Opinions on the free-speech social media platform?

The CEO of this company was on Tucker tonight, and now the user-base is exploding on Gab.

Anybody try this thing out? I started an account but I am slightly hesitant to use it because I am afraid the MSM is going to go on a DOXXing spree and they'll start harassing users in their articles or something.

It's a cool platform though, I like the vibe on there.

Other urls found in this thread:


I could run an IRC server on my own. I'm not sure if I should care about this.

an IRC? I don't know much about tech so I don't know what you mean

This. Let's bring bang the 90s mang

todays kids are too faggy for IRC. everything has to be some stupid web-wrapped interface, like Slack, Discord, etc

I miss the good ol' days of IRC and ICQ

Shit interface. Fix it

>todays kids are too faggy

Slack is perfect for faggots

I used it. Didn't like it, but mainly because nobody was on it. At any rate, didn't this site ban Andrew Anglin because their investors didn't like him or something? I was surprised Tucker didn't bring that up, since he's been defending Anglin against the platform denial that he's been up against for weeks.

>free speech
>delete messages from white nationalists
>have lying shills advertise for gab.ai on Sup Forums
>nice try torba

stop shilling your Jew site, Torbaberg.

They didn't have a choice faggot. They were blackmailed by their registrar.

And they didn't delete it, they asked Andrew to delete it, so he did.

I was one of the second wave of people that got onto Gab and I'm not really impressed. The interface, as others have pointed out, is janky as fuck. They're trying to fix it, and believe it or not it's gotten a whole lot better. In another year or two maybe it'll be something nice to look at. However, that's not it's biggest problem.

The biggest problem is right on the logo. It's got Pepe logo and I don't know if it still does the croaking effect. No one on the left is going to get down with that shit, and we need people from both the left & right to make a site like this work. What's the fun of being in a fucking right wing echo chamber where everyone circle jerks your every post. Case in point if I post anything from Breitbart or Infowars I'm almost guaranteed to pick up two or three followers, and my account is boring is as fuck.

One message was deleted making fun of Heather because Gab's server threatened to kick them off.

There's a ton of white nationalists, even white supremacists on there.

Anglin is still there, just had one post deleted.

I just started and it seems like there's a good chunk of people on there.

it's IRC for normies with a built-in corporate spying backdoor to police people if they misbehave. It's a rather good corporate tool, most major corporations in the tech field had their own in-house tool anyhow. Slack is just an off the shelf product that replaces that custom software.

In an office environment it's honestly as much of a screw-off tool as it is a help unless people are very disciplined in using it.

Discord is the one I don't get, it's a shittier Teamspeak with Slack crammed on top of it. I get you don't need a TS server and whatnot because muh Cloudflare but it fucking blows.

It's dead, Jim.

t. shills
there is no free speech on gab
muhhhh registar?
how can the owner advertise for his site using a free speech angle while there is no free speech on gab?
that's shekel grabbing
shills must go

You're a fucking idiot

sage this fucking obvious shilling for a shitty website.

it's low as fuck that the registrar went after them. that's fucking complete bullshit and really sets a terrible precedent.

Somebody posted a link to a news article showing Heather died of a heart attack, not the actual car crash, and it has like 300 upvotes and a ton of people laughing at it

It's pretty good, stop being a drama queen

SeeThey literally got blackmailed into making him delete it. Gab didn't delete the tweet Andrew did.

>Then, in the middle of this mess, Torba posted a blog on Medium where he revealed that the domain registrar, Asia Registry, had threatened to steal his domain in 48 hours if the post was not removed.

>Following this, Torba asked me respectfully to delete the post in order to keep the domain from being stolen by the registrar. I did so.


Using scripts by Adobe,
Ad-free but tracking data.



No thank you.

What exactly does tracking data do?

I get the registar issue
still torba is advertising for free speech
what will happen when those new cuctomers will get the same messages that weev got?
think they haven't been lied to?
torba must fix that free speech issue and not blatantly lie on national TV

>Anybody try this thing out?
don't really know how. really don't care about social media in the first place. they'll probably just get the leftovers from people who abandon facebook and twitter.

i need more of these zuck posts for my collection btw.

