what does Sup Forums think of circumcision's
What does Sup Forums think of circumcision's
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Barbaraic mutilation on children forced on american people by kikes.
It's my kryptonite
Practiced in Israel
Middle East
It's hygienic though and it's a er.. coveneant of God xDDDDD
Shouldn't be performed on children unless medically needed. Consenting adults should be able to request it be performed on them if wanted.
Is it possible to justify ear piercing on little girls if one opposes other kinds of non-medical, aesthetic body mutilations? I think not.
>but small ear holes are reversible
Technically so is circumcision (although the process takes much longer and might recede as much to the pristine condition), so that is not an argument.
Listen, your dicks look weird.
Stop crying about "cutfags" and go get an aesthetic dick. Also, Jesus.
Nah cutfag, it's your dick looking weird. Most people on earth have natural dicks.
You can grow more of scar tissue resembling skin but you won't regrow touch receptors.
>Muh aesthetic scarred penis
>Mutilating Babies
>Rabbi gives baby herpies
>Referring to dead hippy Jew on a cross
By weird I mean: gross and doglike, but maybe you'll find a nice blind girl who doesn't find the sensation of jerking off a boiled chicken retching.
It's a horrible barbaric practice.
Just cut the whole dick off instead of making these slide threads
>natural dick
>looks weird
maybe you should snip the roast hanging from your pussy as well
You look like this woman when you flick your bean
You do realize that circumcision was invented relatively recently, so women evolved to be turned on by regular (uncut) penises? They can still get off on circumcised dicks, but regular dicks aren't a problem. That said, circumcision does remove some liabilities like smegma and even phimosis while leaving the dick functioning.
Go die, kike.
I'm all for labiaplasty; let's be fucking beautiful!
my circumcision was slightly fucked up and uneven
Cutfag here and honestly it really doesn't do anything non-aesthetic. My dick is still extremely sensitive to touch (can get myself off in less than 5 minutes easy) and you don't remember the operation. If it has some hygienic benefit (not sure it actually does or not just saying), I'm fine with it
You know that skeleton waiting on OP meme? At least for myself. Not you. Because cheese holes. Im still waitin on some fucken smeg. Or even a hint of smeg. Like nutmeg in ravioli. Or anything else you weirdos claim. And trust me ive had ample opportunity. Dont need to lay vaginas to smell em
>let's be fucking beautiful!
must be forbidden
its barbaric, useless, genital mutilation. If you actually give money to a doctor to cut a portion of your newborn sons penis off, youre a retarded piece of shit.
Fucking underrated
Smegma... i wonder how anyone copes around the world with all that smegma. its like cutting off your lips, drying out your front teeth and saying it's more hygienic. It is just retarded
i want to suck both righ tnow
You get pleasant surprises the whole time with the rightward one though
its bull shit, just use toilet paper every time you piss
Sex with circumcised penises is actually uncomfortable to painful for women, it pulls out the natural lubrication. That's why it's done, to make sex a not very enjoyable activity for either party.
>It's natural! Just play with it! It feels good! Why are you leaving!?!?
>Fucking cutfags!!!
The beginning of the betrayal perpetrated against boys and men. If you claim aesthetic reasons, why does a baby, toddler, teenager need an aesthetic penis? For what? For pedos to get off to?
>Are There Long-Term Consequences of Pain in Newborn or Very Young Infants?
This review provides evidence that significant and long-lasting physiological consequences may follow painful insults in the very young, including changes in the central nervous system and changes in responsiveness of the neuroendocrine and immune systems to stress at maturity.
>You know that skeleton waiting on OP meme? At least for myself.
kek, yes I know what you're talking about.
It's nasty shit and a liability.
>congratulations you've given birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy
>awww what a gift from above!
>better cut part of his dick off
Americans will defend this
>inb4 muh hygiene
How hard is it to wash your dick correctly?
really weak
Just dont
Interesting. But cut is boring and looks like ass and since these people use their mouths, all senses of decency go out the window with it
You are like a slave defending your master for whipping you.
