Can someone please explain to me why this man is qualified to be the Secretary of State? Isn't he some (((fortune 500))) mogul that owns a bunch of oil interests? yeah he's definitely looking out for the Trump voting working class man.
Americans are so fucking stupid
This guy is a fucking idiot
>Leads flourishing international business
>not qualified to lead state department
Hillary did it. Can't be too hard.
so owning a business means you're qualified to protect the nation's interests? wow yeah like i said americans are fucking retards and it's nice to see where their priorities lie
whatever happens to them they deserve it and i honestly hope they get fucking nuked
and honestly desu using hillary clinton as an example is pretty fucking weak
>so owning a business means you're qualified to protect the nation's interests?
Does being a politician mean youre qualified? Cause politicians have been doing a horrific job over the last 100 years in international relations.
dude stop comparing him to shitty politicians and thinking that means he's qualified. just because other people suck doesn't mean he's good.
i want to know why *he*, Rex Tillerson, is specifically qualified to be in control of the security of the united states and their people
Pro tip: He's not, and he's just a fucking shill put in there to be Trump's little faggy jew loving bitch
He knows about the geopolitics of energy and the energy industry. Why do you think he isn't qualified?
>Pro tip
You are not a pro.
You are a worthless fucking leaf.
Get the fuck off my board you pathetic goddamn canuck!
>dude stop comparing him to shitty politicians and thinking that means he's qualified.
What is your definition of qualified for this position? The people traditionally thought of as "Qualified" were clearly not.
Watch some fucking videos of him. He is good.
Tillerson is probably about the best guy Trump put in. To boot, state department is just about the most important position.
He's like the American Lavrov, which is why the Jews never say a damn thing about him.
He's still unironically more competent than POTUS
because he's a businessman not a diplomat. i know that's kind of an oversimplification but it's pretty much all i have. i don't really think it deserves much more than that. does he have a history of negotiating geopolitical issues with other nation's leaders? no. that's why the united states government is mired by roadblocks and miscommunications that haven't been seen since the Nixon era.
wow what a fucking taught burger argument. i can really see talking politics with you.
>What is your definition of qualified for this position?
Certainly more than running an oil company. I don't really see why that qualifies someone. I mean I understand he's an appointed person approved by congress or whatever, but the Trump administration has only continued to sour me since his election. 0
As a crucial border city resident I feel entitled to an opinion. Sorry.
Can you please give me some details because I know of nothing.
Look I know i come off as a dick but i'm legitimately curious to learn of any qualifications pertaining to the geopolitical world before he was appointed and not just business dealings
Very few Secretaries of State have been career diplomats. Diplomacy itself is a small part of what they do.
If you want to know about Lavrov then listen to any pronouncement he makes. Like Tillerson, he's even-handed and he says shit like it is.
But really the best part bar none that sold me on Tillerson was watching the first 2-3 hours of his confirmation hearing. He didn't give a shit. He played it right down the middle like you would expect of an experienced negotiator. There were were several great moments, but I will give you one
>I'm on the security committee how come you don't know wtf you're talking about?
I don't know I still don't have a security clearance
>your security clearance went through last night
That was last night and I don't have it yet
>so you don't know what you're talking about?
No, I haven't been briefed on that yet
top kek
>wow what a fucking taught burger argument. i can really see talking politics with you.
>because he's a businessman not a diplomat. i know that's kind of an oversimplification but it's pretty much all i have
>Certainly more than running an oil company. I don't really see why that qualifies someone.
None of these are arguments. If you cant specifically list what qualifications you THINK he needs, how can you say he's not qualified. Your feelings are not arguments.
He's a major asshole
>does he have a history of negotiating geopolitical issues with other nation's leaders?
Yes. Your entire thread can be summed up in a single screenshot of wikipedia.
Everyone else is a kike shill.
I don't know if you noticed, but Jews have been mounting a full fledged attack on Trump.
We're about to go to war with Iran for Israel later this year
> fucking exxon
> "a business"
Rex was the CEO of ExxonMobil, so he had a lot of experience with foreign countries with respect to economics and getting deals done. I'd rather have someone like him than another politician.
Why yall wasting time on this shitty leaf thread?
He's not a Mossad agent
He is doing a pretty decent job in my opinion. He is no James Baker but not to horrible.
Second mind your business you Canuck cock smoker.