>Organizers said they wanted to raise awareness of the campaign in Germany and show support for the independence movement in Scotland.
Scottish independence rally held in Berlin
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Independence supporter here. When can we just hang all the cowards in our movement, beat the drums and go to war. I'm getting impatient.
We long for the day haggis-wog
>Independence supporter here
Free Scotland
Free Catalonia
Free South Brazil
Fellow proud SNP Scotsman here. I will not sit idly by whilst my country continues to be oppressed. By the fat cat Tory's in London and their banker mates. The grin in at the buffet table as they cut more and more of our public services and Jobseekers Allowance.
If we proud Scots do not stand up and fight, then one day, many years from now lying in our dorm beds, the Tories will happily scrap our free tuition. Just so they can please their banker bonus friends.
If we want to win this existential struggle for our freedom, we must find inspiration in men who came before us. Those brave men, who fought like warrior poets, and crushed the English tyrants.
Pic related says all that needs to be said.
Never forget. We were Warrior Kings.
Fuck off SNP shills if Scotland becomes independent we will be the EU's bitch and have forced immigration sanctions forever changing the demographic of Scotland to resemble Londistan
Fellow Scotsman
As the True Prime Minister of Scotland, I come to you to make a call to arms of all Clans of Scotland. Rival clans. Old feuds.
We must come together through peace and dialogue.
Today we welcome the new Scots who have sacrificed so much in love of our country. I Knight Thee, Govanhill School Children
Arise as Proud Scots, sons and daughters of Muhammad and Mohammad.
Let this be a show of true Nationalism
Because as Nationalist Scots, we must always remind ourselves that it is not something superficial like skin colour that defines us as Scots, or thousands of years of roots in the land
No. These are fringe group hate ideologies only mad tavern drunks scream about. We reject Racism entirely.
What TRULY defines us as Scottish, as a unique people on this Earth, is our diversity
Always remember the Folk Poem by the great Rabbie Burns, only recently discovered. It is the rallying cry of our people.
The most precious possession you have in the world is diversity.
And for diversity, and for the sake of diversity, we will struggle and fight
And never slacken!
And never tire!
And never lose courage!
And never despair!
so they want to be independant so they can be dependant on the EU?
Who gives a shit? (((SNP))) is another (((Globalist))) farce. Go check their positions on immigration, "refugees", faggots, etc, etc...
It is clear that the Jews wanted another party in the landscape so they used the very cheesy and shallow Scottish nationalism as a vehicle.
Globalist pedo faggots
no you whernt lol, the romans just cut you all off from civalization and let you stay in the pig stye of Scotland.
In more recent times, your hero was a murder who killed the kings represents in Scrote land and claimed himself to be king, so he was killed for this. he cried like a bitch if you read the first hand accounts (not the fake scottish ones that say he never made a peep and his heart was still beating till the end)
You would have nothing without the yolk of England. Enjoy not driving any cars, having no food imports etc etc. I want what you want too, scottland to be out of britain so we can stop you from leaching. we waste so much money on scottland its dumb. At the end of the day, the crown gets what the crown wants, and atm it's to keep scotland under foot, so no matter what referendum you have, it will always be over 50% to stay in Britain. I.E. it's rigged .
good luck though fucker. My maiden ancestors moved out of that place a long time ago to sunny Southern England and never looked back. Proud to be English.
absolutely C I V I C
I want the Scots to leave. Kingdom of England and Wales, not Union of Great Britain please
No disrespect to Scotanons, you're largely a nice bunch and have some cool weebs and stoners, but the Union has had its day
/English/ blood and soil. Not Union Jewery
Kek 9/10.
>about 5 people
>about 500 police
>i have to pay for this shenanigans
Thanks. Germans are only good for one thing: paying for other people's bullshit.
>Jobseekers Allowance.
>gain independence
>immediately sell it to EU
i fucking hate the SNP, dumbass crypto-commies
germans are more nationalistic than scotts
>tfw Scotland would have voted independence if that didn't mean becoming an EU puppet state
No independence until we get rid of our shitty politicians.
Bavaria supports Scottish independence!
Come home, white man
England should leave the union.If the Welsh, the Scots and The Irish hate us so much they can see how well they'd do without the EBIL English.
I live in Scotland and I know absolutely nothing about British politics. Was too busy fighting in the Great Meme War trying to get Trump elected. Does this mean I've been ducked by America?
SNP is even more cucked than CSU (aka The Roaring Mouse Party)
And you dont think that tories are hated here in england as well highlander?
