Is Cenk Uygur the voice of the generation?
Is Cenk Uygur the voice of the generation?
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Morons like Alex "Retard" Jones can't stand up to The Roach.
Alex Jones is a non journalist. Actually watching him ascend to this level of exposure is a sign of the times.
They even have the token white guy. Fuck turkey and fuck turks.
Who's the white guy? They're all t*rks, semites and niggers.
from left to right
Ana the sand nigger "I'm White & I'm better than you"
Token white guy
And fuck kikes. Every single one of you needs to be fucking gassed starting with barbra spectre
>said the brown eyed almost shitskinned american nazi larper as he masturbates furiously to scat porn.
Get fucked mulatto boy.
He is the voice for men's big and tall suit warehouse, anything more is him larping.
>Small loan of 4 million dollars
A century ago he would be, but only in Turkey.
how the FUCK did turkish nationlist JENK get a fucking AMENIAN TO WORK FOR HIM AND DEFEND THE GENOCIDE
formal suit looks really bad without a tie
And fuck kikes. I unironically cannot wait for you to burn in hell.
women will do anything if you know how to control them faggot. whores don't have spine or loyalty
>implying all israelis are (((them))).
Yeah, no.
He paid for her nose job
what genocide?
You seemed to get pretty triggered by the American calling you a kike.
Yeah, I dunno why I asked really.
i know this sounds nooby but what show is that picture from sir?
Not so fast you Armenian genocide denying scum!
>Armenian demographics ~1900: ~900,000 people
>Ottomans managed to kill ~1,500,000 of them
probably the UK version of the office
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Kinda cucked now but it does have some funny moments.
Yeah, I don't know enough to argue with you about it Mehmet.
No, he is what you get info you combine the worst of independent journalism with the worst of the MSM.
He is a laughing stock and everyone knows it.
>defending turks
t. Mehmed al Muhamad
Native German, only commit a few dozen crimes, religious Islamist, loves Turkey hates Germany.
lel stank
Close. Cenk is the voice of degeneration.
The women is in the back. I thought Chunk Ogre wasn't a muslim?
The average height in this picture is 5"4. Being short is typical for communist.
I'm sorry he's in your country lad. If it's any consolation, I could tell from his post he wasn't German.
>e is a laughing stock and everyone knows it.
Bullshit. 3.3 million subs and growing.
t. Mehmet Kebaboglu
Did anyone see Hasan Piker destroy his republican opponent in their Politicon 2017 debate?
Can you debate Bill Hicks's fact nope he is right and he leaves out the jews who run everything. Plus he is controlled op, Uygur is full blown Aids a total retard of epic proportions. Btw he went on Infowars and literally bent the knee to "Alex" on Soetoro.
>3.3 million subs and growing.
and viewers in the 10ks.
>Is Cenk Uygur the voice of the generation?
If you're a fuckin retard who listens to an idiot who loses his cool and throws shit fits, then I guess yes.
Wasn't he the same nigga saying that we shouldmn't be so harsh on serial killers, rapists and pedos, because their biological and environmental circumstances made them do those acts, and there's actually no free will whatsoever in anything a person does.
Now he says that people should be murdered on the basis of their beliefs, not even actions.
If this isn't a fake quote,he must be even more of a cunt than I thought.
views are in the hundreds of thousands per video within days.
It's true. He also supports a nuclear first strike on the muslim world and torture of prisons of war.
>views are in the hundreds of thousands per video within days.
Exactly, quite a sad state for such a large channel.
Who owns The Young Turks now?
It used to be the dictator of Qatar.
Whose propaganda are they pushing now?
I'm not sure about nuclear first strike and in which circumstances does he advocate that, but torturing POWs is sometimes necessary, of course it's much more complicated matter and can't be described with in only good and evil paradigm. I think every case of torture need to be backed up with strong argumentation and should never be conducted on mass scale.
What an army of manlets. The nigger is the tallest and he's most likely 5'10 or 5'9 at best. Cenk sure knows how to find other guys who are shorter than he is.
>same picture
>same OP
>every time
This is advertising, and that cuck doesn't belong on Sup Forums.
that's a standard ratio for subs, they get more views on the other channels. all up they're the biggest news program on youtube.
perhaps this will satisfy your alt right mentality
Well I wouldn't expect anything less from Atheistic Zionist Kike.
t. Ali Kakerlakoglu
maybe in your mud farm but in advanced countries you can't beat them into submission
good question, does anyone actually think this?
Isn't that tweet pure identity politics?
Yep, it is true though.
more like the fart of a generation
It's always the nose
>Cenk "the Holocaust didn't happen" Ugar
I like how they handpicked one from every minority to cover all bases while naming themselves after genocidal maniacs.
The Armenian must be getting paid extra for her "services"
Does he only hire fellow manlets?
>not putting Shinji underneath the staircase
One job.
Is the OP the biggest cock sucker of the generation? Find out next week on cuck talk!
In a word no... hes a bought and paid for cuck to the lunatic left and the old legacy media in new clothes selling the same old bullshit, nothing more.
Yes they are called unemployable welfare junkies, along with criminal illegal aliens.
He is the voice of a new generation of Armenian genocide deniers!
>Morons like Alex "Retard" Jones can't stand up to The Fat Brown Buffalo.
>Morons like Alex "Retard" Jones can't stand up to The Roach
So you conflate a comedian like Alex Jones, who larps to trigger idiots to respond, to Cenk. A man who takes everything seriously, literally hates white people and pretends to support "money out of politics" by accepting donations while supporting the political establishment and the remnants of the Bush and Obama administration and ultra rich investors like George Soros. As well as supporting Hillary even thought she was the queen of campaign donations.
Squared toe shoes - beta badge, no chance famalam
At least Alex Jones is fun, Cenk and Ana act like privileged little bitches when they rail on about how terrible the reaction from the poor white communities were when they voted for trump.
Its not just academically disingenuous to label half of America as nazi's, it's dangerous because it denotes the Actual equivalency.
But that was many months ago and words like Nazi and Racist have are totally devoid of any meaningful context now, thanks to Cenk Uygur and his band of self proclaimed sjw's.
TyT are 100% controlled media and the new breakthrough for the establishment to try out online pandering. It is important that you follow their content and see what the narrative changes will be and when. They arent really a news organization, the actual news that they provide is on another channel with younger journalists who go out and do things. That autistic skinny brown girl people seem to like is one of them, but shes pretty brainwashed.
Turks taking cash to push narratives -
turks defending soros (they have said in the past that theyd love funding from him as a joke, obviosly wasnt)
The problem is that Cenk isnt as deceitful and snaky as his peers on the show. When he dies or quits the organization will be more like a millennial CNN - which t almost is completely anyway.
They have horrible vids like these all the time, with utterly clueless agenda pushers and group think liberal "Better than you so listen to me" parrots.
Meanwhile they do reports on people changing the world. Routinely they do reports on Alex Jones, who actually had Arpaio on his fucking show. Thats the difference between significance of the people youre discussing here.
Turks are not even as progressive as their peers. Go watch Jimmy Dore or listen to him. Hes autistic like most progressives but hes far more in line with getting things done and moving that party forward than Chunk and his aimless gang of GoT reviewers.