Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Geführt wird vorne Editon

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.



Weidel was talking about these stats yesterday



>Feelings>Real numbers

bump, you should disassociate the party from nazism at all costs, no memes, and only use current german flags

Stellungnahme von Weidel

choose one but only one

I often think, instead of him being in command in France then North Africa, how much better things might have gone on the eastern front if Rommel had been sent east.

Donated 5 euro, when are they going to update the total again and what's the exact time frame for the goal?

I want to see Merkel get lynched, that's worth money to me.

A man can dream...

>Donated 5 euro, when are they going to update the total again and what's the exact time frame for the goal?
I think once a day, normally in the evening


Thanks, I hope someone brings a HD camera to record Merkel's tears and her subsequent lynching as people become aware of the extent of her crimes.


Morning bump!

>Murderer of Maria L. was actually 18 years old. He first pretended to 16 years old to get a lighter sentence.

The election night will be hilarious. I can't wait for reaction of the old parties, the media and all the lefty shills on social media.


I'm afraid how cucked the brainwashed masses still are, but I hope it will be Trump victory 2.0: German panic edition

If AfD gets enough traction, it could mean the end of the EU.

I'm pretty sure we will see Antifa and lefties demonstrate after the election.

He hated the nazis but liked Hitler. A rather weird fellow

Yeah he looks totally like an child


It's a shame that we don't have the death penalty anymore


Achtung! Voter fraud
>Illegale Aktionen zur Bundestagswahl: Wie Migranten ohne Wahlrecht doch wählen können

That's the goal, the more these people expose their insanity, the stronger the counter-movement grows.

>the more these people expose their insanity
The protest in Hamburg a few weeks ago really helped. We need more antifa riots, so that more people wake up

it's real kek

Okay I tried to registered "myself"

The site isn't working, might be just satire or some weird PR for voting rights

Black block smashing things up? Are they any different from Antifa or just another splinter group?

There is no difference between the black block and the average antifa.

Can you speak English, or just read and type it?

Selbst für nen Sandneger ist der noch häßlich meine Fresse.

>Weiß nicht
What a shitty survey

Of course

Germany has never beaten Britain in a war.

I mean, are they different groups at all? To me it looks like the media is inventing different names for rioting Communists to avoid having to call them Communists while inventing similar splinter groups for the right that don't exist at all, such as the alt-right.

Britain's royal family is German.

Because you always call for your Chad Son when shit gets too hot for you ;)

Better go and bin your butter knife before you hurt yourself


Kann ja nur Krebs sein

>mean, are they different groups at all?
There isn't "the Antifa" there are hundred of small groups that work separated from each other.

> To me it looks like the media is inventing different names for rioting Communists to avoid having to call them Communists
Yeah the media tried it best to avoid the term Communist. They used words like "globalisierungsgegner" and so on. ridiculous


Even your royal familiy gets blacked!

Have you seen lady diane's husband, dodi arabsomething?

your win was undesevered like Wembley, you're right



Yeah I forgot about that

Jews, Jews and "Merkel" Kasner is a literal Jew. There is massive voter fraud and manipulation in Germany, but even more Germans that would vote Right if they thought there was a chance.

Giving funds to AfD will at the very least make them appear bigger. If the other parties have 10 million budget, having 1 or 2 million will make them look like a credible threat, which means the Left will make the same mistake it always does which is oppress political opponents.

Glück ab, Putsch-Chan

>hundred of small groups that work separated from each other.
pretty much this. think of antifa like what happened after chanology and all these smaller groups of anons came together everywhere in safe spaces that would call everyone who disagreed with them a fed while pretending to be part of one large group

East had good commanders.
I wonder how much better things might have gone if Germany had not been stupid enough to back up Adolf Hitler and NSDAP

Muss leider Briefwählen.
Jetzt fragt der Online-Antrag separat nach Wahlbezirk und Wählerverzeichnisnummer, die sind aber beide auf der Bescheinigung als eine Zeile "Wahlbezirk/Wählerverzeichnis-Nr.: XXX/XXX/X" angegeben.

Wie gebe ich das denn dann ein? Einfach die ersten drei Nummern als Wahlbezirk, und die zweiten drei als Verzeichnisnummer?

Are you from Burmarrad by any chance?

Wahlbezirk sind die ersten 3 Nummern, jedenfalls hier in Niedersachsen

you fucking niggas, how come their is always a threadup
i don´t want to waste my time

No, from Finland.

Alles klar, werd's dann mal so versuchen.

Deutsche Effizienz

Glück ab, Putsch-Chan

the most funny part about it, the legal immigrants of germany, or the children in those, vote for the afd :D the russians and turks predominatly.

>stats yesterday
Also not forget the ZDF trying to shill with "50% more jobs for refugees within one year, from 100k to 150k", referring to the years of the refugee crisis. Weidel should've pointed out that in that time, we had an influx of more than one million new refugees. So 1 million more refugees, but only 50k more jobs for them, equals only 5% of refugees can be occupied, 95% ain't do shit.
And that's considering there's no Schönfärberei going on, like they do with the jobless statistics, when they send some Hartzer to a Maßnahme where he sits around three days a week writing resumees, and is out of the jobless statistics because he's now "occupied":
It's catastophic, and if the Familiennachzug happens, shit will hit the fan almost immediately.

Every single time the same stupid thing.

