This is the face of next generation nazism. Why don't you support this?

This is the face of next generation nazism. Why don't you support this?

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a guy, am I wrong?

If she's being incredibly open about it, she's just thirsty


What are you talking about? I'm against selfies, and attention whores: male or female. Is that what you mean?

Yes you are wrong.

god I hope it is

Too much make up/attention whoring/fbi
women can't be trusted

Nope, she loves Hitler and white people.

post moar

She just wants to go to Holywood and open her legs.

kawaii desu ne user-chan, tarumpu will make anime real :3

Even people not even famous but look like they might be are associated to security/intelligence agencies, they're just pocketing anyone either intelligent or good looking at this point.

Now here's the kicker, the feminazis and mainstream media aren't. They are not associated to the deep state. The alt lite is very associated to the deep state. When you understand the implications here you will be shocked, comforted, suspicious and then very, very scared in that order.

this looks weird
like uncanny valley

>its a honeypot
>its a trap
>its satire
>its a joke

How about, it's a dumb cunt who realizes the small amount of women she'd have to compete against for attention in the modern nazi movement?

also this bitch was hired by the FBI fusk out the radical nod seas

I don't understand why people take pictures of themselves like that and then plaster them all over social media. For one, it's narcissistic. And two - why would you want your pictures and info displayed all over the web? Social media is degenerate. And cancer. She is very pretty, but selfies always put me off and make me think of a person somewhat negatively.

>next generation nazism
>larping and probably FBI



>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!


she's an attention whore

Same the internet has ruined me.

>tfw imagining a world where Hitler won and niggers and Jews were purged from our noble aryan civilizations

im talking to her a little atm im kind of obssessed by her because it's very intriguing that an otherwise normal extrovert teenage girl has extreme right beliefs at 17 years old

so far she told me she watch the greatest story never told and ''other debunking videos''. all this at fucking 13 years old

>this is the face of a spoilt anorexic brat
No thanks.

Maybe this is a man it spicland.

People like her is what America needs.

there's only 2 genders guys

If she is real good for her. We need for people to start coming out, this is what builds confidence and what starts a "chain reaction".

it's time for my 1:30 in the morning bath, slaves bring the bubble bath.

Lol im taking a bath too lol

I saw the other thread and I'm sure this a trap. No real actual girl would hold these believes and we all know how many fucking weirdo tranny attention whores also Nazi role play too.

I don't trust any "woman" who's catering a little too directly to some cultural sub-group and outgroups whims and fetishes too much. That's always a literal fucking trap. A beta male in the group seeking attention from the males they hang out with by hyper-catering to the niche.

>Trying to have sex with a 17 yo

she even has a deviant art bro and made a video

user., her dad has an artistic side and is kind of punk rock, that's why she just has fun with the latest taboo ideology, because she has always been in the sort of off-kilter family or the family that is more about doing what it wants than what society perceives is best. Kind of touches my heart.

>posts pictures of self scantily dressed with statement that doesn't need a picture, especially not one of yourself.
How can white knight cucks pretend she's not just an attention whore? Maybe if she were just tweeting these thoughts without pictures of herself whoring out she'd be okay.

they cant limit their dating options to just one side
albeit its a decent sexual strategy, but no intelligent man would ever believe they actually believe anything that comes from their mouths

>so mad
Thanks for the salt.

Whats wrong with that? That's when they're prime my dude.

thanks i knew i could count on an ancap to help me out there

She's a 25 year old FBI agent, she's known to us at CSIS.

Just letting you guys know since I like yall.

>muh white knight
do you even know what white knighting means ?

not gonna like user, her nose looks like post-op jew to me.

20 bucks says he has a dick.

this is so moving, literally shaking right now

makes sense
everyone in the FBI is a retard

you might be right but arent those family usually just hardcore leftist or hippies ? you think her dad knows?

Because fighting collectivism with collectivism gives you collectivism. And I hate everyone.

What's the name? I can't find it.

