>tfw Finland is actually part of Russia and "Finns" are Russians
>tfw Papa Putin will never notice us
>tfw Finns are racist towards fellow Russians when we're brothers
Tfw Finland is actually part of Russia and "Finns" are Russians
Other urls found in this thread:
we're all brothers finn user. Only the globalists seek to pit brother against brother, son vs father, nation vs nation.
finnland assraped russia in that grueling fucking war
holy shit talk about attrition
fuck distance records SIMO HAYHA was teh GREATEST SNIPER of ALL TIME.
That's sad's ;_;
eat shit traitor
This cou.try offers nothing. Finnish independence is illegal. We should join back to Russia. We're the same.
Feels bad man
Finnish people are uralic people. And russians (at least in the west of russia) are slavs.
Kalash did not exist at the time FAGGOT
You both are mongols, I'm fine with this post.
And you're much worse, a P*le
We are whiter than you. Deal with it jewleling.
no she is whiter than the lot of you
>lives in Russia so must ethnically Russian
>t. Muhammadosvok
>even the people in the video look asian
top kek
More like we are Finns and Balts. Now it's time to unite and clean Russia from turkics, mongoloids, iranics and semites
Fuck that shit. We are Finns, not scandinavian or Russian.
You are a lipka tatar, Slav and ashkenazi mutant. Know your place, cwel
>not exterminated by 2100
Pick one
can someone who speaks toilet translate?
Didn't we execute you faggots already?
Uralic. They're mari.
Ooga booga indeed,mongolian scum
When did mongols ever live in Russia? Unlike your lipka tatars and Jews, Russia was monoracial or under apartheid for it's history until 1920s
Memecenter? Really? Fuck off
Finns and Russians were always pretty good buds.
Russians always admire the finn's diligence and manners.
But there is always human scum, unreasonable, dilluded, uneducated, ideological... on all sides.
That's why democracy is a joke desu.
Russia needs to fuck off or give us our Greater Finland
Udmurts, Mari, Mordvins, etc
ebin maymays, cuck
polan buttblasted
You got it the other way round. Russia is part of Finland.
>comes from the former jew-mongol union and calls others jews
I cant
Wo do you say if I give you some sweet enslavement?
comin soon polan. No wait, you're already there.
Oh Oh!
Holy shit, have more vodka, maybe you'll believe your sentence too.
Every Russian I've met is a fucking mongrel with some brown moldovan or just a dirty fucking jew.
Wo do you say if I give you some sweet commie ass raping? Wo do you say if your women come to my country to marry Finnish men because Russia is a shithole? Wo do you say if I make more money on neetbucks than the average Russian if he works 80 hours a week? Wo do you say if Finland joins NATO and Russia gets BTFO by USA and allies?
Fuck off back to Russia you parasite
>we're all brothers
Thats globalism
Finnbro, your men are on HRT. pls
Buttmad mongoloid ples.
Who were melted out of existence soon seeWe were formed as a bunch of Finns, Balts and Scandis having sex to become a race
Maybe because you've seen Ukrainian and Armenian subhumans with Russian passports? Jee, its like expecting every US passport holder to be a WASP
Latvia I can't even tell if you're arab or jewish. most likely both.
pic related
Racism go both ways.
In Russia For centuries Finns and their idiotic brothers Estonians were known simply as "chukhnya".
A stupid, inbreed retard person. Slow thinker and a proven idiot. Someone who not wash ofthen.
Thankfully years go by and such atrocities are rare.
This desu
I am in Russia, Russia in denial that is. You're in Russia too
Doesnt Putin look finnish? Hes clearly finno ugric origin?
Oh, such magnificent butthurt! Continue, please.
youre a "sovereign" state as long as Russia allows it
What do u say if Russia will colonize you again?
Forget JewSSR, Russian Empire and Federation. It's time for a new Rus. Russia for ethnic Russians. One Ukrainian ancestor in 1920s? Deported. Tatar ancestor in 1940s? Deported. Jewish convert-to-Christianity ancestor in 1850s? Deported. Pontic Greek ancestor in 1740s? Deported. Drinker? Sterilized. Drug addict? Sterilized. Former Communist Party member or Russian Federation official? Jail or rope. Poccия для блaгopoдных Бeлых!
>yfw this thread is more comfy than all the other tranny and e-celeb threads on Sup Forums.
