AHS Owns Sup Forums


How will you ever recover?

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Le epic Sup Forums basement meme

naming Sup Forums is the opposite of naming the jew

>that smile at the end

1 of us

it says a lot about our culture when they feel the need to call out a Mongolian yurt enthusiast forum

Unhinged liberals making a series about unhinged liberals inability to deal with reality.

The sweet smell of denial

>Papa bear Trump
>Not God Emperor Trump
Get it right you fucking chink

how is this show still on the air??

It's cute when irrelevant people try to understand us.

t. Sup Forums hacker

Nigga what the fuck and I enjoyed AHS. Well, at least my final reason to use netflix ended now.

lol i'm a liberal and i think this AHS episode is stupid. I'm just here for the bantz

what part of "comedy website" is so hard to understand for some people?

>we're not afraid

Many lefties were staying up all night vomiting in terror of Trump.

eh just watch twin peaks dude

What time does this show usually come on?

>you are afraid
>we're not
oh okay

>How is a low quality show that shoves left leaning narratives down the throats of the viewers still be on the air

Elitist liberals confirming their own stereotypes and justifying their unhinged paranoia. Then claiming they 'own'.
Color me shocked.

Manufactured division? I wonder who's behind this?

>Y-you are afraid, w-we're not

because sadly some people prefer watching this to watching the wire or true detective s1

Leet speak, that is so quaint.

>kikes using pedowood to launch personalized attacks
this shit might've worked a decade ago

Is this what the alt left really believes?



Why are you so afraid? We're not, not at all

i go to school with them
one of my teachers even encourages "direct action" / punching people he disagrees with

That's what the whole world believes.
That's why tens of thousands show up to protest and 20 show up to do the virgin tiki larp.

>network television show unironically uttering Sup Forums
>does not want want to accept Obama voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, (too many to list) also voted Trump

Dude every season since the 1st has been shit. And I probably only liked the first because my ex would suck my dick while we watched it

I am saving my bitcoin and biding my time
I wsa in at a dollar niggers

I think this season is satire.

Their projecting this hard LOL

Never name drop Sup Forums, you only give it more power.

I kind of think folks who support "direct action" should just be randomly shot in the head, but hey, maybe that is just me. Or does that mean I support "direct action", too?

>one of my teachers even encourages "direct action" / punching people he disagrees with
Well? Have you gone Freelance Police on him yet?

Oh man, the alt left strikes again
sure got us good!


And just like that, into the trash it went!

Well obviously that means you're a nazi demon. whatever though COINTELPRO 2.0 is probably already on it

aren't all them "that type" of *comedy horror*?

I've watched a handful of random episodes from different seasons over the years and the show never seemed to take itself seriously

Calm down, Little Buddy. If we attack them first we're no better than the godless, scum-sucking vermin they are. We merely need to create an environment of litigious-free incitement to force them to violence leaving us free to engage in some perfectly legal self defense.


I thought this shit was dead years ago.

Awww, okay.

Murphy and the American Psycho author were the one of the few libs post election to tell their hollywood friends to chill the fuck out, they were embarrassing themselves. Two homos had bigger balls than the rest of their entertainment industry virtue circling cesspool.
I watched the whole episode, it hit the left almost as much as the right, just in different ways. Given how the series ends in a totally different place than it starts who knows where they're going with this. I liked it.


Last season was actually really good

over 60 million people come to Sup Forums and live in basements?

You mean you can't tell?
Obviously what they're showing is that Trumpers are racist/homophobic and killing everyone that we are supposed to hate. First kill is the Asians, they clowns of course don't bothers the kid that looks aryan. And again the homo mom, they're haunting her because she's a lesbian. That is where this lame shit is going.

He's not wrong here.

What's this asian nigga saying?
Pol is more diverse than any of their libtard safe spaces lmao

yeah wtf. the antifa and BLM rallies are mostly white people.