Why I should the guy who tell you what you know?

- cyka blyat

Fuck off shill faggot.

it's legit and the owner takes 4d chess lessons from trump

Torba is doing his best to work around the registrar bullshit I believe. He wants it to be free speech, but unless you're willing to become the registrar then you shouldn't complain.

>right wing echo chamber
fucking newfag

Something needs to be done about these kike ass registrars what the fuck. Fuck that fat dead communist bitch. Why is she a sacred cow?

t. kike

we need shills and haters with no logic behind their posts to be good

>sacred cow
You answered your own question.

gab is the only site fighting the censorship and PUBLISHING all request for censorship.

At this point denying its value in the fight against coorporate censorship is shill tier posting.

they can stay on verrit

I like the idea of it more than i actually like it. I hate social media.

All these new platforms popping up to counter MSM, FB, Google, I'm sure one of these new sites it bound to catch on and possibly dethrone the big boys

When Torba started Gab and created its open-speech policy, no one knew the SJWs would attack domains through the registrars, or that all the registrars would fall in line if they did. That's new, and it changed what was possible in terms of really allowing the ideal of free speech on a web site.

If a registrar steps forward and refuses to be blackmailed, and ICANN doesn't shut it down, things can get back to the way they were. If not, the SJWs will increasingly turn the entire Internet into their safe space the way they're doing recently on sites like Twitter and YouTube, and we'll have to create a new network outside their control.

Tucker really is secretly /ourguy/ isn't he?

No memeing - he really wants to do his part to save the West.

>free speech social media bends the knee to censorship
Aaaaand dropped

Is Verrit actually being used, even by Hill shills?

You're the shill, you worthless fuckstain.

>Gab's server threatened to kick them off.
Any chance of them moving to a non-fascist host?

That didn't take long
Fuck gab. That's a death sentence for gab, and for free speech.

Could we attack twitter the same way?

Now that Western Civilization is on the come back, when will we start seeing bestiality sites again with new fresh content?

Are you allowed to post?

Then shut the fuck up

Yeah but he refuses to take the pills about anything deeper than liberals dont like America

Hes a fox host with less balls than hannity

Gab is currently searching for a new registrar. I think they are also considering starting a new registrar, too.

They literally had no choice and it was no fault of the site, morons.

stop being a lying shill
he just advertised for free speech so he could get popular enough to get muhhh shekels from donors

>Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz Law
Fucking german language, why the Allies allowed them to keep it.

Do you think Sup Forums will be targeted soon now that registrars are being used as a weapon?

>fucking kids

>They literally had no choice and it was no fault of the site, morons
There's always a choice, they should've stay true to their principles.
Free speech is free speech.

It seems like they got threatened by registrar, so I am not over with them, plus even if they are controlled, I think it would still be worth helping them compete because if you knock one domino down, others may follow.

Yep, you're certainly a divide tactics shill or just a typical autist subhuman like the 'hurr hispanics aren't a race!!11' guy

see and

>Given a choice
>Choose censorship
Yeah dude

Free speech lmao

You probably have a facebook "to keep up with friends"

too scared of that site to check

>if you're not a sucker who willingly dies to no effect then you're a shill
There was nothing they could do. They're fixing the problem now by finding a new registrar though.

>literally had no choice!
But did you die?

>Had one post deleted

Then there's not really free speech there, is there?

Social media is shit, and shouldn't be encouraged. Instead something like a free speech article/essay hosting platform should be set up since (Google owned) Blogger is a no-go.

Wow, there must be a lot of Shareblue on the boards tonight.

see and

What I want to know is, could we attack Twitter with the same weapon?

>altright social social media platform

They're fixing it by getting a new registrar, Shareblue.


Isn't steemit the promised land of free speech n sheeeit?

I read those posts

You claim NO CHOICE

They made a choice

Now deal with the consequences

It's just a registrar issue because Anglin made a joke about Heather

But I just went on there and a bunch of people are laughing at Heather so idk seems pretty free to me

No, because the registrars will only bow to the oppressive mainstream (SJW PC-drones).

He deleted his own post faggot. It was his own choice. Next time read what happened.

