What is wrong with white people
liters? Usually milk comes in Gallons. Bitch sold out to the metric system.
It's spelt "liter" not "litre." Frekin europors I swear.
how do you even collect 30 liters of tit milk
fucking liberals man.
Except Goga Gola :DD
That's a lot of milk though.
dem gains though
Her tits must hurt.
Eurocucks. Both are acceptable spellings in Canada due to both English and French being official languages.
This is actually really considerate. Helps more than texting $10 to the Red Cross.
Yeah, fuck babies, amirite?
WAAAAAAAAY more helpful than virtue signalling on Facebook.
>inb4 "BUT TIT MILK"
We drink random cow's milk all the fucking time. Why is this so gross?
Cow milk is fucking degenerate. Stop drinking the dairy jew.
the baby looks like he's getting enough, some women produce more than their babies will consume. what's gross is that she's probably not storing it and shipping it correctly so that it doesn't spoil. it's not like that bagged milk you get in third world countries that can sit on the shelf forever.
im not sure how forcing these poor destroyed people to drink your breast milk is preferable to donating bottled water
It's almost like there could be infants that survived the hurricane and their parents just so happened to run out of formula and mom is incapable to produce milk for the baby.
Think a little harder next time, dumbass.
Kek, Eurocucks changed the story.
>That baby has a helmet on.
I assume the milk is for other babies.
There's literally nothing wrong with donating breast milk unless it's feeding black babies
It's becoming all too clear
>Where are we on the stairs of Cultural Marxism?
>Mass immigration, check. Racial integration, check. Interracial marriage, check. Sodomy laws ruled unconstitutional, check. Gay rights, check. Gay adoption, check. Gay marriage, check. Multiple partners, check. Cuckoldry, check. Transsexualism, check.
>Just incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia to go.
We're about to normalize every fucking thing under the sun aren't we?
Breast milk can be harmful to children if it isnt from their own mother
How is this anything other than virtue signaling? What are they gonna do, use this breast milk and give it to babies? Literally every woman with a baby is already producing that
This breast milk shit is just a symptom of the bigger shit we're facing. People have lost their sense of morality. They've lost their self-awareness.
We're just gonna get weird. I can fucking see it.
You can't even throw it in the swamp water because that's too weird
Some women are actually a defect in this field and sometimes they just can not get their breasts to produce milk, their only source of food for their baby is formula or donated breast milk
Ill go with the formula thanks
>some woman are genetically incapable of feeding their children
Maybe god didn't want them to pass down their shitty genes
its getting more and more difficult to find parts of the west that are still worth salvaging.
They have less melanin in their skin
That's about all, peace out
> unless it's feeding black babies
While this is true, frequently they will not accept breast milk unless it fits a very strict criteria.
For example the mother can't have any STDs, they must be producing milk 6-10 months prior, and can not be doing any drugs or alcohol (including cigarettes, prescription drugs, antidepressants, marijuana, etc.)
Why do rich people have wet nurses?
>yfw the dowager's tits have remained firm from years of only old men suckin on em and never any carpet rats
Formula is expensive and probably low on stock. So not that weird.
Either because mom is unable to make milk or her breasts/nipples are sore because infant's mouths fuckin hurt after a while.
I think the milk is intended to feed babies, not adults.
I don't know how they can be sure the milk isn't tainted though. Unless there's some kind of credible charity that organizes such a thing safely.
I think it would be much better to donate new sealed packages of baby formula than your breast milk.
why is nod goga gola thogh
C-can I buy some of this milk?
I have heard of human milk being bought off random craigslist type hookups.. Not sure if there is any authenticity to the claims but I have also heard it contains human growth hormone so body builders will sometimes pay decent money for it.. Single moms are generally game to make some extra cash. Win-win, lmao
Pic unrelated