Do you like circumcised cocks because the glans is exposed? Don't worry, with a natural uncut dick the glans can be exposed too, you just need to pull back the foreskin with your fingers, as easy as that.
i'm cut and I notice that girls get sore really fast and it bothers me
if i try to fuck twice in a row they usually are too sore to continue for very long, and if I let loose and really fuck hard i know i'm hurting them which bothers me
True. Sometimes on own. I never tire of this. Feels goot
Should be illegal
I am against cutting off healthy body parts of any kind
who else grabbed themselves after seeing this
This is just your sexual fetish. Other guys' penises. Foreskins make them more interesting, I guess.
There american if theres a way to be even lazier they'll do it.
Even if it means muitilating yourself.
>a rabbi doesnt even get paid alot of cash doing curcumcisions he just keeps the tips though
It should, but since this falls under the blanket of a mens rights issue, it will have a hard time getting any real attention
nothing wrong with it
majority of fuck ups are done in third world shitholes on adults. scars are nonexistent in first world countries. pedos are the only ones having a hissy over it because young penis
the whole dry irritation stuff is bs, i have yet to have a problem, I last long during sex and most women find it more pleasing both ascetically and in use, especially in oral aspect
Myers-Briggs is pseudoscience and cancer.
But it's a simple one so i have my fun. You're a patient person ill give you that. I like that. But smeg is just lies breh
Restore. Also that's some essay for a comatose guy picture
>you don't remember the operation
That's basically say that abusing infants is okay because they won't remember. Physical trauma has lasting effects, you piece of shit.
>the ugly one! so-and-so! cheerleader! what's her face!
>Yea, I would get like...60x the sensation from sex, but for some reason ladies get intimidated when they see a REAL dick.
>Fucking cutfags!!!
>tfw had to get a circumcision at 26 because developed rigid tissue on the foreskin for whatever reason
Im sorry about your rat penis
Female here. Love it.
Has potential as a medical procedure in emergencies, but otherwise should be prosecuted aggressively as assault and battery. Religious freedom isn't a legal exception, and obsessive desire to mutilate someone's body for religious reasons should be classified as a mental illness.
Thanks user. I remember gym in high school, we had one uncut guy who made the entire locker room smell like baking bread and a swamp. I'm sure foreskins are fine if they're kept clean, but that's not the general public.
>tips dog dick
We males love trimmed pussies too.
>your dicks look weird
cmon ameridumb. you know you're bullshitting yourself, stop it.
Male mutilation == Female mutilation.
I'd take that over a woman's washroom i user to be a janitor. Or over things like dividers and such. Is it outside the realm of your understanding? Like female stinks or woman washrooms? But then again we are supposed to take these on. Ive never encountered it. We've banned all that shit for the most part. Im sure he's learned. If you want to deposit that as some kind of anecdote written in stone commandment you go ahead. What kind of buses do you ride on? Like how are you encountering these people? My bet is at a synagogue where you wrote jokes for everything from robot chicken to deadpool
Keep telling yourself that full of shit statement because your parents hated you enough to mutilate you as a baby and have left you deformed and unable to enjoy not nearly half of what you could have. Hygiene? Are you fucking retarded or live in the 3rd world and don't wash? I wash my cock after every piss except if I'm out in public in which case i'll wash when I'm back home. Stop spreading your semitic mutilation ritual covertly with this bullshit meme, circumcision would kill children it was so traumatic. Why would you remove something that wasn't meant to be removed dumbfuck? You were born with it, its there to protect and stimulate.
Fucking retard. Enjoy your Mark of the Cattle, you aren't European without the sheathe if you ask me. Now be a good little Jew and tell me how it raises your IQ levels.
>thinks he knows more than nature
Every circumcised man has a scar.
