Redpill me on sugar, Sup Forums

Redpill me on sugar, Sup Forums.
Is it still harmful even if you work out, eat within the range of your required calories and get all the necessary micro and macro nutrients?

If you're intaking more than 15g of sugar a day, you have some serious dietary issues that you should probably fix.

sugar is the worst thing you can do for your body. worse even than smoking.

only a fag runs on glucose instead of ketones

Do some reading on non alcoholic fatty liver.

jesus don't throw him in the deep end

natural sugar is fine but you shouldnt eat to much of it every single day. dark chocolate 75%+ is good

sugar is only a problem because its put into everything nowadays.

Try and limit your intake. An easy way is to see how many g of sugar per 100g; for things like yoghurt or fruit juice, anything over 6 is probably too much.

the pancreas can't tell the difference between hfcs and "natural sugar"
you're kidding yourself because you love snacks like a kid would do

Sugar is the tasty Jew.

thats right 4/5 mitochondria agree that sugar is bad and in fact the literal devil

Everything in moderation
Follow this rule and you will be ok

You can eat as much sugar as you want. It's just energy. Nothing else.

Hmm. Interesting. I've noticed my mind is much clearer when I don't consume sugar

If you're getting all that you probably aren't eating that much added sugar. The most sugar you'd get would be in your coffee or something, so I'm not sure what's the problem.

It's really really easy to avoid excess sugar. If you're using whole ingredients (raw vegetables, fresh or frozen, fresh fruits, cuts of meat, etc.) there simply shouldn't be sugar in your diet unless you're drinking in soda. Don't.

Processed sugar is literally garbage for your body.

But I eats it anyway.

Gib all poison.

kills your brain cells.

I'm tallish and I lift. I have a hard time getting enough calories as it is, even after being my protein and fat. I can get quite a bit of sugar in there desu

>even if you work out, eat within the range of your required calories and get all the necessary micro and macro nutrients?

quit showing your denial
sugar is bad
"i smoke but i ate a banana today"
sugar is bad

Yes a helthy diet exercise and clean living.

Unless you live in Florida then it won't matter come Saturday

Sugar is toxic. Even small amounts of it screws up your body's ability to manage insulin. It's tied to diabetes, obesity, hypertension and atheism. Avoid at all costs.

It was a genuine question, you faggot. I'm ready to drop sugar completely

watch "that sugar film", highly recommended

To much of anything is bad just eat a balanced diet

>>sugar is the worst thing you can do for your body. worse even than smoking.

Uhh no, there are worse things. You cant prove that.

Trans Fat
Oxidized oil

Also, avoid soy products and microbrewed beer since they have more estrogenics (compounds that make your body act more like a female body). Your testosterone levels and muscle density will drop if you consume that crap on a regular basis.

literally about to crush some ice and pour a nice crisp dr. pepper from the 2 liter, cant beat 1.08 at walmart

Also, lift heavy weights. Do olympic lifts like squat, deadlift, bench, military press etc. Don't do low intensity cardio like a trust fund faggot since the chronic inflammation associated with LIC damages your cardiovascular system. Aerobic work should be sprints, not jogs.

I think it's a little higher for men, unless your trying to go into keto. Then it's 15g net carbs/sugar.

Working out increases insulin sensitivity and promotes a healthy body so continue doing that . You can eat sugar but in moderation. Dont be drinking soda all day and do nothing, that leads to diabeetus. A 20 oz Mtn. Dew has 77g of sugar which is the equivalent amount doctors use to test a persons insulin response to blood sugar for diabeetus, so keep that in mind.

Keto is bullshit. Your body uses sodium phosphate to maintain pH very tightly between 7.35 and 7.45. No feasible diet can alter that pH since it's tied to the pKa of sodium phosphate, which is a chemical constant.

spot the logical fallacy...fallacy of the middle ground. Refined sugar is toxic, period.

Im not super thic. If I do go keto again will I become a twig?

Don't drink soda and eat candy or other things with sugar in it and you should be fine


ive had keto stuff very very earnestly explained to me. is it really bullshit?

no. ketones are muscle-sparing
it's all 100% broscience and a meme. if you're not on hormones for bodybuilding there is really not a whole lot you can do in the gym or with your diet to be jacked
you can lift heavy for 1-2 years and be 99% at your genetic potential for muscle. being lean makes you look much much bigger. ignore everything you read on /fit/ believe me it is a fucking complete mess

Drink tea and carry on

what the fuck are you talking about? ketogenic diets burn fat. ketogenic diet suppress appetite and make caloric deficits easy. they've been doing them since arnold's day. it's not a meme diet.

who the fuck is talking about pH? hahaha what the fuck. same type of fucking retard who thinks you get jacked by not jacking off because there's some nominal boost in test. knock it off. ketogenic diets work, and it has nothing to do with electrolytes

>every single figure

how can you exaggerate this hard?

Seriously carbs & sugar are what makes people fat.

No we rounded up to nearest ten
>not really good with math

No fast food make fat people

calorie surpluses do. carbs peak insulin, which then hits a valley and peaks appetite. carbs are also low-satiety and innately lead to over-eating.

mark my words: in ten years, eating more than 50 carbs a day will be viewed like smoking is today. it's already established, and sort of becoming trendy, but this is known and in a decade everyone will catch on. go get cancer tomorrow and ask your oncologist if you should be on a ketogenic diet. he will say 'yes"

Go back to /fit/ please 'mate' and being sugar conscience while lifting like crazy is for small cunts.

You are a fucking pussy pal, sorry to break it to you like this.

Based as fuck Chadbros who know whats up. Leave these permavirgins in the dust with the savage truth that they just cant handle a get swoll regime.

>Smoking 10 packs every day is bad, so I only smoke 5!

Like everything, if you gorge on it it will hurt you in the long term

I smoke 20 a day
>can you be fit and smoke?


Smoking is pretty alpha to be fair. I'd be worried if you were into Vaping and heavily criticised smokers.

What about swimming?

yeh it actually still is

how do I get off soda and into coffee bros?

Vaping is for the weak

Stop drinking pop. Drink coffee

hey thanks pham