Could anarcho capitalism ever work?
Could anarcho capitalism ever work?
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In a perfect society, where the strong won't prey on the weak and naturally assume their place above the plebs, sure. Just like communism. But here in reality, hell no. The human element completely ruins the ideal.
>Could a world without theft and violence work
I don't could it?
AnCap will work as well as Gobbunism. You're just giving the master another name. Ethnostate is the only solution.
>Corporations like Google hire private armies
>Google and other powerful corporations seize resources
>Google and other powerful corporations become a governing force
>Google buys nukes
>be google
>cant patent troll
no idea ever posted here will ever work.
If you like megacorporations owning you in a literal sense.
That would be corporatocracy.
Which is like democracy, but without elections.
This is stupid.
Isn't this where we are now? I mean isn't this why voting doesn't work? The gummint doesn't actually run anything anymore.
Idk, I would ask Somalia or Sudan
We have an interest to prevent other people from forcefully taking over our resources, stealing our land and forcing us into slavery. This interest magically disappears in an ancap society this is why noone would ever enter into FREE and VOLUNTARY contracts with others to prevent such things from happening. Subjugating people to an oppressive policestate is the only way to keep you SAFE.
No its just a funny meme
What are you fuckin gay?
But the world is literally AnCap but its already set up with rules and borders, we are just living in sections of it.
Buy some land. Go on. Who owns the land? You? No. It belongs to the territory of some state. That is NOT owning the land. We are far far from an AnCap world my friend.
No, what im saying is the government owns the land, because they gained the land in the ancap world. we are living inside already set up governments years after you could live as what you think ancap is.
Don't you get it? the world was literally ancap in its inception and it still is you are just not high enough up the food chain to live the ancap life.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......... because nobody wants to live in a country run by fuckin drug cartels
it is a joke, but anarchy works.
i think most americans are (((capitalists))) anarchists, basicly liberatrians.
Exactly, but being a part of a country =\= the country being your private property. If you read Leviathan you would know that right now only the smartest of jews are utilizing the ancap system between each other and telling everyone that having a government is the only way through media.
I would say that it sounds good in theory but doesn't work in real life.
That is a REALLY great argument. Like seriously WOW you have totally BTFO'd me. Because the world WAS a certain way and then BECAME a certain way we should just leave it at that.There is NO possible way things like, oh I DONT KNOW, the INTERNET, modern weapons which enable even women and children to KILL FUCKERS, would have ANY impact whatsoever on the formation of a new society under an Ancap principle. Nope. None. Whatsoever. Would just result in the same thing.
I haven't read the book, and literally don't know much about it at all but whenever someone mentions an cap that is my instant thought, you don't have the means to live ancap, thats why you live within government because your family does not posses the wealth it takes to own your own land. why can't people see this. what people want is a government play park with ancap inside, the world is ancap realise it.
Why so triggered Hans? The world is ancap you just don't have the means to be at the top of the food chain. Open your eyes.
ancaps' hearts are in the right place, but there's really no good reason to throw out the rule of law and hope that private security companies somehow manage to do as good of a job
also, ancapistan has no real way to defend itself from foreign invaders. Any country with a real military could fuck em up
Saying that we exist in anarcho-capitalism or any form of anarchism misses the entire point. Anarcho-capitalism isn't even anarchic in the sense of the other forms of anarchism.
It is NOT Ancap. I will admit that there is the possibility of AnCap being impossible. I am willing to admit that MAYBE statism is the natural result of an AnCap outset. Maybe. Might be. But I can just as easily entertain the notion that it wouldnt end in statism. Do you know the difference between an Ancap world and this one? In an Ancap world you own what you own. In an Ancap world I am allowed to not pay into the immigrant fund. I am allowed to not pay into the road fund. I am allowed to do whatever the fuck I want. And everyone else is allowed to exclude me as they see fit. Statism isnt even the problem. Its the notion that governments own any land that is not the property of people belonging to said government. Have your states. But they shoul exclusively hold power on the land either communely owned or owned by those freely participating. The fact that I am FORCED into a government is a violation of the NAP in and of itself.
