Gook hate thread

Gook hate thread

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gook, chink, nip. is there even a difference at all? they're all soulless








>you died.webm






>16 posts by this ID
I wonder who pays you to do this eh?

Just doing my duty to get the thread rollin' Chang, not that you would understand duty.

>I wonder who pays you to do this eh?
For now? My sides


why do they hate elevators so much?

2 for the price of 1

probably has to do with them not being able to drive a car, so the automatic jew tube is an enemy to their honror.


Where's my gun?

>all the gifs posted show chinks
Can we have a real gook hate thread pls

That's what happens when you don't wear a helmet

> jew hate thread
> b-b-b-ut I'm not that kind of Jew
they're all the same

I'm pretty mesmerized by this one, what was there that the poor sod just HAD to look at so intently? how did he not hear the other truck backing up? how did the truck backing up didn't even stop for one single second? is that steam coming out of his vital organs popping out? it must've been a cold day. There is so much wrong with this video it's hard to process.

i thought asians were smart

that guy got fucking rekt. would hate to have to clean up that body.



Gooks don't have souls, so they don't mind torturing doggos.


Just so you know, the cops got the shit beaten out of them for this. Street Mob justice. If they were American cops they would get 6 weeks paid vacation and a slap on the wrist.

Haha, my dog used to hate baths too.

IDK man, looks like it was what she wanted.
But FFS, move the body out of the way so that traffic can get by. Rude.

Yes, there is, Dixie. If you're going to RP you should at least learn the terminology.

Give me a term that's an umbrella for nip/gook/chink and I will. Until then they are all gooks.

From what I understand, if you touch someone that just had a traffic accident over there you may be liable to pay for his/her hospital expenses, even if you're not responsible for the accident.


That's from a japanese movie or something
>arr rook same

Rice niggers?

I've "heard" that too, but I haven't bothered to see if it's true.

No its not,its a mentally retarded gook whose family made that thiing so he would not hurt himself during his retarded attacks

This is why visiting China and other shithole chink/gook/dink/yellow bug countries isn't on my bucket list.

Except Japan, which is superior. Maybe if Japan did not attack Pearl Harbor, Japan should have conquered Asia and wipe out the subhuman gooks and chinks. Japanese supremacy exists within ultra-nationalist group in Japan and abroad.

This one is trying to get flees or mange worms off of the dog. Its shitty for the dog, but he's not trying to kill it in this one.

I know nip is short for Nipon.
Chink is Chinese, obv.
Had to look up gook. Seems it's your umbrella term.

What a fucking retard.


You know, if his dumb ass would have just put those teeth back in immediately the root would grow back.

maybe america shouldn't have issued an embargo of oil on japan, then they could have conquered china


>mfw I have no face

>chinese no likey kikey tricks
>Proud China not want any nig nog refugees
>24/7 gook hate threads on pol
Fuck you faggots, falling for cheap Soros parlor tricks again.

This has to be lack of education, right?
Maybe some of those peasants that only recently started living around modern technilogy?



this desu
every time I point out they are posting the same sensationalist shit I got called t.Chang without any real argument

My eyes fucking watered watching this...

maggots in both eyes
start giving him a proper shave

looks like obamacare to me

>Bed of Chaos

Yup. I checked zerohedge the other day and it was
>China pushing for using gold backed currency to trade shit
Oyyy veyyy, no space for poor jew and his millenia old usury tricks. What will the poor jooo doo?
>get on pol
>China pig disgusting
>China insect roach no soul
>Gook hate thread insect insect insect insect


This it's called delousing

If Japan wasn't nuked, it would have been the exact shithole seen in these videos, or maybe worse


>What do you mean building the road bed out of cardboard is a bad idea?

The Chinese are no better than niggers.

I know. FDR found the excuse to force America into war by goading Imperial Japan to attack Pearl Harbor.

USA definitely baited Hitler who had to be bound by Axis treaty with Japan, and the rest is history. Hitler got baited by declaring war on USA, and that was why Germany got bombed to death followed by nasty Soviet invasion to rape, pillage and plunder.

Thanks for the treason, FDR.


Gooks are slanty-eyed turbo jews, if you actually knew any instead of being a pathetic weeb consuming their shallow entertainment you'd know this.

What am I not getting here? Why are they doing this?


Possibly, if not for USA's libertation that "forced" Japan to accept the new constitution that redefined Japan, Japan would not be as powerful and economically superb by now if not for USA.

USA favors Japan even above Germany, especially with treaties that essentially absolved Japan of heinous atrocities for "research findings" of torture/death experiment gook and unlucky white POW victims.


Fucking subhumans.

I assumed he was taking a piss


Cocky is the character attribute among the dumb youth, I suppose.

I know because I was an idiot as a youth. Some incidents that almost killed me, yet I live as a 38 yo oldfag.

The maggots are applied by the doctors to clean away necrotic tissue so healing can start.
Maggots only eat dead flesh, so as long as you use maggots that aren't carrying any diseases they are really good at cleaning wounds.

The guy is probably retarded and homeless, incapable of caring for himself.

>Gooks are slanty-eyed turbo jews, if you actually knew any instead of being a pathetic weeb consuming their shallow entertainment you'd know this.
Hey kike faggot, do you know how I know that you are full of shit? Because these "gooks" unlike you soontobegassed shekeltronfagnigger kikefag put in hours every day doing something instead of trying to usury shit up left and right. There is a change you might get screwed over but it won't be a complete and total fuck over like 50 grand for 4 year college or 350 grand * 2 for a 30 year house mortgage. You pieces of shit hae been running the same trick for how long now?
Where will you cockroaches run to once USA kicks you the fuck out?
Europe is going to be a no-go zone with all the Muslims you cockroaches helped import over there. Japan doesn't like you cockroaches at all. South America will not put up with your bullshut cockroach crap. Easter Europe....hahaha, you cockroaches want to try that? Middle East is a no...except for that one spot so that leaves anywhere in Africa. You usury cockroaches want to try Africa? Come on cockroach, I'll give you 5 shekels to move to Afirca. Smell those shekels cockroach, you know you want it.

The only reason Japan is in its current shape today is because PRC joined Korean war
The US gave Japan huge wads of cash to make them not sway to communism


suicide dummy

always love a good ching chong thread.
Too bad anons post the same webms over and over


wtf is that even possibru

OP, find the recent chink torture video clip of a German Shepherd type breed being skinned alive while suspended next to a tree. Its scream was penetrating.

The reason they torture and cruelly kill cats and dogs and rabbits, etc is because the chinks think that torturing animals makes adrenaline to tenderize meat.

Chinks are truly soulless. Ditto for dinks (Korean) and gooks (Vietnam).

I recommend banning free trade with China as the start, if only President Trump cares about animal rights. Hitler was right; he was very concerned about animal welfare, unlike filthy slants.


aaaah that makes sense
thx for the info

Explain to me how it's morally wrong for chinks to do what they do.

soulless ants

> filename
> kek

This isn't the same as driving 110 mph on a freeway or "taking risks"

This was two videos in a row of them walking straight into elevator shafts. I get kicking it open, which they do. But then they just walk straight into the shaft. Kicking it open would be the risky move. Walking into the open shaft makes me think they literally don't understand it's an empty shaft or have some mental deficiency.

Which might explain why this is so...a heroic ultranationalist nip brutally killed a communist politician in early 1960's.