Don't do drugs. Terrorists are making explosive ecstasy now that will explode in your stomach.
Don't do drugs. Terrorists are making explosive ecstasy now that will explode in your stomach
I love it ...bring the collapse ...get the white birthrate under 1 since there will be no women to have the kids...keep it up slurs no one to blame but yourselves
Nothing more beautiful than little Aryan princesses dying ahahahahahahahahaha
it is a pity, she was qt
Good. Fuck her for bringing that shit here.
she was smuggling drugs if 5 bags exploded in her stomach...
>not doing a more functional drug like Crystal Meth instead
Sad that this happens. The world would be better if people stuck to safer drugs like methamphetamine. It's less neurotoxic than ecstasy.
You don't do the drugs while they are still in the bag....
this happened in 2015
Can someone describe what her dying moments were probably like?
pure MDMA is safe so long as you dose correctly and give ur brain enough time to recuperate ie max once every 3 months. isnt meth really addictive?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Heil Digong.
Meth isn't addictive at all. I'd honestly say weed is far more addictive than meth ever could be.
>not dying by overdosing on black male sperm
>not a real roastie
dude weeeeed. lmao
Kind of sad but also fuck degenerate drugs.
dumbass white girls are getting naturally selected
weed isnt chemically addictive though, so it depends on the persons personality (ppl can get mentally addicted to anything). i was a heavy smoked for about a year in high school and i stopped randomly and smoke very rarely now.
Don't listen to this guy
Shut up retard
>aryan princess
She was a degenerate druggie whore. Good riddance
Jesus fuck whats wrong with you?
tadaa, Darwin strikes again
thanks guys i was about to try it but u saved me
I've done meth probably 20+ times. It's not addictive, mostly because the comedown sucks so fucking much and you can't do it all the time because it makes it impossible to sleep that night. The last time I did any was years ago.
Why do people think they need to do THAT much ectasy?
I bought a small amount off a guy I roomed with at an anime con, and I've done it in the past but the small amount was enough to last me 9pm-2am
Meth is fine, if you ever do it, try jacking off on it (if you smoked it). Every stroke feels infinitely better than the best orgasm you've ever had and you can last 18+ hours.
sorry no dick here. gave me a nice visual tho
>allahu drugbar
Fuck yea! I've been smoking meth for 8 years. My house is spottless! Now if I smoked that addictive weed shit my house would be wrecked! Stick with meth; don't lose your breath. Stick with weed and your lungs will bleed!
Bro how the fuck do you think having five bags of ecstasy in your stomach was gonna go?
>is what someone's gonna tell your daughter one day desu
Good for you!
>5 bags
why the fuck is she swallowing 5 bags of ecstasy?
>5 bags
was she a mule or something?
she just wanted to show Avicci that she was a cool girl
Should I feel sorry for her? MDMA can be manufactured anywhere in the world. There isn't a need to smuggle it.
She must of died super happy.
>let me just ingest a 10x fatal dose of narcotics, put it inside a plastic bag so it's safe, stomach acid won't eat through, I'm sure!
She tried to parachute molly with plastic bags.
Degeneracy has consequences kids.
if you read the article she was most likely kidnapped, raped, and forced to overdose