>Following this, Torba asked me respectfully to delete the post in order to keep the domain from being stolen by the registrar. I did so.

What would be the fucking point? If they died on that hill, it would set the stage for more sites to be taken down or controlled in that way. At least with the platform still open, people can openly discuss and share information on how to prevent this from happening again.


Registrar told CEO to take down the post or they would dump gab's domain name.

I dare say they'd bow to the might of 27million autist fuckers + r/the_retards

Icq still works. I still have it and weirdly i know the icq number in my head, but not my phone number. Even though i got like one person on there i still talk to

What makes you think their submitting and not working in cahoot with them?

>Shareblue retard keeps shitposting
Their choice was delete a post or die. They chose to not die. But now, they're getting a new registrar so they don't have to ever deal with that choice again and can be an entirely free speech platform (which should be mandated by law for all public platforms anyway).

Read again since you didn't understand it as well.


Im still not going to listen to white supremacists be retarded on a social media site

At least here you can piss them off

i was on there, but left it


defamation in the US?
only if you can prove libel
that's an attack on free speech
that fuck doesn't even believe in what he says
defamation is the angle that all free speech enemies use, it rarely works in the US anyway

You do know what happened to the Daily Stormer? Making fun of Heather Heyer on the internet is considered the ultimate thoughtcrime. I doubt Gab would survive if it was forced onto the darkweb.

>What makes you think their submitting and not working in cahoot with them?
It amounts to the same thing. They have the same interests after all. Reminder that all public platforms should be free speech mandated by US law.


> “We believe this effort was coordinated and planned. We knew this day would come and now we have entered a crossroads with a very binary decision: remove one post or lose our domain and thus the entire website.
> “Our choice was very clear to me. The post needs to come down. If it does not, we lose our domain. To my knowledge there are no pro-free speech domain registrars and that is a massive problem.”

They only exist as a platform for free speech.
If there can't be free speech(on their platform), there's no need for them to exist.

They should NOT CENSOR even one single fucking post.

Mental gymnastics

Too many people asking gab to die for its principles tonight.

Fucking answer me this, what would it of accomplished to be taken off the internet?

Ok so come back once the problem is fixed you impatient cuckold bitch

If it's a lie from a certified news outlet, it should be punishable by bankruptcy.

>Calls someone stating the obvious Shareblue
>Shills for a jew site incessantly
Way to change minds there, shlomo.

muhhh shekels
I don't care about torba's wallet

Yeah, an IRC server. I would suggest EFNet or Undernet if you want to get started.

What if we stopped using single-target platforms and adopted a moving-target model, which operated like the BBS hacker groups? Spread shit around and let it proliferate naturally.

Laws are pointless if no one is enforcing them. What's the method for calling the police on a domain registrar or a DNS server?

This is my point

Theyre standing up for free speech


Have fun while it lasts until it becomes a censorfest or dies

another moron who doesn't understand what free speech is

My point is I dare say we could get a registrar to take off Twitter for offensive content or something similar. 27million people browse Sup Forums now, the_donald has ~450k subs. If you got even 1% of that complaining to the registrar about hateful action, I dare say the registrar would pull the plug pretty fucking quickly.

>they should cease to exist and be a sucker

see you mental child.

>calls someone making shil-tier retarded 'arguments' a shill
Yep. You're either an autism-spectrum retard or an actual payed ShareBlue shill.

WHAT WOULD IT OF ACCOMPLISHED? You fucking talk like if free speech hasn't been achieved, then it shouldn't be striven for.

Libel isn't protected speech. You're a news outlet who willfully lies/misrepresents reality? You go bye-bye. CNN would be gone overnight. As would all anti-truth outlets. It would be good for everyone.

Of course the jew has to talk about shit.

People would get mad at registrars for shutting down a free speech social media right at the start

It looks so bad for registrars to shut down a site before a true false flag can happen

They shouldve died on day 1 refusing to capitulate and then I would shill memes for them till my fingers fall off



>Pay no attention to the site whose only draw is free speech censoring absolutely anything
>Look, they must be Shareblue
>Give us your silver, goyim