Gregor Strasser made so much more sense
Gregor Strasser made so much more sense
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Go eat shit, socialist.
Yes goy, keep on slurping that circumcised jew cock
I agree with commies more than Capitalists.
King George did nothing wrong
Capitalism is inherently jewish
>Gregor Strasser made so much more sense
The beautiful thing is that capitalism is internationalist as well. Which is why Europe and the US are flooded with immigrants, while factories are being shipped off to China and Mexico in free trade deals.
This capitalist internationalism is a great thing. And it will lead to international socialism.
Should have been the führer honestly
he wouldnt have fucked up so badly in the east
Hitler proved himself to be a simpleton during the Eastern front, muh honorary aryan sand people and gooks meanwhile Czechs and Poles were to be culled the idiot didn't even get a guarantee declaration of war on the USSR in return of the d.o.w on the USA from the Japs.
Could it be that Hitler felt threatened by Strasser?
>globalism - every country is a market
>nationalism - every country is a market, except mine
>internationalism - no country is market
There's a flag for that
Strasser is not a duginist.
He still couldn't account for the Economic Calculation Problem, and his proposals included nationalization (read: decrease in efficiency, regulatory capture ) of key industries and a cockamamie nationalization of land ownership (read: collectivized agriculture ). If you want to see where Strasserism leads to, check out the DPRK.
Strasser got murdered and you're wearing the flag of your murderer.
Il complain to japanese moot about no Strasser or S.A flag.
Fucking love the Strasser bros. To me they were the good Nazis. Fucking Hitler betrayed Nazism during the Night of the Long Knives; he backstabbed the socialists leaving the party a hallow shell of its former self.
I could never bring myself to openly support Nazism in public but I won't let the good name of Strasser be tarnished. He was right about the furherprinzip being bullshit and he was right that Jews should be confronted on their economic bullshittery not on any cultural or racial accusations of inferiority or parasitism.
This is basically it.
Is this nazbol?
Faggots. Everyone should know by now capitalism itself is the only system that is practical and realistic. Only problem is that the banks and corporations control who rises and falls based off of manufactured inflation, lobbying, ridiculous loan interests, and all kinds of money making schemes which are undermining the free market. Also Socialism fails on such an extraordinary plane, since it gives no incentive for people out of work to find jobs and allows them to just wait for the next welfare check.
No need to define yourself in the terms of the Jew.
I like free trade, I don't think a completely unrestricted AnCap system is practical, but I still prefer to be on the freer side of things. Am I a Capitalist? I wouldn't call myself that. Capitalism is based off of a sound principle, but the word has grown in meaning. Now Capitalism means you support the global labor market, international banks, empty fiat currency, and endless debt spiraling.
I certainly like free trade. I like currency, and the agency it gives an individual. I even like consumer goods, material comfort, and the technological progress driven by cyclical buying of luxury items like premium smartphones. I want people to be able to buy goods as they please, and do business as they please, but I want the underpinning of the financial system to be rid of the stench of semites.
I want sound money. I want the power of coinage to belong to the people, not a privatized entity. I want banks to belong to the people, and I want citizens to own shares in banks. I want banks to prosper only by doing business that benefits the people, and pay them dividends on their profits. I want a system built on equity instead of debt.
We do not need to build a system of welfare to provide an effective safety net. We do not need to expand a federal system to solve our societal ails.
>Also Socialism fails on such an extraordinary plane, since it gives no incentive for people out of work to find jobs and allows them to just wait for the next welfare check.
You're confusing socialism with social-democracy (a capitalistic system). People in socialist societies don't need welfare because there's jobs for everyone.
Capitalism is supposed to be balanced by a state to prevent anti-compedative behaviour but burgers let politicians take bribes and call it speech
Of course, but that's a statement that cannot be expanded into an argument about Strasser alone. The night of the long knives was necessary because there were so many in the nsdap who were too socialist for Hitler's liking, but each too separate from eachother to create a concrete alternative. They had to be culled in order to solidify power under one banner.
Is he our guy?
>Based centrist lol
Uh, I hate to be the one to point this out but Hitler was just about Hitler. That is why they are called "dictators". National Socialism is just the pony he rode on.
>left and right scale
This dumb fucking cookie cutter boomer.
>nationalism - every country is a market, except mine
Commies confirmed for drooling retards (again)
There's nothing centrist about it. It's authoritarian distributive ethnonationalsm. Trying to even put that into a traditional left/right paradigm is nonsensicle.
Might want to refresh yourself on capitalism bro
I know this. He was a dictator like Stalin, Strasser was Hitler's Trostky.
That's a misleading statement. Hitler primarily cared about native Germanic people first, and anglo-teutonic people as a whole second. There's a reason he was fine with the british, yet hated the french for flooding europe with negro soldiers and infringing upon German geological interests.
His views were almost the exact same as Lenins were. Think about that for a second.
>we must take X without X and Y without Y
A reminder that Hitlers National Socialism wasn't nationalist or socialist either.
Both of you Hitlerites and Strasserites are fucking a dead horse.