Rate my early vote
Any scotanons watch the football? Spotted the black facist Scottish flag in the crowd, kek. The fire rises.
>crushed the English tyrants
Once more from the top, but this time in Gaelic. That's what I thought.
Alba gu Bragh!
I would love to see a Celtic union
I Don't blame you, the absolute state of British/Scottish politics means we get cucked and enriched in every possible scenario.
>tfw Scotland won't leave
>tfw NI will
Don't even know how to feel
>le ebin brexit fixed everything meme
Listen here you fucking tosser, and listen good. Brexit hasn't changed shit.
We left the EU. A majority of the changes to our nation as a result of this will be economical and likely won't be understood by Farageposting fucks like yourself.
You think just because you shitposted for a while and the country barely scraped by with a "leave" vote (with two of our provinces-both with popular secessionist movements-voting majority "STAY") that we are now somehow some amazing united uncucked bastion of freedom?
Are you fucking daft?
The mayor of London is still a muslim. The city of London is all but lost to non-english people and culture; our capital city doesn't represent the will of our fucking country.
Our government-that being the "nasty but based" tories-aren't even that fucking conservative at all, they are in the grand scheme of things a pretty liberal bunch of people.
We are still going to be smashed with immigrants, we are still going to be fucked over by our own government as it continues to fuck us, do you really think that we're saved just because we left the single market?
Sure mate, just kick up your feet and say "job well done" as Jamal rapes your sister and Bakoosh the BogTroll gets elected to represent your constituency, it's all okay because we're out of the fucking EU, right?
The work has only fucking started you absolute mong. God I fucking despise nu-Sup Forums so goddamn much.
What the fuck why Berlin
Fellow Scots, how often do you see black people?
There's like one black bus driver in my neighborhood. Feels good man.
>nu-Sup Forums
You have to go back.
200.000 niggers per year says the CSU. Man...CSU is the shit /sarcasm
Why are the Scottish the white niggers of the UK?
Down with this neoliberal nightmare. End. London. Rule.
Let's decide our own future instead of having England choose it for us. Thatcher and her poisonous ideology squandered our oil reserves and took apart our industry. Fuck. this.
A Socialist Scotland, world leaders in the production and manufacture of wind, wave and tidal energy. Investment instead of cuts, regulate those fucking banks, close their loopholes and raise taxes on corporations. A £10 minimum wage. A National investment bank to renationalise the trains and electrify all lines. Renationalise part of the energy sector. Get your privatisation, your deregulation, your cuts and your "MUH FREE MARKET" right tae fuck ya horrible zombie melonheid bastards.Alba gu bràth, UP THE RA
Hi Jamal Abdul McCuck.
Fuck off Hooty.
Honestly fuck the eu establishment, the Germans would be better off voting for AfD or something not the cucked migrants shit
In my town of a few thousand I've seen one half caste and one family where the Anglo woman got blacked but they moved after about a year. A few chinks and one paki couple in over twenty years.
What, to reddit? Because I hate the sensationalist hugbox mentality the site has adopted?
Because I want Sup Forums to be a place of discussion and not just another Sup Forums where everyone posts on several layers of irony for maximum (you)s?
I'd put money on you knowing shit all about Brexit or what it's going to change.
We're still blacked, we're still going to take immigrants and we're still going to be fucked by our own people and government.
Just because we told the EU to fuck off-something which has already caused us more strife than prosperity-doesn't mean you get to sit back and laugh as if you're better than every other country.
We're still Bongistan, we're still that rainy fucking island that's become the butt of every single joke from the continent, we're still the "perfidious anglo" and if you think one referendum which is almost entirely economic-based is going to actually change the demographics, hearts and minds or amount of niggers in the UK then you're fucking delusional lad.
You fuck off and all, niggers who think Brexit has magically solved everything are part of the problem. It's hopefully going to be a wonderful thing but it's not going to fix bugger all other than more of the blacks that come here and cuck us be here legally instead of illegally.
It's all the same shit. They take the migrants any day. As long as they can take them as a tool to shit up the low end working market they will do it. Don't fool yourself with shitty parties like them.
Somebody's got to keep ireland's seat warm until they get they get annexed
Independent Cornwall when?
>get more government money spent on them per capita than people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
>get free university education
>get free drug prescriptions
>still complain
>still crying over Thatcher
>Muh Soeshulizum
>degenerates into negroid-tier patois
>sucks IRA dick, thinks Gaelic is white and not a poo language
Cringe like this is just one of the reasons I voted to remain in the union
>Because I hate the sensationalist hugbox mentality the site has adopted?
