Black man drives smoking a blunt and asks the hard questions about Charlottesville

>wuz her parents trump supporters

What you dont see, what this Ancient King would not have filmed for our Caucasoid consumption, is how his pineal gland became briefly restored on account of the dank lemon tree blunt. He likely teleported to another plane of existence that I can only hazard to describe as far more hip and cool than here.

shit makes me question my previously held positions

Don't smoke and drive, assholes!


Smoking shitty screened brick weed that smells like gasoline.

BTW who ever taught those taco niggers how to make hash? Everything they ship north now has been stepped on including the weed. Many times it smells like it has been smuggled inside a sewage or fuel tank.

i think hurr favvur is a wyte supremmacis

Right bruv?

My favorite part is 2:08
"What have black people done that white people need to forgive us for? What have black people done to white people where we should axe them for forgiveness?"

It's like shooting fish in a barrel.




I'm confused. Why the fuck would her parents being Trump supporters mean anything?! Even if they were or weren't does it change anything at all?

Look like more brain washing in action.

>Haw puhhrents are Trump sup'ohters = haw parents a' raycis n sheeit

This shit needs to stop.
I blame google analytics providing materials that re-enforce a persons biases, especially political ones. If this guy only looks up things like "racist Trump supporters" they will get suggestions that have the same thing in them. It's all he will see regarding Trump. If he thought that any way then you get this video.


kek why are black men always niggers?

Why do negroes talk like their mentally retarded ?

>Why the fuck would her parents being Trump supporters mean anything?

He's saying they got a taste of their own medicine.

Why indeed?



>Records himself while driving under the influence

Fucking niggers...

das it muh kang.
deez cave cretures dont be unnastaning n shyiet
