Be indian

>be indian
>Hello beotiful i never seen most girl i like in world Hi..
>name rajeesh i like girl breast sweet suckable
>Ur face like gulabjamun mouthwatering hmmmm
>cn i giv u hmm kiss?
>I single virgin run fathers buiness import export from china many money you like????
>I hak computer have ur ip dont ignore ok????
>don't ignore meeeee
>ok rape u next week
>bitch lasagna
>get shot

Other urls found in this thread:

Not Sup Forums
Fuck off shillcunt.


Now you just have to say that to a girl who is like 12 years old on her live stream. Then you'll reach true pajeet level.

it's on my bucket list

Holy shit checked. But no lie, that's what i see pajeets doing. Chris Hansen aint got no power in india

its uncanny

how did you learn the ways of the thirsty pajeet?

It's real easy.
In fact it's literally one single step.
And the knowledge of the pajeetfag will instantly come flooding.
all you have to do is shit in your nearest street in broad day light.


bic is me and i hate gays
wana suck your milkies
and vegan
u are most lucky girl having me putting
my 1 feet penus into you
me make you do milk
kiss me boutifol melike

you're trying too hard. most are just like "open boosy" and then the girls are like "what does that mean?" and then pajeet says "open boobs" and then the girls are like "how do i open them?". pajeet would be such a terrible predator but he's so inept it's comical.
Just fuck off.

How does it feel knowing that Indian men are the lowest form of life in the global community?

How does it feel to know that Europe will be Europistan in a few years , and you'll be degraded down to our level ?

>The Pajeet's gravest insult is calling others their equal.

Nothing will ever get close to your level, not even Arabs are as filthy and pathetic.


Of course , after looting us for more than 200 years you want us to suddenly be the epitome of civilisation .
You all will reap what you sowed , cumskins .
You all will fucking reap what you sowed .

Call us what you want .
You will reap what you sow .

>looting from dirt poor subsistence farmers by building infrastructure for them

We stopped our empire partly because we couldn't afford it anymore.

lol epitome of civilisation, you never cared about your lower caste streetshitters, why should we.

so you accept its true?

i am only on this earth for 28 years, i couldn't have possible had anything to do with the degeneracy that is india and how it came to be

nice try though

actually this one does touble me. i feel our civilization might well pay for our sins some day. you might even call it karma

Was this your infrastructure?

>believing a /pol meme
We care about about our dalits more than you care about your own race .

You deliberately made them farm indigo , tobacco and opium for your own benefit and then call us dirt poor ?
Don't you know that cash crops takes up more nutrients than any other cultivation plant , that renders the soil useless ?

you're in the wrong sub-chan again, Kerpal. /poo/ is next door.

stay mad white boi

farm tools*



Can you and your people at least make an effort to stop shitting in the streets, stop using your hands to wipe and actually have showers once in a while. Maybe us glorious westerners will actually help you 3rd worlders out out of our kindness if we didn't smell shit 24/7 in your shithole of a country.

hey bb


Not farm tools , humans just like you .




I love these threads


You'll reap what you sow .
Just remember something bad is happening in your country , that's just karma fucking you up .
Starting by half of your country is communist .
Karma has its own way of giving justice and oh boy , it will be served well.

Fuck north Indians they give decent Indians a bad name


>be me
>buying donuts for the department becuz 'Why not?'
>5:30 a.m. in line at donut shop
>just me & indian guy looking at the menu
>other guy unaware that I'm there begins digging deep into his asshole; reach, scratch, rinse/repeat
>me kacked - sick to stomach
>Indian guy hears me: "Oh Hai'
>steps around counter and says, "Can I take your order?"
>be me again: "nah, just looking. k-thx"
>never again

stop using space before punctuation

maybe one day us americans will be asking your underage girls to get naked online? is that what you call karma?

Will not do that , what you gonna do ?



How did Indians get so smooth with the ladies?

show bagina




No , that's not karma .
Karma will be : what is happening now to Britain .
Reverse colonization.
Although we have nothing against Americans .
See this



Profanity is used as a scare tactic, just so things don't get out of hand:

Does tunisia still exist?


how the fuck do pajeets even manage to reproduce


Make fun of us all you fucking want but when karma will be dispensing justice you'll will understand what we have gone through.

Every British who killed an Indian to make their so called civilisation will come to know what we are going through even now .

Last reply made by me , because it is futile to teach 17 yr old fat kids on Internet to be more compassionate towards a third world country that has recently got Independence .

Screencap this and read this every time something bad happens to your country , that's karma telling you to wake up. Because there is still time to save yourself and your family from the erupting poison of communism .

Ramesh really TRIGGERED this time.

ok then how do i get underage indian girls to undress for me? i need to know. tell me or i will rape you next week


Finland got colonized by Swedes and Russians and we got independence like 15 years before you but we don't shit in the streets


>"Hi, can I take order pleez?"
>"Wait! Are you a street shitter irl?"
>"Yes, yes. I am shit on streets in Punjabi just yesterday"
>"Perfect! I'll take a dozen turd and curry seasoned glazed ass donuts and $5 regular gas on pump 3"

Try all you want pajeets but even your gods hate your kind plus if you fucks were to go to a war against Buddhists they would fucking destroy you then go about cutting off your left hands so you would have to eat and shit from the same hand


ahahaha fucking Pajeets BTFO

Poor Pajeets, they just get funnier the more angry and tough they try to sound

You're changing hearts and minds keep at it.
Some Indians are so fucking based.
So. Fucking. Based.

Goddamn that accuracy,it hurts


thanks user, im saving this. god this shit gets so old.

well he's not wrong and neither are you but to be fair your going to turn into little india/pakistan


pic related

Between blacks and indians, which is the less attractive race? Which is more pathetic for white women to racemix with?

>do milk
This should be a meme