"Quick, come up with an insult!"
That is Roosh V you numbskill. Do you even geography bro?
Agreed. Off with multikulti globalist parasites like OP.
>dosnt want to be independant
Really sad.
>thinks he's independent
latvia, you're so poor it doesn't even matter. Even this pic of a random backwater town applies to latvia
Want and what is isnt the same.
I like mongols. I have a childhood friend who looks like he has a lot of mongol blood and he's fine, a little simple but fine.
except youre the idiot falling for the globalist scheme to pit former USSR states against each other. You're sole purpose at this point is to serve NATO as a host state to globalist parasite.
NATO = Russian Federation/CIS = USA = (anti)European Union = anti-White pro-mongrelization globalist forces
Uh, not in the slightest. Putin looks like the quintessential slav.
He looks a bit Finnic actually
Honestly though, Finish cities feels like dead, even with niggers everywhere. I don't know how to explain it, but it obviously not something about the size of population or anything.
I don't see it.
because you are not woke
You should be mad. Your nation has no ethnic majority. It's a mass of mongrels fucking eachother.
Your entire culture is based on the efforts of non-russians.
Hell, even stalin was a bumpkin farmer dropout from orthodox priest school from Georgia. Were the rest of you slavs so incompetent you couldn't qualify?
Russia in reality feels pretty distant. Even though we are neighbors it doesn't feel like it because they are so different.
>Feel dead
At least they don't look dead
>Pass border from Finland
>All roads turn into Edward James Olmos
>Everything is a hovel before you get into the actual city
>There it's a bunch of dregs in track suits with a sprinkling of some mafioso-looking scum with 0 taste in clothing, wearing some polyester 3 piece suit
>Your entire culture is based on the efforts of non-russians.
The opposite. RSFSR, Belorussian Republic, Baltic States fed and donated way more to inferior central asian subhumans and caucasus spades. As for now, it's 60-65% ethnic Russian, which is good enough to kick off some balkanaization going
How do I feel senpai? ~~~uguu
No, "russians" are Finns.
Russians are slavs and snowniggers are uralic you absolute subhuman moron.
Sorry man we can't help you out with this one
>Thats globalism
that's not globalism fucks sake how retarded can you be? we can get rid of all borders and live in harmony IF the circumstances are right. (((they))) are not after living in peace but enslavement and destruction
Lots of folks up in Oulu visit Haparanda every month. It's no different in Norrland than home.
>At least they don't look dead
Pretty cemetery is still cemetery and won't compare in liveliness even to a trailer park.
The traitors reward is death
>It's no different in Norrland than home.
With the exception that the minute you cross the border, you're dealing with beggars in front of every store
just ignore them and pretend they don't exist
treat them like dirt for long enough and they will be gone after a while
once I told one of them to go home and stay away, never saw him sitting outside my local store ever again
Fuck off Ruskie Kike! Finland and Russia have different cultures languages and alphabet! Go die in your shithole of a country.
>just ignore them and pretend they don't exist
I stare them down with contempt as I walk past them.
whatever works, they need to feel hated and unwanted
>just ignore them and pretend they don't exist
Swedish way to solve problems so Swedish, LOL.
Finland is 99% FINNISH. You got it all wrong, Russia is much more Finnish than we are Russian
Sorry I don't live in a lawless maffioso shithole ruski duski style where you can kill and murder at a whim then take a squat in my trackpants to smoke heroin and drink cheap beer
>We can erase how we are different and great in our own ways provided we meet my arbitrary goals of peace.
Fuck off you roach cunt.
You want your mongol race as much as the kikes you claim to despise.
>finland not a degenerate SJW infested fem society
I mean c'mon its 2017!
>good at fixing other people's problems.
You must mean immigrant erections amirite?
>I don't live in a lawless maffioso shithole where you can kill and murder at a whim then take a squat in my trackpants to smoke heroin and drink cheap beer
I don't live at Sweden too!
>criminal an*lo spawn education
your mind is so lazy that you can't think outside the box and what kikes feed you. where did I say erase you stupid strayacunt? we can live in harmony without borders while keeping our cultures intact. ofc subhumans and bitter retards like you should be genocided first for this to happen
Finns would be much better of becoming a protectorate of Russia no doubt.
>posting under a confed flag
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>"I know what you are but what am I"
okay fag