Kingdom of Italy was a mistake now the R.S.I was that the real deal
I don't know he had some interesting ideas with guilds and shit that's right out of some fantasy novel, who knows how well strasserism would have worked.
read a single book and you will realize how important being anti-capitalist is
immigrants, war, literally everything bad in society is caused by workers not owning the means of production to actually get paid decent wages while owner classes of billionaires get to sit on their lazy asses and make 99% of the income
You know the right one is basically a brave new world right?
No one cares for your fallacious leftypol shit you degenerate tranny.
Shit posting aside the tipping culture of the United States must be one of the most subhuman practices in the world.
No thanks. Capitalism took the western world out of widespread poverty and hunger, and made us the most developed people in the world. My grandfather had 13 siblings. Thirteen. Now I live in one of the most developed countries in the world, that's how quickly properly managed capitalism can fix a country. All thanks to the free market, and the right to own property.
>workers not owning
The workers owned nothing under communism apart from the clothes they wore. If capitalism has to go then so has communism.
>means of production
I should disregard your entire post just because of this stupid meme.
>paid decent wages
Under communism, Yeah no.
And it is not capitalism that turned the entirety of Africa into a warzone, communism is.
Eastern Europe was miserable under communism, and they even built a wall to keep people in.
Everyone tips in Germany, its not a fucking culture its common sense, service workers get shitpay and a little extra when the service was good is right and just.
You are confusing adding a few bucks due to good service and the United States where it's expected to add about 20% of the sum you paid for the meal as tip.
Oh. Really?
Here we handle it like this, you enjoyed the service and stay and you hand the waiter/server/anything 5 euros or something ontop of the bill. Or I dont know you drink a few beers at the bar, the bill is like 8 euros and you give them a tenner and say keep the rest. Its not even enforced or expected, people just do it because servers earn shit and a few extra euros a day is nice for them.
t. former waiter who often made more in tips than actual pay in a day, like 80euros for 7 hours pay and 100 in tipps. given it was a highclass restaurant and im the king of tips in the male world. even beat the hot chick waiters in tipps often.
It was definitely nationalist in every way that you could possibly define it. It was socialist to the degree that the money changers were the primary target of his redistribution and that workers should not struggle whilst bankers thrive.
But of course, it's a misnomer that was applied in order to garner the attention of the German people at the time. Of course it's dead - now similar ideologies attach such terms as "front, stand, united, resistance" to reflect the desperate situation of identitatian nationalism.
>Or I dont know you drink a few beers at the bar, the bill is like 8 euros and you give them a tenner and say keep the rest.
That's tipping done right in the US it's more or less imagine you go to a more fancy establishment you pay 100 USD for a meal and then you are expected to add 20% of the price of the meal as tip so 100 USD+20 USD=120 USD for the meal it's fucking absurd
>comparing Denmark currency to US currency
>Denmark getting taxed out the ASS
>Denmark treating an entry level job like a career
>Denmark gives up freedom for the nanny state
Quit your lying.
bro don't call it "Nazism" because that's gay as shit. just call it national socialism. Been redpilling a few of my friends who were on the Bernie train with the socialism by dropping subtle nationalism things... "Canada first. Fuck muslims they'll never integrate. We do things better than Chinks. Jews control a disproportionate amount of US wealth and media corp holdings, etc."
Don't be a "Nazi". Don't praise Hitler.
National socialism and its principles. That's all you need
Hurr-derrr i'm Nat-Soc, Hurr-Derr I wanna give up my rights and freedoms to other people so they will take care of us that act good
Hurr-Derr don't shoot me in the head only shoot Jews ok? Hurrr-deee-derr-derr I trust you fuhrer 2.0
Kind of related I couldn't help but laugh
Thnx, user
Goddamn this socialist shit we have socialism it didn't work when illegal weren't puring in New Deal? 70's? hell the Goddamn 50's had steel factories owned by the gov aka jews and it took the great RIGHT WING COUNTER ATTACK to fucking snuff that shit. Lets focus on the Fed and the kikes that are sitting on it printing up your labour and giving it to themselves, your taxes are just domestic inflation control mechanism as is China we print and welfare and ship them our paper so they can convert and lower their currency with their peg.
No its not its a smear word for private property and free markets or hell even markets. Talking about price snad this and that is not relevant. The talmud says the goyim can own no property, thats what the world is almost entirely today. Jews OWN everything goy gets shit
nazis didn't go around shooting jews for fun. read more books, watch less hollywood movies
Washington was never a mason btw
regular natsoc is already too socialist. anyone who wants to move left of that gets the rope
>definitely nationalist in every way
Taking lebensraum and creating beichskommissariats is not nationalist at all.
The moment you everstep your national boundries with the intent of conquest, you become a globalist.
>muh german people
Then explain why did the Poles and other "lesser folk" needed to be displaced or germanized?
>short term profits
In the mid term our way of life will degrade as the way of life of everyone on earth starts to look exactly the same
On the long term everyone will have the same life, except we will be close to 10 billions, that means a shitty life but HEY SMARTPHONES AND TV FOR EVERYONE
Also yeah, daily reminder that the west is rapidly declining and that developping countries are slowly closing the gap