+ anti-white shills are here

>"V" for victory

u wot

honey pot
and not a very good one either Intel niggers


I really hope you aren't conflating white supremacy with German supremacy. Nazis are German supremacists. And don't think white nationalism is the same as white supremacy. Its not.

fucking kek

who needs to get her roots touched up yesterday.
being this messy and larping as Nazi

most likely he family are pro-white conservatives. its near impossible for her to have redpilled herself.
The chances of her being controlled by hooknoses \ sjws as a false cheerleader are small.

Women can't into politics to begin with, lad.

Motivation Monday

I don't know much about her but LARPing as a WN would be something very stupid of her because it is simply not worth the social cost.

Me thinks that a lot of you are (((shills)))

She said she converted her family to NatSoc when she was 15.

This is why (((they))) don't want us interacting with females when they are most impressionable, if you do you're a pedo that needs to be executed.


I know the whole thing reeks of bullshit

I never cry but somehow these videos about Nazi Germany always bring a tear to my eye.

Doing God's work.

Defending the honor of a woman you will never have a chance of fucking, which is exactly what you spergs are doing. Never trust an attention whore or a bottle blonde boys.

no one 'defends her honor' its all in your head

It really was a beautiful collective awakening.

Even if he sperged out on meth in Eastern Europe.

Better than falling to Jewish Bolschevism.

no masculine features at all, except her kind of ugly face

you guys see traps everywhere wtf

Saying she's not an attention whore is defending her honor you maroon.

I'd defend her honor. She's hot af.

honor is a male trait
how can you defend what isnt there





>Pretty blonde
>Says she's NatSoc
>Joined Twitter on July of 2017

I doesn't get more obvious than that.

Do you even bring good arguments? Try being a WN that doesn't cuck out when challenged.


Maybe he's a nicer guy than you

>Attention whore

This is exactly what we've been pushing for, to make White Nationalism trendy. This chick is avant garde, watch the rest follow her lead.

that body tho...

Yes a pretty blond girl attentionwhoring on Twitter is obviously a CIA honeypot and she is an agent out to subvert and destroy white nationalism.

Being a dumb girl who's boyfriend goes on Sup Forums with a conservative father is too far fetched

I give you this magical talisman

You expect me to believe she just now decided to make a twitter account after all of these years? Bullshit.

Yes. It's too far fetched to believe she's legit.

This might shock you but I have serious doubts that this is real it all seems too contrived

It was discovered in the previous thread that she's 16. I'm sure he's at least that young as well. All guys look like sissies at that age. Yeah btw y'all are pedos

Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children

She is clearly not pre-pubescent or a child. Shes also legal where I live at 16. Id put my cock in her without hesitation

>being that gay

another attention whore. cmon anons, try to act like youre better than this degenerate crap. fucking disappointed everytime with you faggots

Who is this even? Give context faggot

>supporting Nazism
You're a fucking traitor and should feel bad.

All woman who come out as /ourgirls/ are either attention seeking whores or CIA/FBI/Mossad-niggers.

Solution: All male WN-ism and importation of niggers and spics and convert them to WN-ism. Brilliant shit right there.

Nice guys get friendzoned 100% of the time.

I dont have a twitter account. If I made one tomorrow and posted right wing stuff would that make me a CIA agent?

Does everyone at CSIS shitpost all day?

I support national socialism, not Nazism.
Nazism didn't work - learn and reconfigure.

>random cunt
>this is /ourgirl/


U mean todays white male

>supporting our ancestors fighting and dying for Jewish hegemony
You're the real traitor you fucking bong cunt.

Don't cuck yourself by saying somewhat. It's true anyone who takes selfies is not worth your time

Holy shit he looks just like that guy that used to get posted on /r9k/ all the time. He was a scrawny Latino looking kid who worked at a grocery store and always complained on Facebook about not having a gf. He would write poems about 9/11 and Adolf Hitler.
Anyone know the kid I'm talking about?