Maybe Ancap doesnt work. Maybe we need a Minarchy Superstate with the express purpose of making sure nobody claims ownership or authority to or over land they do not own. Might be a solution. I am happy to discuss this. I am also happy to discuss the inevitable corruption of such a government and alternative methods. What I am not willing to do however is give into your delusional stupidity claiming a world BASED on the violation of the Nap is ancap in any way.
Ok let's put it this way.
>World begins
>Group of people get together for safety
>Created Gated Community
>Work together for betterment of the community they are created
>Decide they want more land, so they take it
>Create a currency
>Create infrastructure
>Give the place a name
>New Generation is born into community
>Create police force to protect the community as it has now grown exceptionally large
>Community decides they need someone to govern them, how else could the community work, who do the police answer to etc
>Surely you can see where this is going?
Pretty much no, with no regulation to keep corporate powers in-line, the richest fucks become flat out warlords
Is your point that humans exist in anarchism? That doesn't actually get us anywhere in a discussion and it doesn't refute the proposed framework of any anarchist society.
>monopolies start forming up around everything
>people who hold them decide it's totalitarianism time
>the end
Unregulated capitalism is just a meme.
I'll just leave this here;
>Anarchist Society
Are you dumb m9-1?
ANd I already said, that you are indeed right in this argument. I also said that this is not an inevitable outcome of an inherently Ancap society and that modern technology, infrastructure, ability to reason, common language and other amenities of a post tribal society might result in a different outcome should we, in your words, "reset" the world to its natural state of Ancapism. Your idea is based on the assumption that an Ancap outset will ultimately and without fail result in what we have now. I am not denying that that might be true. I am however doubting that it MUST necesarily be so. Ancapism in your worldview inevitably COLLAPSES into statism and other forms of non Ancap life. That is what I am doubting.
Fair enough thanks for the chat lad
Most of them live in countries run by banking cartels.
Exactly, if everyone knew out much support for these ideas there really was, we could get to work of privatizing everything right now.
Privatize banks so they could only use commodity money instead of bullshit fiat money.
Privatize arbitration so they could only use natural law instead of bullshit man-made laws.
Privatize defense so that everyone in capitalist societies has a firearm and knows how to use it, thus regulating crime by removing free targets.
Privatize the water so they have a reason to keep it clean.
Privatize trees and edible animals so that more
trees are planted for sale and more animals are raised for sale.
>He thinks anarchism means without order
It means without rulers. You would still have to have a system for allocating resources and whatever property norms a society wants. Why don't you actually try googling polycentric law and understanding ancapism instead of trying to define it out of existence?
>Privative everything
Implying "the state" isn't a "private entity".
If there is no ruler, who enforces the order?
Model A) 5 children sit around. The only reason they are not killing each other is because a parent tells them not to and constantly monitors their behavior in order to micromanage every single interaction to make sure nnothing immoral or hurtful happens.
Model B) A buncha kids sit together and since noone wants to be beaten up they agree not to beat the shit out of anyone.
Now truly we see that it doesnt work with children. As the only reasonable outcome will be that those with power (here, force, strength, ability to subdue others through violence) will come to control the group. Much in the same way as it is true for primitive societies.
But we dont live in such a society anymore. Everyone can have power. A gun kills. No matter who has it. So we simply enforce the law by virtue of noone being able to accumulate enough power to subdue everyone else. The only reason the state has an absolute monopoly on violent power is that they achieved it in a pre-equal society. In a society where might was not cheaply available to all.
Work in what way?
It's the literal natural order of how humans would react if there was no governmental systems in place to keep everyone in check.
It would be a Mad Max style dystopia. but it would actually function in some way. Unlike Anarcho-communism which is a fairytale, and hinging on impossible concepts and a complete rejection of human nature to even come anywhere close to ever occuring.
Withouth parental supervision, children would definitly kill each other.
Lord of the Flies is a great book about what happens if children try to govern themselves
Lol nope.
