What the actual fuck dudes...?
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Were you being intentionally retarded?
congrats you attentionwhoring faggot, here's a (you) hopefully its warmth will keep you slated in the cold harsh uncaring life you live.
>still using Twitter
What a cute nordic cocksucker face mmm
why do you look like you're mom did some drinking while she was pregnant
congratulations, you now have aids
Wow, your a faggot. No one cares.
Reminder the reds killed eachother for land
>proud dad
>gay man
>is a father
Armaggedon cannot come fast enough. I was supposed to be in bed but this really made me mad. Fuck you OP im pissed now.
How the fuck does my post only get one like, and it just happens to be Perez Hilton? I am seriously shocked.
Waaaake up Sup Forums
I'm not finished with you, yet.
Accidental click, or more likely, his reading comprehension is shit and he thought you were saying something positive and supportive about natives.
conejaculations your both retard faggits
Perez Hilton is a political columnist. My post on twitter that I included fits the criteria of this board. Are you unable to read or just can't reason?
Reported and saged
fuckin attentionwhore underage autist
>lives on native land and white infrastructur
>but i get to stay.
every fucking time
East Asian migrants aren't native.
He likes every Reply he gets.
I told him to fuck off and he liked it.
It wasn't a reply to him.
It means you're gay now