This is the only way.
Chad Nationalism
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"chad nationalism" is fucking horrible . . . reminds me of all the assholes i met in the rotc
"mannerbund" or camaraderie or fucking friendship is a better meme
i fucking hate censorship however, so i'll bump this shit
Chads have bros, not friends. You some kind of fag?
Yawn. This is not-so-subtle nazi propaganda.
Nice get
It will get teenage girls into white nationalism, which in turn will bring teenage boys in. There's your next generation of whites
Reminder if you have black hair you're not white
I wonder if this guy is weirded out about a bunch of spergs on Sup Forums are fawning over him
>american flag is seen to them as the swastika
I'm not surprised by this.
Yes, sort yourself out.
That guy is OP trying to get us all to become Chads like him.
We must do it.
im getting too old for this site
You stupid nigger
Well, I'm going to the gym tomorrow, but I was gonna do that before I saw this thread
But you didn't beat them before
I thought the alt-right was part of the beta uprising? When did chads get in the mix?
That's good. We then spread these images to showcase just how crazy the new left is.
they beat themselves and now they're doing it again
When betas became chads
looks like a tweeker and that's about it. I can't believe you retards think he's in any way attractive. He's a 4/10 max in a city.
He is probably a sperg as well . He can get away with it cause he is chad
wanted to ask if you realize, Chad is a country in Africa, so you are literally advocating for Black Nationalism.. but then I saw the flag
it's the only way forward
>anyone here
White nationalism is a scam. If Chad is cucking you instead of Tyrone, you're still getting fucked over.
Alienating moderates from right Wiig politics is so EPIC bro XD
>as if the Chads and successful people of any movement would meet up for something that's literally just for the losers to socialize and get nothing done
Stop posting my picture please
Culture is often tied to race, hence racial based nationalism. If you want to put it in a package for people to easily digest. call it nationalism. Get everyone to want what chad has, and earn it the way shown. Suddenly we have no problems with cultural conflict. Suddenly you look up and see who was stirring the pot the entire time and they do not like that. oh no. So they hide behind yet another group to make you blame them. stay alert friendo.
Was that Jackie in the middle from the stream? Didn't take him for a Nazi, thought he was cooler than than that
Chad wants you to know that he's the liberal elite and is raising a flock of white feminists that will go to college and not date your loser sons.
We know
>Having children
I'm nearing 30 in MA and I can assure you, with 300-400 samples, that's not happening.
Wow check out this super detective
You should have your own tv show
well played, favourite uncle, well played
legit as fuck
Everyone should agree with this. When your average youth looks at the Right-Wing Chad Squads versus a pack of dye-haired 300-pound genderqueer SJWs, who do you think they'll choose?
>LEL liberal parents try to indoctrinate kids, but on the kids spare time, they browse Sup Forums, all three have their own version of the swastika
I can never be chad...
I'm... I'm... A manlet.
dude, do weights and learn to take up a bit of space, if your confident enough people won't notice your height as much.
Leaf, just start lifting and then move to Vancouver. You'll be taller than 9/10ths of the chinks in the gym.
Man, I appreciate the advice... But I'm 5' 7". Everyone can see I'm short. I do work out but I'm having trouble gaining any real size.
that's not true look at Nathan Damingo, he is a manlet but is a chad
lmao at thtat retard behind doing it with the left hand .
Nathan is also a figurehead of a large movement and is very charismatic.
I'm only 5'8", started lifting last year and now I get ogled by chicks every time I go running at the beach. Not LARPing. It will improve your life significantly.
>ROTC autists and nerd/losers
I have never met a popular person in ROTC.
I'd lick his unwashed smegma and sniff his braps any day
Sorry schlomo. Also it's not like 90% of people who seig heil are actually nazis senpai, but they do know about Jew so stay triggered KEK.
Well I passed the fitness test for the army here (got kicked out for a birth defect) but I'm still just small. I'm 20 now and I don't think I'll really be able to get any amount of size until I'm older. I still look 15.
Why do fat theatrefags always get so much poon?
No, when you're young is the time to be putting on gains. It will be much easier for you now than when you're older. Go to a gym and lift heavy stuff 2-3x a week for a year and I guarantee you'll be happier with yourself on multiple levels.
I've had my gym membership for over a year and a half by now. I'm stronger than I was, but I'm not big at all.
Wow you must be the smartest student in your gender studies class.
Don't let yourself be defeatist. How much weight have you gained in that period?
That's quite a chin.
Where are the Soviets now if I ask you
Like, 10 pounds. So a negligible amount.
So we should all become neo-nazi chads?
95% of the soldiers who fought nazis would be on our side.
But you're still white. Get fit and you'll be ok.
I'll still be disposed off after the day of the rope though.
Not if we walk around with a fucking swastika...
Imagine winning a grueling war and coming home to find your kids supporting the other team.
What shits nazi larpers are. The left is totally right on that point.
Im all for 14/88 but this video is pure cringe
Well yeah, I didn't say anything about iconography.
But that generation would never want to be displaced in their own country, be controlled by jews, and have brown grandchildren.
Watch the non-cringe JewTube approved version then faggot
That's not negligible, even at this rate you'll be full Chad-status by mid-20s.
But if you're going multiple times a week, it does seem like you could be gaining more quickly. I'm not an expert on this, but I assume you're already consulting /fit/?
Nah, I don't go on /fit/ at all. Seems like a bunch of memes on there.
Yeah, unlike meme-free here. I'm not an expert, but if you're lifting lots and not gaining much, you probably need to eat more. That's what has me plateauing recently, I'm not used to my new caloric intake needs.
Eat big to get big
Lift so you're getting "strong big" and not "fat big"