, now the government can come to your residence and arrest you.

Make sense now?

Makes sense that you're lying. Stop lying. Nobody will arrest you if you don't break the law. Stop breaking the law. Sage goes in all fields when replying to a deceptive propaganda thread

If you follow executive orders issued by federal government and comply with DACA, then were complying with the law.
Tell me, what laws can infants break? None. The requisite mens rea is not there.
>stop lying. Stop breaking the law. Stop lying. Stop lying.
At least try and form a coherent argument. The Trump talking points on DACA were leaked earlier them.

you have to go back

Cute. About as much as I'd expect from a socialist.

>Tell me, what laws can infants break?

they can break the law of illegally entering the country. you are lucky this isn't 1,000 years ago or your spick ancestors would have eaten your infant heart instead of just deporting you. you have to go back.


get the fuck out spic

bye bye

Cry more, pussy. Your impotent rage will accomplish shit.

As declared by no authority recognized by the supremacy clause


Can't even cite the statue huh?
Your legal analysis is amazing.

This will sort you out, amigo. From your "bros" on pol

>watch fat betas on NEETbux (welfare) sperg out

This was very astute legal advice. I am impressed most with the graphics.

If someone I knew was personally in ICE I would burn their house down

>linking to a .gif

My grandpa robbed a bank and gave me the money as a baby. I'm not responsible for the robbery, but the money is mine now since I was a baby when I received it.

No user that is not right. Never do that.

Fifty first congress session 2 chaps. 550 and 551. it was voted on and passed into law.

you have to go back. and you will.

>comparing the government to a for-profit bank
Valid analogy you got there. Is the money your grandpa stole the equivalent to something here?

>use up gov resources your entire life without your parents paying taxes

>sneak in illegally, just expect to cut in front of everyone who applied the legit way and is getting vaccinated and not spreading 3rd world diseases like tuberculosis in our elementary schools

honestly the entitlement of you faggots is sickening

What is the required act and can an infant have the mental state required to commit the act?
Also, compliance with DACA showed a good faith effort to follow federal law. God emperor penis has heart for such folks, but will leave it to Congress to act decisively.
Also, 100% citizen here. Extremely successful as well.


Well personally I was shit out on this soil by legal immigrants so I am 100% American. At least I haven't applied for NEETbux and pay over $40k in federal taxes alone.

>What is the required act and can an infant have the mental state required to commit the act?

Ignorantia juris non excusat

you stupid faggot.

But I gave you the law anyways. I'm not going to teach you to read English. If you can't read english you have to go back.

>Also, 100% citizen here

of course you are juan. you are only shitting your pants as an academic exercise. That is why you are so unfamiliar with our legal system.

Remember, every dreamer has a 4.0 grade average and pays 100% in taxes. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking you're better than them because you aren't currently breaking the law like they are.

I wouldn't expect much civil discourse from a socialist. Good luck with that movement.

I don't really understand why the people who actually qualified for DACA are hated so much. They are in the best position to contribute to the economy and haven't committed crimes. Plus, they were brought here as toddlers.

Just because a cat is born in a barn doesn't make it a cow, fuck off back to your real country. Sage goes in all fields.

And what makes you an American citizen? Nothing more than being shit out on this soil.

good luck in Tijuana amigo

It's cool I live in La Jolla. I visit TJ often. Aerospace systems IPT lead.
Just don't get why NEETs think DACA was doing anything wrong other than common knee here reaction.

*knee jerk

>Because your parents did a CRIMINAL ACT and knew the implications going forward that both them and you would get deported if caught
>You get to stay

I live in Dana Point, and visit TJ very rarely because as you and I and everyone living there knows, it is a shithole. And I mean that literally. There are holes filled with sewage and ocean water all over that damn 'city'. SD is nice enough, mostly because the large army presence in the city keeps the natural disorder of spicks in check somewhat (unlike cuidad de Los Angeles) but I typically stay in the OC.

How nice that after fleeing the sinking ship of your country you refuse to help your countrymen and instead live in a foreign land and leech off of its institutions.

>comply with laws to get citizenship
Did you get it?

>large army presence
Have some fucking respect and patriotism. The United States Navy and the USMC call San Diego home. The fact that you don't even know this proves you are a faggot.

Well not that it applies to me but as of now it is in the hands of Congress. Trump pussed out and had Sessions (who he treated like shit) say its Congress' fault if he fails. This is a pattern with him.

