So... Netflix just uploaded this documentary. There you have Obongo...

So... Netflix just uploaded this documentary. There you have Obongo, Killary and all the gang talking about Ayyy Lmao stuff.

the documentary goes on the military complex and the next step of the NWO to fake an alien attack in order to stablish the NWO.

So my question is:
>Is "Ayyy lmao" the ultimate kikery?

Other urls found in this thread: blue beam interview


> Obongo, Killary and all the gang talking about Ayyy Lmao stuff.
>next step of the NWO to fake an alien attack in order to stablish the NWO
normie tier shit for quick shekels

Personally I don't really trust Greer. And I'm an /x/fag

Normie half true half completly untrue shit.
faking an alien attack or better put an outside attack has been long in the planning and tried.
Scare the population, control the population.

remember the YELLOW CAKE IN IRAQ?!?!?
same shit just without aliens.

The ultimate truth would be that there are no aliens but interdimensional beings who can actually travel to our dimension through changing the energetic vibration. Angels and demons are real and thats what we call aliens.

I've always just come to the conclusion that if ayylmaos existed near us that they would wipe us the fuck out conquest style or avoid us because they're beyond our savage ways

project blue beam, yeah

I actually saw this shit on tv when it aired in the 90s or whatever. blue beam interview

Look at the top customer review.

In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro Putin said,

"I have already spoken to three US presidents. They come and go, but politics stays the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration."

>inb4 thread gets deleted like every other alien thread from the past week
Mods are fags

watch the last season of the x-files


Yeah you can bet your ass all of this is disinfo.

Oh god this is Greer? That guy is such obvious controlled opposition it's not even funny.

Mods are literally jews working with the NSA/social media corporations and trying to turn a profit while controlling the narrative for (especially) the retarded fat American populace.

>controlled opposition

No this guy's just a pedo and no one wants to talk about his made up bullshit. you guys are fucking conspiracy nut jobs

You ever see how scrawny those faggots are?

You could kill one in one punch. They have to be crafty.

Oh Greer is 100% positively controlled op. There's no question about that. Anyone who believes muh gubmint alliums is a fucking simp. The US government literally kills people in raids on the wrong house over minor issues, but we're supposed to believe they just allowed people with such insane clearance they watched alien autopsies and know how ET tech works just go blather it to the fucking public? Yeah, real fucking believable. The truth behind the UFO conspiracy is that there are no UFOs and the government is controlled by the MIC who siphons tax dollars through black projects (that go nowhere except up the noses of the rich). That's the REAL conspiracy.

>implying those people aren't Jews

Before they reveal the fake alien threat they will come up with some bullshit asteroids threat.

Their plan for America having enemies goes like this...
1. Russians
2. Terrorists
3. Rogue nations, nations of concern (we are here)
4. asteroids
5. Aliens

All false flags to justify NWO

You guys keep getting so close, just to be judo'd at the last minute. Truly the rightfag is the best prole.

(((They))) want to trick humanity into being (((Their))) cannon fodder to conquer the universe and bring it under (((Their))) control and ownership.

LOL as if humans are smart enough for space migration. Stop blowing yourself for 20 minutes and look at fucking reality.

(((They))) were planning on using mind control and deception based tactics to steal advanced tech from AYY LMAO's.

>Travel several light years to planet inhabited by primitives
>Get mind controlled by said primitives
Hmm really makes you think. I can completely understand why greys are associated with fucking potheads so much now.

The USAF came up with this stuff to cover up mind control experiments.

>>Travel several light years to planet inhabited by primitives
>>Get mind controlled by said primitives

Hey, man.... (((They))) came up with the plan.

I never said it was brilliant.

Although they DO have a total earth encompassing sattelite constellation capable of accurate voice to skull transmission to anyone on earth....


I'll just steal a Mike Tyson and keep him in my apartment when they invade. boom alien invasion averted




wait what i don't jews are powerful enough to win against intergalatic space aliens. no amount of AIPAC lobbying will be enough there

Greer is a disinfo shill at best and reptilian at worst. Believe him no word.

Well considering 99.9% of lamology is a bunch of jewish boomers peddling lies and misrepresentations of historical information for political and financial gain uhhh nah it must all be real... definitely not kikey
