I-i didnt even want to go to your stupid country anyway

>i-i didnt even want to go to your stupid country anyway

Other urls found in this thread:


Swiss... I thought you were one of the last bastions?

Hard to poke her guts out with a halberd when she's all the way over in America.

>"It really is my life dream to go to the US and live there, pls feel sorry for me"
>"... alright, what's number 2 on the list? Ah, here. Ahem - It really is my life dream to go to Switzerland and live there, pls feel sorry for me"

Fucking cunts, how can they get to go live in switzerland.
This is ultimate horseshit.

>how can they get to go live in switzerland.
By having retards donate enough money to essentially buy themselves into a country.

>"Humans of New York"

How do you do, fellow humans?

>humans of new york

maybe they should focus on the ayy lmao problem in that city first

If those people abandon their beliefs yhrn why not? Looks secular to me
