Rohingya Muslims slaughtered by Buddhists in Myanmar

...and we all know (((who))) is behind all this.

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They're right, this is shameful. It's shameful they haven't killed more.

>muslimshits are murdered

>no word
>rohingya massacre
This happens about once every two years as Muslims from overpopulated Bangladesh move to nearby countries.

Besides, there's been news stories, whereas absolutely nothing exists of the guy who died at Berkley because of masonry hitting his head.

Pic related, everything the media actually isn't talking about.

I swear if I didn't devote myself Jesus Christ, I'd be a Buddist.

Are leftists seriously trying to make Buddhist monks seem like muh ebil nazis now? That new time magazine cover was laughable

They are locals in the region. They just flee to Bangladesh to escape the genocide.

"Muslims are bad because ISIS murder innocent people.

Murder is cool with me."

Choose one.

>Read the news!

You really need to be a piece of shit if you manage to piss off buddhists.

Well Muslims are by default not innocent so yeah I'm okay with Mudslimes killing each other.

>They are locals in the region.
They claim descent from Arabs, Malays, and South Asians.

Muslims are bad.
Murder is cool.

Choose both.

That's exactly the ISIS mentality. "Westerners are by default guilty by association" they say. So their terrorist attacks are justified for them. You authoritarians of all religions seem to agree on the thought process and irrationality :)

Muslims are 1.7 billion individuals. Some are good, some are bad. How hard is this for a collectivist to comprehend?

Didn't the Rojaja attack police and even army?
That is kind of a declaration of war.

My friend was working in myanmar, and he said that these Rohingyas are just fucking gypsies, they do the same mugging and drug selling there. They are as much muslims as European gypsies are Christians, and basically dirty pakis.

>Be rohingya faggot during world war 2
>Japs are invading and Buddhists aren't allowed to pick up weapons
>Japs probably won't do shit to Buddhist temples, our mosques are fucked tho
>Brits hand us weapons to defend against the Japs
>Flee from Japs
>Genocide Buddhist Burmese with those same weapons instead

Why do Muslims blame all their problems on Jews? Lmao

There is no such thing as good or bad.

No news, because if you look harder, it's Muslim who started it.

Why can't Muslim live peacefully with anyone?

And nothing of value was lost

>Some are good some are evil
>All strive to be like a seventh century Warlord who thought he was good


>Islam is so fucking repulsive even peaceful virgin Buddhists wants to kill them

Out of good reason.
the end.

Anglos and Saudis.

They just defend themselves from an ongoing genocide. Stop think of what is legal and instead start supporting what is right. What Hitler did was legal too.

It's equivalent to killing pests.

That's like saying all Christians strive to drown all people of the earth like their God did.

holy shit, I thought Buddhists wouldn't even kill a mosquito that bit them, and they're fucking genociding muzzys? Goes to show you how fucking INTOLERABLE muzzys are.

Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim.

> why doesn't anyone care that x happened in (insert shithole here)

In the immortalized words of japanon:
When you find a shit in the toilet it is not a surprise. When you find a shit on the kitchen table there is cause for concern.

Now, fuck off and die. Take some sage to your grave with you.

>posting with a meme flag
>defending hajis
Show us your country Mohammedian. I bet it's Canada

>we all know (((who))) is behind all this.
the only Jew in this thread is you, trying to force multiculturalism on the Burmese.

Burma is for the Burmese, not the Rhohinga.

Every country has the right to borders, and national identity, including that of an ethnostate.

>Why when non-Muslims commit mass murder it is not considered "terrorism"
These people don't even know what the word terrorism means.

Buddhists are hunting down the satanic inbred flock of a pedo maniac high on conquest and genocide ?

Well, how could we not support this ?

No they aren't

my guy using the muh hitler analogy here? you must be very new


>1980-2005 report

Oh shit kid, you got us all, we totally realise that we were all wrong.

Well, Hitler was a (((Joo))) so...

Time to offer my prayers to the nearest Buddhist schrine for the good job they have done.

That's probably because Muslims aren't coming into our country in record numbers like the unfortunate Eurofags who have to deal with these desert monkeys.

This. Buddhistbros be based.

That activated my almonds, fuck Trump and fuck white people

Well it wasn't the Muslims who drop the atomic bombs killing thousands of innocents either. It was the Christians

Serves them fucking right, Muslims have no place in Asia. Send them back to the Middle East.

