>i-i didnt even want to go to your stupid country anyway
I-i didnt even want to go to your stupid country anyway
Other urls found in this thread:
Swiss... I thought you were one of the last bastions?
Hard to poke her guts out with a halberd when she's all the way over in America.
>"It really is my life dream to go to the US and live there, pls feel sorry for me"
>"... alright, what's number 2 on the list? Ah, here. Ahem - It really is my life dream to go to Switzerland and live there, pls feel sorry for me"
Fucking cunts, how can they get to go live in switzerland.
This is ultimate horseshit.
>how can they get to go live in switzerland.
By having retards donate enough money to essentially buy themselves into a country.
>"Humans of New York"
How do you do, fellow humans?
>humans of new york
maybe they should focus on the ayy lmao problem in that city first
If those people abandon their beliefs yhrn why not? Looks secular to me
Holy fuck I'm mad now
No one would have a problem with immigrants if the immigrants actually put in effort to assimilate to the country they were immigrating too. Anyone would expect the same of me if I immigrated to their country, why is it so different for everyone else, just because we don't come from a third world shithole that should be an instant clue to you that what we do in and believe in, in first world countries simply works and you should follow us, not us follow you
>Sandniggers invading the last bastion of freedom which also happens to be rich jew haven
How long before the country is overflowing with muzzies?
yeah with 5% albanians so 'based''uncucked''redpilled'
>6 million signatures
>still gets sent back
Jokes on you, because Switzerland cucked itself up the most. Switzerland used to be German-dominated state with French minority and literally oppressed Ticino Italian spics that knew their place before the 1960s. It was a proper Germanic state. The AVERAGE NATIVE Swiss is NOT RICH. Banks, few individuals (many of whom are not native) and corporations are. Switzerland is everincreasingly socialist diverse shithole. nu/pol/ thinking Switzerland is good is part of the problem and a clear LARP. Full of Portuniggers, Albos, Serbroaches and Italospics. Naturalized several nogs and gooks by voting as early as 1980s. Could have been homogenous, but no. Now some fucking subhuman naturalized tamil (descent of toilet cleaners with australoid blood) lectures the native races about possible African infiltration while wearing the SVP badge.
The only good option - kicking out Ticino(or better yet cleansing it from Italians) and repatriating non-Germans/Northern descendant French
signatures don't mean anything to a judge. btw that bitch is an ugly inbred piece of shit. it's always poor fucked up peasant shitskins, never qt 3.5s like this.
>"worked at zero cost"
>doesn't understand that her remaining in the US is the cost
i know im enjoying the amount of effort they put into it only to be BTFO
That's exactly how they managed to send her to Switzerland.
Too white for the Kalergi Plan.
OK samefaggy but I misread at first.
>mfw gets to dunecoon Switzerland up
they should have known that judges follow the law and you don't change his or her mind with signatures. those retards always do this and this time I can't laugh at their lame effort cause the story has a happy ending.
>I can't wait to see why she does with her life
Become one of 8 wives to a swarthy taxi driver and spit out 11 children and spend the rest of her life chained to the kitchen in a hijab
>humans of jew York
> lara finkbiener
The truth is i'm muslim and i will be moving to USA by end of this year.
Its an awesome place, and there is nothing you inbred fat fucks can do to stop me
for every right winger, there are 2 retarded liberals who will be ready to lick my Muslim feet when i reach USA...
I am on top of the world... I have accomplished, the one thing that this entire board works 24/7 to stop.
I have also started talking with this liberal chick who is so guilty if being white, she is ready to suck my jihadi cock to wash away her guilt. When you will be hugging your pillow thinking about mickey dees and your NEET lifestyle, i'll be fucking hella left wing pussy.
(those bluw haired chicks are crazy in bed)
that's not a popularity contest
humans of new york is kill
for ZERO costs people
just donate to keep this free service viable.
KEK, you maximum shitlord.
They are women and muslims, everything is easy for them nowadays
>working for free
I don't want any shitskins (anyone south of Denmark) coming here and especially not if their intention is to assimilate.
What possible agenda could convince them to work for free.
It's not like Switzerland is one of the most white countries in the world, right.
I mean it truly couldn't be that they sent the hijab off to Switzerland to produce 5-7 mutts.
It's not like the Kalergi Plan is real or anything.
>tfw some people still won't read the sarcasm
Fair enough, I'm just saying the goal almost always of these immigrant leeches is to try and change the country their invading which is why so many people are against immigrants
>(((refugee lawyers)))
When will Sup Forums be wrong for once?
Implying what you posted are not a couple of subhuman inbred hideous roaches
>one of the most white countries in the world, right.
If Portuguese, Albanians, Italians and Serbs are White, then yes. It's very White
(((Humans))) of new york
>>"worked at zero cost"
> please donate HERE
>If Portuguese, Albanians, Italians and Serbs are White, then yes. It's very White
Whiter than you for sure, Chaim.
Did you even read the text? She was trying to get in America and she got rejected.
>indians getting pussy
nice joke
t. Tonibler Maria De Conti
>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African mixture.