>AfD wants to hold a speech
>SPD or CDU mayor says no
>AfD sues them and can hold their speech

Democracy is a joke in Germany


Zermürbungstaktik. Just like the activist judges in the US trying to sabotage the "travel ban". They know that in the end, Trump has the authority, but still they just rule bullshit to stop it. It's like protesters doing a sit in and having to be carried away by police, once the cops are standing before them, they know they are going to be removed, but instead of just standing up and leaving, they have to be carried away. They just want to make life as hard as possible for their "enemies".

Deine Stimme wird gestohlen werden.
Wieso wählen Leute noch per briefwahl? Du kannst eigentlich gleich grün wählen, wenn du so dumm bist.

Read his post:

Also, same can happen to your normal vote. They are counted just as well, and if some JuSo or Antifa wannabe does the counting, they might feel the need to "fight fascism".

To avoid shit like this, sign up as Wahlhelfer or Wahlbeobachter:


>afd will rise
>sweden will collapse
>afd will rise more
>macro'france will also collapse
>afd will then start the fire
>Trump will not allow BurgerArmy in Germany to interfere
>afd will burn the heretic
>afd will kill the mutant
>afd will purge the unclean

>pol stands with afd!

Holy hell, there are many 'isolated cases'

You forgot the part about reclaiming our eastern provinces

1 on 1 faggot? If Russia hadnt tried to invade us when we would have invaded you, your joke of a country wouldnt be overrun by fucking pakis now. Get fucked you deserve everything you get for sucking the kikcock so hard.

the refugees will get the legal migrants job because they will work for less. the bigger problem is that the so called parallelgesellschaft (parallelsociety) in germany between muslims gets bigger. only 10 to 20 % of all legal muslim migrants in germany are integrated ( most of them westarab or turkish). The other live in closed societies in the inner districts of german major cities with high crime rates ( like niggers in the us ) the influx of muslim refugees makes this even more worse. a lot of the rapefugees are settled in these areas. germans already had problems with the legal migrants or those germans with migrantion background and now those original backwards goatfuckers are flooding the inner cities. crime rates jumped up. rape became daily basis in germany. in german cities you mostly here people speaking in arabic. where are nogo areas where only muslims can go ( race does not matter its religion ) the common language in these areas are arabic and kurdish. migrants who mostly succesfully integrated into the german society are alienated because they look like arab refugees. Italians Greeks and Turks are wherefore leaving the country, because it isnt save anymore. Afterall the arabs hate turks and greeks too because of the shared history. we are loosing migrants which after 40 years succesfully integrated and change them with backwared dipshits who rape our woman and children and destory our enviorment because they have no respekt for nature and other people, because they think they are superior to everyone else who is not a muslim.

It seems a little late for becoming a Wahlhelfer right now. I tried to do so in Cologne around the end of August and was informed that all the spots in my more immediate surroundings had been taken. If you don't mind having some travel time to your destination, it's probably still possible.

Also, there are rules regarding the positions you can fill, even if they don't inform you about them at sign-up. Schriftführer requires previous Wahlhelfer experience for example, at least in Cologne. Apparently you can be a Wahlvorstand without prior experience though. The interesting thing about Wahlvorstand is that your vote acts as a tiebreaker in determining if questionable votes count.

/r/ Leipzig Joggerstory mit Merkel und Schulz

Well, it doesn't hurt to give the local election authority a call, not all Wahlbezirke have filled their positions at the same time. Sometimes they have to zwangsrekrutier Gemeinde-Azubis when nobody else signs up.
Good for you for at least trying. Keep it in mind and volunteer for the next local elections as well, there's way too many activists signing up for this stuff.



hätte die afd die spendenaktion für die online Aktion nicht früher starten können? echt jetzt

Yeah, somehow strange.

So guys.
I did one of those


surveys and it found I am more aligned with NPD than AfD.

S-should I now vote for NPD instead of AfD???

NPD won't get the needed 5% don't throw your vote away

>S-should I now vote for NPD instead of AfD???

Are you 89IQ?
Then go for it.
Otherwise you vote AfD.


I'd commit a sexueller Übergriff on Alice if you knowwhatimean


Actually believes I'd base my opinion on an online survey in the first palce
AfD oder nix

don´t shit on our allies

Certainly, if you enjoy not being represented. The argument could be made that a voice for NPD serves a similar purpose than AfD, meaning a right wing protest vote. It will probably be considered in some minor way when the parties decide on the programs they'll use to trick the citizens into voting the next time around.

A vote for NPD will however exert less direct political pressure on the established parties, simply because they will never make it into congress in any foreseeable future. AfD seems to be the way to vote for maximum impact.

Same here, I got NPD (unwählbar) and Partei der Vernunft (only wählbar in Saarland or some other tiny state) slightly ahead of the AfD, kek.
Also not trusting their algorithms too much, Soros' arm reaches far.

wow somewhat based mr seehofer

Glück ab, Putsch-Chan

Seehofer is a commie blatantly lying to keep Merkel in office.
Bavaria is Germany's downfall.

>wow somewhat based mr seehofer


Kill yourself, you fucking shill



Yeah, he's always talking tough, but has no power to oppose Merkel. One more reason to vote AfD, the position of conservative forces in the CDU and the CSU will be strengthened, and they could point to the growing part of the population voting AfD to remind the CDU that this should be THEIR voting share as well. Only the left-shift of the CDU allowed the AfD to become this strong, and if they don't act, they might get reduced to a center/center-left party (I've seen them already branding themselves as "DIE MITTE") almost indistinguishable from the SPD.
Well, maybe Merkel's plan is to destroy the SPD and take their place, dunno, but of course this would come at the cost of abandoning true conservative values forever.