It's wrong because it leads to a higher percentage of browns. You hate us and we hate you.

>Have some fucking respect and patriotism

if your parents had that we wouldn't have this problem right now

Cause they are legal immigrants? Kek.
Learn the difference between the branches of the US military become even attempt to claim patriot status. I do more for NatSec every day than you ever will.

>I do more for NatSec every day than you ever will

you will do even more after you go back

>>comply with laws to get citizenship
So why are you fake bitching?

I don't hate people unless they are belligerent and uneducated or drive a prius.
Definitely don't hate people based on skin tone. That's just low IQ shit.

>was not a constitutional order
>it was an executive order
>it had an end date
>end date coincides with Trumps presidency

You don't even make sense bro. Done with your ID.

you should spend the rest of your limited time in the country packing your things anyways

Declared unconstitonal by which Article III Court?
Also, I like the way Trump weaseled his way out of it. Said he'd "revisit the issue". We'll now we know he is serious. Kek.

6 months not enough time to pack your things, sweetie?

>say its Congress' fault if he fails

Congress either supports American citizens or illegal immigrants. Trump just threw the hottest potato on a gridlocked and worthless Congress.

They shouldn't have been given an education in the first place, that's gives illegal migrants a silly impression

How much does staying here mean to you? I'd die to force you out, so if the hatred is only going one direction then you might as well leave peacefully.

>Article III Court
>this court
Say it with me now...will of the people.

He just kicked the can and you know it. Look at this "decisive" leadership.

Do you even understand the purpose of Article III courts? Or are you just being ironic on purpose? If so.... ayyyyyy

>He just kicked the can
Great leaders delegate, that's what he is doing. Sessions has almost be the sole voice against illegal immigration for years when it was basically forgotten during the Bush and Obama era. We all know Congress will not do anything about DACA because Congress is filled with impotent cucks. None of them gave a single fuck when Obama went around them and the courts to get DACA shoved through.

> I'd die to force you out
And nothing of value would be lost

you can be a brazillionaire back in mayheeko with your leet american skillz. if you passed 6th grade you're already more educated than 99% of them. plus you speak the language and look like them. white people who try to live like kings in third world hell holes just make themselves targets. you can go back and live like a king with no problems.

Apparently you do not understand how America works user. I understand being that your a beaner and all it can be difficult. However. When the courts fail to uphold the law in the eyes of the Americans that design it, things like Trumps election happens. It happened in Germany with Hitler etc, and is bound to happen over and over again in any country who's population sees fit. Americans have spoken, we are unhappy with our own immigration policies. You can take up the illegal activities with your parents, for they are the ones responsible for your current predicament.

they will never leave peacefully. they are low IQ animals. they see something shiny and grand and they want it. then they fuck it up, take no responsibility and scratch their ape like heads in confusion.

They have done it to L.A. - where they are now a majority and whites are a minority - and they will do it to every place they inhabit. The truth that they either can't stand to hear or are too stupid to understand is that Mexico is shit because of Mexicans. There is on poison air that makes Mexico a corrupt, failed state - it is the people that do. They will destroy our country if they are left to fester here

Do you seriously believe what you just wrote?
Great leaders don't delegate things like this. He didn't even delegate. In fact, there are reports that he asked aides how to get out of his campaign promise. Why the fuck will he "revisit" something he is fully capable of deciding now? Trump is just a fake.

You seriously don't even understand the Constitution. It's pathetic. The whole reason we have Article III courts is to mitigate mob rule.

>Why the fuck will he "revisit" something he is fully capable of deciding now? Trump is just a fake.

Because Trump wants to make this legislation permanent. Obama lived by Executive Order and will die by the Executive Order.

>In fact, there are reports that he asked aides how to get out of his campaign promise.
Im sure it was from a very reliable ((((source))))

I respect both of the things you said. Both fair points.
Trump's leadership leaves a lot to be desired, but I think that will reveal itself to everyone eventually.

>The whole reason we have Article III courts is to mitigate mob rule.
Wrong, the 3 branches of government do that, along with the electoral college. Article 3 insures that supreme courts will hear constitutional cases, which we may see with DACA eventually. Until then, you have to go back.

The whole reason we have Article III courts is to mitigate mob rule.
>Wrong, the 3 branches of government do that

That's a nice job but I wouldn't qualify as being "extremely succesful".