>It's all the same shit.
Uhm, no. A vote for SPD or AfD is not a vote for Merkel. Only voting CSU will guarantee me that.
What's the point?
Scotland will be just as cucked as England, Wales or Ireland.
Separatism only works if it's actually different.
Good job idiot, let's have another four years of the same incompetence and create an even bigger mess of Europe. Germans really have Stockholm Syndrome.
You are either a German cuck that deserves to be ass raped by a pack of African gay niggers or you are a "cultural enricher" and deserve gas chamber.
Either way i hate you and i wish nothing but the worst for you.
i actually want scotland to leave had enough of hearing them banging on about it, unfortunately half of scotland is full of cu.cks who cant stop sucking our cocks. but if i was scottish i would want to be independent too.
haha this says it all really.
The average household in ROI of Ireland is far richer than their Anglo counterparts. You mean Northern Ireland. Kek.
implying a small county is the same thing as a historic nation of people
>Cornwall, population of 556,000, area of 1,376 sq mi
>Scotland, population of 5,600,000 area of 30,918 sq mi including over 700 islands, nation of over 3000 years, different language, music, climate etc
>haha this says it all really.
That's the only school I've heard of like this in Scotland. There must be hundreds in England.
Those who care more about independwnce of their micro.nano.nonexistant pre historic countries than stopping muslim and african immigration are dumbass cucks
your post officially makes no sense.
why care about immigration if you don't care about your "micro.nano.nonexistant pre historic" country?
care about immigration but not your own country?
fuck off back to a German thread and work on your english before posting, you fucking idiot
Dumbass cuck, you want an independent scotland for what? For a nigger muslim takeover? So that biggers 1000 years from now say we wuz scots and shit ?
What a stupid retard. My english sucks, but yours is pretty good, you know w h y? Because you are an english cuck with identity problems
Why have an independent scotland if its gonna be a sharia nigger caliphate?
Poles and balts did the same.
Maybe, I don't know. But saying "HA! You're at least as cucked as us" isn't really saying much.
i gladly support an independent scotland.
I made that
yes we already wrote with each other one time in one thread some time ago
As usal, we're the only adults in the room
yes seems like this
^ This is why I hate the liberal media.
"Huge rally in Berlin for Scottish independence"
8 people with two flags. 3 of which are TV employees.
When I found out theres only 5 million scots I couldnt stop laughing, how many scots from that can actually fight today?
How many scots are right now masturbating to My Little Nessy while wishing they lived somewhere that wasnt a communist shithole
Free Scotland stop the English Supremacy
let's slip a "huge" in it.
This is why nobody takes you serious
If it wasn't for England, Scotland would not be what it is today. Fact.
You're a poof, m8
Free Scotland
England GTFO
>Anglos OUT!
>Pakis IN!
Why is Scottish (((Nationalism))) so fucking retarded
This sums it up
"in"dependence rally.
Why not anglos out and pakis out?
Scotland is not free under the EU, no country is free under the EU.
Its not an independence rally, its a bunch of sjw politicians that want to subvert the Brexit vote, and the people who are tricked into following them.
I support Scottish Independence, but not in bondage to the EU.
>Why not anglos out and pakis out?
because its not about independence from the Uk, its about banking interests and dependence to the EU.
>Anglos OUT!
>Pakis IN!
What's the difference?
Anglo here, I support Scottish independence. Break up the Jew ran Union.
There is none.
>wants to leave the UK
>wants to stay in the EU
why is this allowed
>identity problems
>German flag
Pick one
Never ever.
>wants less polish immigrants
>has an insatiable lust for paki immigrants
>different language, music, climate etc
1 percent of Scots speak Gaelic
There is no difference in music
The climate is different in different counties and this point is just retarded as it would obviously be different as it is not in the geographic location
6/10 for getting me to reply
>Scots think joining the EU makes them independent
Wtf is wrong with these 'people'
>romans just cut you all off from civalization and let you stay in the pig stye of Scotland.
Scotland gets its name from the Scotti a hostile tribe from what is now Ireland that conquered Picland.
When the Romans asked their votadini and pictish allies north of the wall what Scotti meant they were told the name meant traitor as Pictish votadini criminals were excommunicated to Ireland.
The Votadini north of the wall were well respected and considered a client state of the empire before and after being subsumed into the empire's borders.
>Niggers of the North