I voted for brexit expecting it to secure our borders not fucking change them. As a northern Irish prodesant I know it's only a matter of time before the uk is over
We're sick of you lot anyway fuck cunt.
Enjoy not having your own football team lads
Whats so bad with reuniting Ireland?
Surely it's better than becoming part of the caliphate?
We don't want you anyway. You're an inbred embarrassment, constantly chimping out over "MEH FLEEHG". We prefer the fucking fenians over you monkeys.
Are you mad the IRA won out in the long run
Belfast is irish
These countries have every right to secede.
It's fucking dirt poor down there ! Have you seen Dublin ?
And sad
good. fuck the uk. fuck the usa. fuck the eu. the west should just be made up of small local states.
>NI ever joining RI
The republic is fucked as much or maybe even more as their prime minister is no joke a gay Indian
Britannia can always reunite in a century or so. For the time being, division will be a good thing.
- Scottish people vote heavily leftist in UK elections, because they perceive the UK as being "English" rather than "theirs," mitigating the effect of conservative English voters. Without Scotland, Leftists and Globalists will have a harder time in British (Eng/Wales) elections.
- An independent Scotland will have very different voting habits as the country will now be THEIRS, and they won't be voting to spite the English. Expect to see a conservative swing in an independent Alba.
- As an Ulster prod, you have way, WAY bigger problems to worry about than Catholic Gaels. Embrace them, or you'll both drown. Nothing wrong with a united Ireland. Hell, maybe even start learning Gaelic to consolidate a native identity and make Eire less accessible to outsiders.
>Hell, maybe even start learning Gaelic to consolidate a native identity and make Eire less accessible to outsiders.
>unironically learning a dead language for the purposes of LARPing
how dumb are you mate
incorrect. all of the british isles are rightful british clay. i mean, it is right in the name.
The problem is Ireland is such an economic draining hole of a state if we the north join the south we are goin to suffer for it
My mate says it's an utter shite hole.
People still speak Irish as a first language. Gaelic schools are rapidly growing, and are popular in Dublin even among parents who only speak English (hint: foreign children don't attend them).
You have bigger problems to worry about than mere economics.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't Norn Iron also an electoral liability for (true) British conservatism, similar to Scotland? (I'm recalling that Ulster went slightly against Brexit)
Establish a UK federalist movement user. Federation should cease the notions of seccession