Ya, my point exactly. But we are not children. And even the fugging children were able to build a semifunctional society.
Besides you can make any political idea sound stupid.
Democracy: Lol ya, we have 10 people in a room and when 6 say to kill myself I have to do it. Haha, great mate. Genius.
Monarchy: Ya lets just give all the power to 1 guy and have him make all the laws: "Hurr I can now fuck all of you in the ass" he totally wont abuse this power.
Oligarchy: See above, just more people fucking you.
WHy do people always assume that without big daddy overnment people would stop having an interest in not devolving into murderous barbarian civilizations. Why do people always assume that governments couldnt be just as aeasly be based on voluntary and free cooperation? Are you maybe just afraid? Could it be that you just want your widdle widdle safe space?
Guy with the most guns and an army would take power
Anarcho-Primitivism (and everything like it) is the only anarchist ideology that isn't a complete load of dogshit. Technology and freedom are not compatible.
>Could anarcho capitalism ever work?
No chance in hell.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
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also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>WHy do people always assume that without big daddy overnment people would stop having an interest in not devolving into murderous barbarian civilizations.
That's the lesson we learn from history. Without leadership, chaos erupts every tiem
>Why do people always assume that governments couldnt be just as aeasly be based on voluntary and free cooperation?
Because people are selfish and would play the system
>Are you maybe just afraid?
Yes, I am afraid. I want police to protect me from criminal thugs
>Could it be that you just want your widdle widdle safe space?
If by safe space you mean a space where i dont get killed by gangs, then yes
Does it work in Somalia ?
Power over what? Having unilimited power only works in a goddamn monopoly. Or if EVERYONE is not subject to the free market. Statism excludes countries from being subject to the free market. They can exist without being porftable. Someone would have to own more than 90% of all land in order to have enough of a poweredge to monopolize power. Who in the everloving fuck could pay that? Who could have an army big enough to literally own the globe? And before that, before they get to owning everything. They would have to fight guerilla wars everywhere. Lets take a look at how well guerilla wars against the population can be won. America, the greatest military superpower to ever grace the earth, lost against friggin vietnam my friendo.
You CANNOT win a war against the indigenous population without complete and total eradication of said population. Its not possible.
And as long as there is more than 1 country. As long as there is no monopoly, there will be free market forces making sure that you can vote on every single frigin issue, simply by paying or not paying into the voluntary funds from which it is to be undertaken.
it works.. Look at somalia where being a literal pirate is a job description
What is the difference between a freely chosen cooperation and an oppresive forceful state that makes the state inherently able to enforce peaceful cohabitation which free cooperation cannot provide? What makes the state so much better at this?
>What makes the state so much better at this?
The fact that the state actually works, while freely chosen cooperation doesn't.
But you are welcome to prove me wrong and show any historical example of a freely chosen cooperation actually working
oh lets think. First I have to check the times free cooperation was tried and not shut down by statist forces right after....uuuuhm....ooohhh sheeeesh. Holy. Oh my god. Nope. Cant think of anything. You are right.
Are you fucking shitting me? The stae actually werks. Ya but WHY? Because it uses its power to OPPRESS the citizens. That is fine and good until the powers to be decide that YOU are to be oppressed. That you have to pay for dreamer babies. Pay for immigrants. Pay for schools teaching evolution/creation (whichever side of the fence you fall
Why should the state care wether or not I participate? Why not let me sign a document which says: I hereby foregeo any and all amenities the state can supply, but at the same time withdraw any and all financial support of the state.
What would be so horrible about asking me for a signature on wether or not I want to participate?
Anarcho Capitalism could work only IF humans were extremely moral and ethical,
The only reason why "Governments" exist is because humans can't be
trusted to keep justice and order on their own.
The same humans you deem unable to cooperate with relatively small amounts of power, are the ones in charge of institutions with absolute power over the entire fucking population. How can they suddendly be trusted only because there is a gubmint?
works in the Congo. Also much of africa.