HWNDU proved Sup Forums is mostly shitskins

It won't be for long. That's why they namedropped us and shilled their show here to generate interest. Like they hired a staff member of the Howard Stern show to be in Sharknado 5. They're done. Laughable bullshit

How much you wanna bet /ourguy/ turns out to be the good guy.

screenshot this post.

nah /ourguy/ started a clown cult to kill shitskins.

Right Wing Clown Squad

No, he's a recycled actor from past seasons. Always the insane white male loser

Notice, Asian City Council. Lesbians restaurant owners, nice home. Trump supporter, shit apartment, beer bottles everywhere, fuckin cheeto smoothie. Subliminal leap of showing lesbian couple as legit and normal.
Of course the Sup Forums guy has some deluded proclamation to give... in response to protecting the fucking Jewish center.
Anyone who can say this was an even retort is fucking nuts.

I liked the episode, they shit on both liberals and right wing retards.


Holy shit, how the fuck do highschool tier writes work on these popular shows. Who the fuck thinks this is okay dialogue in this setting? What is going on with TV today, fucking cringe

wow we're really big time now huh


yup, I got owned xD

This sounds like Shia Lebouf wrote it word for word

You don't even know it's actually him.

dude the liberals were straight retards, its AHS theres gonna be twists.

RIP in peace

They should have gone all out and made the Sup Forums guy a fat neckbeard wearing an anime T-shirt lmao.

>be 4changuy
>shitpost and fap to chinese cartoons all day
>suddenly you're a clown killer
So pepe symbols and Alex Jones in that show when?

i like the bit where the dude tried to fuck the tv with trumps face... deep
I think i have to watch this crazy crap later.


Lol ok

And chinks.

Gotta love the nerve of that chink talking to a white man like that, like that's not going to divide us more or anything

Lol last time i checked IRC keeps logs

subtle messaging that all attacks on Trump supporters are just false flags or bait.

There's nothing to be afraid of Mr Chink. Here, everybody floats.

>flithy chink talking down to a white man on televised jew

why are you allowing this burgers?

it's fun roach user

>roach forgetting his place

shoo shoo!

I just remembered clock boy

Only the first couple seasons were any good. Stopped watching two years ago.

>You are afraid, we are not
I don't think so.

>you are afraid we aren't not
Then stop talking about us ya filthy jews

Hi i just came to see Sup Forums because i watched this show and i gotta say i love this place. I never realised until reading some posts here today, but there really is a white genocode being orchestrated by an elite class of jews controlling financial, media and academic institutions.

Really glad I watched this show as I can now call myself "red pilled"... have i got that right?

Gas the kikes, race war now, bros! Gonna go tell all ny other "normie" friends about this place too - they'll love it lol!

holy shit I never thought they would make this season THIS political... I am very disapointed, because I liked the some of the other seasons. This season is supposed to be about cults yeah? So is it about the alt right?

> uprising, rebellion; specifically : an armed uprising of Palestinians against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip

why did they use this term specifically? really activates my almonds


>all Sup Forums guys are the same

probably only knows about Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Damnit australia. You had one job. Bantz. Know what you fucked up on? I dont even need to say. Now we are both gonna have to be forced to watch this fucking dance till you recall how to bantz.


I only came here to discuss Dragonball, I didn't ask for any of this

They're implying the Sup Forums dude is anti-Semitic, like the Intifada was. Jews are obsessed with labeling all enemies as anti-Semitic. Doing so to the Intifada only makes sense if you're familiar with the culture, though.

A Jew definitely helped make this show.

Hi guys. I heard about this cite on the show. It's pretty interesting here. Any fellow Juggalos here?

>you are afraid, we are not
>leftists in that show spend the rest of the season screaming and crying

listen here bucko the rest of society is not going to put up with you. get with the program or get out of the way. you are the reason society is being held back.

just a bunch of us Sup Forums guys hanging out you know doing our thing

us Sup Forums guys :D

They should have someone recite the "not gonna lie, former Trump supporter" pasta