Canada should welcome up to 30,000 DACA young people facing deportation in U.S., senator says

>Canada could gain from the Trump administration's decision to end a program that has allowed young, undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States for years, says Ontario Independent Sen. Ratna Omidvar.

direct source (dont click on that):

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Canada eating america's trash.

I hope quebec will be safe since it's french and cold and stuff and shitskins don't like that.


That croissant nigger should neck himself, people like him are why we aren't a white ethnostate anymore.

Won't happen. He is taking serious criticism for his current border fuck ups and this would be the last thing he would need.

Trudeau should die.

I don't think he cares.

>fucking croissant

but french canadians are the most "nationalist"

They just spawned in the US. It's not like they have a home country or something

To be fair to Trudeau, he never said this, it's some independent female senator, and it won't happen.

I think the Hatian scum that booked it across the border because of Canadian virtue signalling woke them the fuck up to reality. Most of the immigrants are trash no matter where they're from. They don't want all the spics, just the ones worth something now and for many years to come are welcome. My my how the mighty leaves have fallen.

>it won't happen
we just accepted haitians from america not a while ago.

I love these trudeau memes

Has anyone ever stopped to consider how retarded the canadian's national anthem is? like "our home and native land" makes me laugh every time. Now "our flag was still there" is a fucking golden line (im an american shill and im proud)

I'm a leaf and I don't even know what it sounds like. I know portugal, russia, germany, america and some other random countries tho. Canada has 0 national pride.

Canada is America's trashcan.

Well, shit. That's actually a shame. We give canada a lot of shit here, but it was until recently basically the next best place to the US, but I suppose without any national pride, shit like treudeau happens

now That I think of it I remember the song kek. ooo canada, and shit.

I live in quebec tho, It's mostly filled with white (trash) quebec nationalists. pic related our local "racist right wing" movement : la meute.

>Sen. Ratna Omidvar
Asking an unelected trash senator sycophant. Communist Broadcasting Corporation hard at work spending our money to propagandize against the will of the people.

Abolish the senate.

I don't understand. I thought the last thing Trudeau said about illegal immigrants was that Canada is a country of laws. Now Trump says the same thing about America and suddenly Canada is willing to take all our deportees?

I wonder why the liberal government would want a bunch of illegal young people of color to enter their country in droves?
Sounds fishy to me

look at the books she wrote.

is she ((religious star))?

Well yeah I mean cold temperatures and foreign languages have really deterred muslim perpetrated incidents of violence in Sweden, Germany, Finland, Belgium, France, the UK, Russia, etc

You'll probably be fine syrup nigger good luck

Come and get em! They're all yours, leafie.

but if you kill your enemies they win. trudeau loses, leaf.

"but goy, it they will find work and work is free shekels for everyone, goy"

>be leaf
>shit on burgers on Sup Forums
>get shit from the US IRL



And what about their 20 kids and 50 relatives, Shmuel?