>The stae actually werks. Ya but WHY? Because it uses its power to OPPRESS the citizens.
Exactly. The state works because it opresses citizens (through threat of violence). Without the state, society couldn't exist because everybody could use violence against everybody.
So we need a strong actor, somebody who is so strong that no other dares to fuck with him. We call this actor state, and he prevents everybody other tham himself from using violence.
So you might be opressed by him, but at least you wont become a victim of gang wars or raiding war parties.
This is pretty much the philosophical foundation of modern day statescraft
In the same world where communism works
ANCAP is basically the jews way of making sure the goyim are sucked into thinking they are allowed to be international bankers too.
Only if eugenics made super humans. Maybe CRSPR will
>niggers making anything work let alone a system requiring complicated checks and balances and highly abstract philosophy
I hate false narratives Congo is a marxoid asshat yeti wasteland
LOL. And why dont states just fuckin rek each other at every possible turn? Could it be that staes very much function because of MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION? Because everybody can INDEED rek everybody else? Why dont we attack china right now? Why dont we attack russia? Why would mutually assured destruction work any different on the individual level? If I have a gun. And everbody else has a gun. Shooting someone will result in me getting shot. I dont want to be shot. Therefore I will not shoot anyone.
But user what about africa and other zones of the world working on this principle being in complete and utter chaos and a permanent state of warfare?
Its that simple
No, it's same as communism - bullshit.
>And why dont states just fuckin rek each other at every possible turn?
They do it all the time. This happens because we have no superstate that would be powerful enough to opress all other states. We have basically anarchy on a global scale, and wars are the result of that power vacuum.
Only reason the situation isn't any worse are the nukes, as you already said.
Ya. But you dont need nukes for a personal environment. Guns are totally sufficient. What is the nuke to a country, but a bullet sufficiently large enough to kill it?
But then people would enter cooperations which are bigger so they can exert power over other people. Well, yah. But those people are free to do the same. And many people believe that all people should be free to do what they want. I personally would take part and PAY my fee to a cooperation which does not only promote my freedom but that of fringe societies which would otherwise not be able to protect themselves. We are already doing this of course. By voting for DACA and shit like that. And thats cool and all. I just dont see any reason to FOCE someone else to pay for the policies I want to see enacted.
Since Ancap never claim their ideology a utopia where everyone are a nice guy who help each other instead an asshole who own nuke and child sex slave, yes it can work.
Probably without outside interference, but let's face it that is not going to happen. Same kind of problem as commie shit but at least semi-feasible
No, but I love the meme
You're asking us if what happened for the past 300 hundred years will work again on a even more limited supply of resources that was pillaged by the very same system already
Yeah nah, the west is declining and developping countries are closing in on us economically to the point that we will never again enjoy such a way of life and that everyone will more or less enjoy the same life while the poorest of the poor simply cease to exist
Ancap shit is fun to entertain on the scale of a neighborhood or within a post apocalyptic fantasy but that's it, there are no more riches to accumulate on this planet unless we redistribute them
It's already working in Liechtenstein
>money > race
define "work"
If by work you mean effectively annihilating the human race in less than a year, then yes, I guess it works.
The US was much closer to AnCap in the late 19th century & early 20th century than it is today. It was a period of unbridled innovation and opportunity, but that which had zero social safety net. If you sought work you were certain to find it. If you were talented or intelligent you could easily get ahead. If you you were lazy or a criminal you lived on the fringes of survival. If you were unable to work due to old age or disability you were fucked unless you had relatives or charity willing and able to take care of you.
Ultimately AnCap is a direction and not a destination. It can't actually be realized as a system of government because the pareto distribution of human ability means that it would quickly become totalitarian like the Chinese system. However as a direction to strive towards it's fine. Much of the western world would benefit from reduced government regulation which is currently strangling small businesses and innovation, and cuts to the heavily abused social safety net which is creating generational welfare recipients and disincentivizing work.
In theory, yes
In practise, no
like every system then
the question is whether it would not work in a really shit way or not work in an alright way