Reminder that hospitals make upwards of $4000 (FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS) off of EACH FORESKIN by selling them for medical research, and as a medium for cultivating stem cells used in facial creams
the medical jew charges you a couple hundred dollars for a completely unnecessary barbaric procedure that causes a huge amount of trauma in order to literally steal the most sensitive flesh off of your body and then turns around and sells the stolen flesh for another profit.
ought to be punishable by the death penalty
Degenerate Jewish nonsense.
Also, Jesus spoke against it so you Americans have literally no reason to defend your molestation.
Only Jews and Muslims cut their skins.
There's no proof that it's either healthier or cleanlier than uncut penises, it can cause significant damage if done improperly or if just unlucky, it removes 10,000+ nerve endings and thereby reduces pleasure, it increases cold shock and cold shrinkage.
Did I miss anything?
Why does it matter youre all faggot virgins anyways. Cutfag here by the way. Every girl ive been with says uncircumsized dicks smell bad/taste bad/ and the guy only lasts a handful of minutes. Either way im cumming buckets and lasting longer than beta cucks.
Don't make me post evil dogger.
Women tell you what you want to hear. They dont even know what is going on
Shit, nigga. Women can be pretty disgusting, too. I hate it when one uses my bathroom and then it smells like urine and fish. People are so fucking disgusting.
and south korean asasa
you know when you get circumcised the skin around the base of your penis stretches up the shaft to make up for the lost skin and simultaneously makes your dick look smaller and pulls pubic hair halfway up the shaft itself, so you end up with a nasty hairy dick
And there you go. Either youre really bad at sex/virgin/bad with women.
I have had (normal, nothing out of the ordinary) sex with a couple of them, and they're all "ow, ow, ow." That skin gets pulled or something and they cry, big turn-off.
Uncircumcised dicks look nasty, they are gross to suck, and whenever I think about guys from other countries, my first thought is, eh, probably not circumcised. Pass.
If I had a son, I would not hesitate to have him circumcised.
No worries. I think of it like this. My forearm doesnt smell. Penises are pretty much forearms. Vaginas are well. Yeah
>a couple of them
What gives you that impression exactly. My phone window is blocking the guy under you who is a retard. Too lazy to post properly right now
Herpes cases among babies linked to ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual
New York health department alerts doctors to infections linked to ancient ritual in which circumcision wound is cleaned by mouth
I have a very small amount of hair at the base of my dick. Easily shaved. But nah youre just jelly your cock looks like an anteater.
>wanting everyone to bear the mark of the jew so much that you act like a child
Jesus, this is past (((shabbos goy))) level, this is full Jew
To the GULAG with ye
>believing an user when all babies keep popping out with them
It fucked me up and I don't want to talk about it. I hope it stops.
Fully intact dick here foreskinlets btfo
I'm all for it. Its cleaner, reduces the chances of UTI's in infancy and reduces the incidence of STI's and penile cancer.
Uncutters remind me of the hefty brand garbage bag commercials. Cutfags are the wimpy wimpy wimpies
Only men who are shit with the opposite sex on a mental and physical level will say "hurr durr women and retarded and tell you what you wanna hear"
you wouldnt say that if your circumcision was botched. I cant feel shit down there!
Ha ha hardly
Is my flag invisible or
U guys rn't doing it right, supposed to have circumcision wound cleaned by mouth....
The New York health department alerted doctors to the case of a newborn who fell ill after undergoing the ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice in which the circumcision wound is cleaned by mouth.
A rash is said to have spread across the child’s genitals, buttocks, inner thighs and ankle two weeks after the procedure.
There have been six cases of herpes among children who have had the ritual known as metzitzah b’peh performed on them since February 2015, reported the New York Daily News.
Thats your parents fault for letting a retarded doctor do it.
Cutters remind me of women whose men beat them saying 'he does it because he loves me'.
Motherfuckers are in some serious denial about their dicks bring cut up.
bro BRO did u know??? if you cut off your feet you reduce your chances of foot cancer && u will nEVeR stub your toe
Lol fuck yiss
Thats fucked up. These men should be castrated. How the fuck is it seen and morally okay to suck off a 13 year old boy after cutting his dick up. Jews are shit.