Muslims are bad because they threaten our societies, there is no moral play in that. I don't care if they murder each others, I just don't want them here turning my country into a thirld world shithole

reap what you sow, cuckistan faggot

literally comparing war to islam lolol
go back to licknig sargons balls you kekistani fag

You country does not belong to you or your state though. Civilized people respect individual property. Don't be a monkey. Evolve already

Guess what. There is a war on ISIS (resulting in thousands of innocent victims in Middle East) going on right now.

The country belongs to its people...
fuck you, ill rather stay a brute in a nation on my people than join multicultural stew of shit and piss...

You bring shame on our country kekistani.
You bring great shame on us all with your retarded post.

>don't be a monkey, accept monkeys
Enjoy getting genocided then I guess

Sauce? very interested on this side of the story


mossies terrorize and slaughter peaceful buddhists in Burma for centuries but once they start fighting back it's all of the sudden problematic

isis should be turned to ash... their stated reason for them attacking us is the fact that we have different values not the wars we caused...

Are you fucking retarded?

Tell that to Muslims, dickhead.

Kill more of them.

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a "Rohingya" people. They are Bengali Muslims from neighbouring Bangladesh who illegally immigrated to Buddhist Myanmar and are trying to jihad-annex Rakhine state, like Muslim Albanians did to Serbian Kosovo.



well a took 2 baits, no more

>this statement
15 year old Ahmed living in Canada confirmed

So we are supposed to feel sorry for a bunch of terrorist assholes that are supported by pakistan and whose people have been killing as many as they can for fucking,fuck yourself you puppet state meme spouting faggot.seriously, you people are a fucking cancer.

pic related a true hero

The Middle East is in Asia...
>American education

What, no thats not how we think

I think

>well I hate muslims of all kinds so lets not let them in
>better yet, why not just keep on bombing and killing ALL OF THEM
>fuck they tried to kill us badly in the middle ages, almost won if it werent for a couple of valiant people

If we kill all of them, then that would be fine by me too. Though we need to kill only the aggressive ones mostly. The Second sect of theirs, the shiats or whatever, the Iraians are more peaceful.

Based buddhists

But that's clearly the second post in this thread, YEW UTTAH MOW-RON

And it was right too.

They are only peaceful because they don't have the numbers like the sunnis so they have to play it smart
None of them should be trusted

Middle East is its own region, you stupid fuck. Fight me.


>The media is portraying fucking Buddhists as homicidal maniacs to defend homicidal maniacs
What a fucking ride this timeline is

> ashin wirathu
> asian wirathu
> asian wrath

what the fuck judaism is this



>Comparing God's Judgement to man's

Nice blasphemy you got there.

Based Buddhists putting down liberal's pitbulls

Kosovo :)

>still no one posted the webm with ashin wirathu

it's all over the news retard. and now you're shilling it here. they are like all the other false religion promoters: 1 is too many.

Actually the Jews are engaging in a massive propaganda campaign against the noble SHAOLIN MONKS for their stance against Muslim ratpeople.
>The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to provide any kind of help and contribute to collective measures by international bodies and Islamic countries, Zarif said during the Monday phone conversations.
Sup Forums BTFO

also regarding OP, very good, fuck mudslimes, they are all evil and danger to every society they appear in

don't make me antifa you up, goyim

PS - I hope the SHAOLIN MONKS kill every one of the ratpeople before they end up in Europe or Australia. Women and children first.


I believe Iran wants to double their population...let them welcome the RATingya people.

>Muslims laugh when non muslims are killed
>Muslims crying when they themselves are killed
There is a god after all.

>1% of the population committed 10% of all terrorist attacks, and that's before the whole isis shitstorm
really fires my neurons

Here comes the new fresh wave of "refugees" to Europe! Come in! WE can accommodate the ENTIRE 3RD WORLD!
Heres your complimentary cash and Blond woman to breed with!

God bless the BBB (Based Buddhist Bosses)


>Mohammed cries out as he strikes you

This is why we should support BASED SHAOLIN MONKS in their quest of pest eradication.

Maybe they shouldn't try to overpopulate another people's country. Shit like this has happened all throughout history, if the Muslims want to take over the country they'll have to fight the Buddhists.

Im reading this on a tram surrounded by them, rooting for the buddhists.

> in america

super dank meme bro