Question On DACA

Fellas, I'm struggling with some cognitive dissonance over DACA. On the surface I agree with it because I support the strict enforcement of laws and I agree with arguments that programs like DACA only serve to incentivize illegal immigration and that if we don't handle the issue with a stern hand, we'll just be looking at another wave of amnesty debate in the next 30 years as more and more foreigners see illegal immigration as the path of least resistance because of our bleeding American hearts.

HOWEVER, there's one thing I can't reconcile and that's the "Sins of the father" issue. As a white guy in my late 20's I've dealt with this discussion plenty of times in regard to white guilt and the demonization of white people for things we've had no involvement in. I don't believe I can double-think my way into having the belief that people should not be judged for the actions of their ancestors but also that we should punish illegal immigrants who had no autonomy in the decision to come and live here. Am I missing an aspect to this argument?

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They're breaking the law by existing here.

It's not hard to understand.

It is a conundrum, yes. The children were/are innocent, but at the same time, the law says they are not US citizens, and this does not give them the rights and privileges of other Americans. Simply put, we need more law on this issue to clarify things, which Congress does not seem to want to do.

Ylu still have to go back Pedro.

Because once white society isn't white anymore it's going to look and smell like dog shit. That's why. Just like every place nearly that white's aren't.
They have to go. Oh it might be hard. It might be mean. It doesn't matter. If our civilization is to survive it must retain a white majority. Otherwise it is destroyed. It will no longer be a white civilization. Non white civilizations look like ass. Particularly the kind of immigrants we're getting.
No, not all people are equal. Or we would all live about equal. Westernization was attempted. They just can't manage it.

Fuck these dirty spics

We are just sending them back, not into burn pits like I was promised.

I can't stand the fact that commiefornia gives them free college. Isn't that state broke?

What kind of laws would actually achieve something though? I mean we already have immigration laws and they seem to mean fuck all if someone's situation can make liberals sad enough. I don't want to do wrong by innocent people but I also don't want to live in a country too weak to enforce its own laws and borders. One thing people have said is why haven't these DACA "dreamers" so much as started a path to citizenship yet, and that does feel like a compelling argument to make but I don't understand the process well enough to really condemn someone based on that premise. I'm kind of surprised DACA doesn't have built-in mechanisms towards citizenship honestly, it seems like the logical end-goal of such a program.

Maybe the only answer I can get to is not to worry about it because I ultimately don't have any power to affect the situation anyway. I wish I could reconcile the rift in my beliefs though.

Shoo shoo stormfront, this thread isn't about muh skin color.

Billions of children get fucked because their parent's poor choices. I am sorry you are fed the illusion that you are American, but you are not.

If I though I am the prince, but it turned out to be a lie, am I still entitled to the throne? Because muh feelings?