Legal question all Americans

Can you get fined for calling a nigger "A dumb nigger" in the U.S.?

Got sentenced to $1500 or 30 days in jail in exchange for doing so in a road rage.

but you can get fired and shamed

>Got sentenced to $1500 or 30 days in jail in exchange for doing so in a road rage.
there is no way that's true

No. Hate speech is protected by the 1st. If you say "im going to hang you" thats when you get in trouble.

no bullshit, I was fined in Germany for being "rude" to a German police officer when I refused to him him my home address lol.

you can get beat up by niggers that way

You'd get killed by the chimp.

>there is no way that's true

I thinking about starting a fundraiser, it is ridicolous

No. And in fact, if the Government tried to arrest/fine you for it, you are allowed to sue the government for damages.

In the US, the Law is above even government officials. Which means even the Government can break the law and be held liable for civil damages.

most enclosures usually have a sign asking you to not tease the monkeys

I want to steal them Cirno dolls.


fuck BLM right, blue lives matter until they FUCKING FINE YOUR DUMBASS, and those fucking nogs without jobs fuck those worthless trash and all other freeloaders UNTIL YOU NEED TO BEG FOR MONEY ONLINE FOR A TICKET YOU CAN'T PAY


lol k let me know how suing the government/police works out for you
I'm sure it's going to a fair trial

in the real world police make shit up and you get charged and have to pay a lawyer to defend yourself and gl proving the police lied unless you happened to have a recording of everything that happened, JFL @ you

high inhib law abiding cuck detected

The thing about this is that connor would have kicked the shit out of him if it was MMA instead of boxing

t. teenage pot smoker

if they keep ruining our lives with hate speech laws, there will end up an army of nazis who have nothing to do but organise since they can't get a job

No, you can safely move to the USA to call Cirno a fucking nigger anytime you want.

floyd doesn't need poverty boxing money so the real thing is it doesn't matter, conor thanked floyd for kicking his ass and hacing a chance to earn even a 1/3rd of his paychecked and even threw a losing party jfl

edgy "adult" detected, you should be glad you don't know how cops work, enjoy committing misdemeanors Mr.Badass

Actually they have to prove intent and that the threat is credible. In actuality saying "you're the first to hang" "i'll kill you" generally isn't credible in terms of the internet, so it's even better than just not being able to say any threats - you can say empty threats more often than not. With all of Americas problems, at least we're not eurocucks in speech freedoms.

yeah nut none of you will to an actual hood nigga bcus u pussies JFL @ you calling docile "Timothy" from accounting a nigger when he gets a promotion instead of you then claiming freedom of speech when you get fired

Cops have arrested people here for recording them or refusing to provide identification.