ITT: people that did the right thing for the right reason
ITT: people that did the right thing for the right reason
Soon he will be free. He oppened a lot of eyes.
The further we descend into madness the clearer it becomes that Breivik was just ahead of his time.
What a lucky guy
Wrong thing right reason, killing kids is bad all round dipshit
they were the worst scum we have.
Did you forget that they were communists?
Any kind of terrorism fucks us long term
Yeah the optics were bad, but it was objectively the right thing to do
They only believed these things because the state tells taught them it and frame it in a way that says it's ok to be a commie
Most kids and most women just follow the status quo, if they grew up maybe they would have had some self reflection
It's a tough question
They could end up like me and have grown up and added national- to their socialist label but I'm in the definite minority, the majority of them will grow up to pose a grave danger to our way of life.
I also think brevik was extremely blackpilled and did what he did out of desperation, it's too bad he wasn't able to stop himself to see our movements swelling.
He probably would have ended up a leader for the Norge chapter of generation identity or similar if he isn't the autistic neet the media portrayed him as.
Yeah i agree with you
>people that did the right thing for the right reason
has anyone noticed that he used to make those JDL salutes and later he switched to actual nazi salutes? whats going on, what changed???
Ok, I started frequenting Sup Forums after all this went down, and I keep seeing his face pop up so I guess now's as good a time as any to get Sup Forums's take on him. My lurking hasn't netted me much other than that Sup Forums thinks he was in the right, minus shooting defenseless kids.
>meme flag
you need to go back shitskin
pic related
I used to think the same, but recently i saw pictures of Angela Merkel as a young girl involved in the same sort of left wing group.
Look at the carnage she is creating. So i think it would have been a good idea to kill her when she was young, she is destroying centuries of culture and tradition.
Maybe in the group Breivik killed was a future Merkel.
i have no idea what this is
>a woman?
I love Breivik. The more of a Christian I become, the more I admire what he did. Traitors and muslims should all be killed.
>minus shooting defenseless kids.
They were young adults, and the camp they were at was purely a far left liberal indoctrination camp for future politicians.
He killed off the next generation of diversity-importers, ie - genocidal traitors.
I see, so kind of like what many of our universities are doing now, but even more deliberate.
The only right thing that he did was transform his head into a conoe after getting face fucked by a bullet.
>killing kids
>shooting defenseless kids
Google "kids". Look at the pictures. Then realize that he didn't kill any of those. Stop using emotionally charged language in lue of an argument.
He would have made a good e-celeb
Still kinda annoyed the media called it a "Darth Vader costume"
he was a cool guy. too bad he has left us
has anyone read his manifesto 2083 something?
oh look , the bong is giving out tips on terrorism.
all hail our lord and saviour
fuck off you little rat
no, they were at an indoctrination camp
were you "woke" when you were 16?
ok well i guess u just blew my argument the fuck out
time for me to leave this thread
>killing a bunch of white aryan children
more like doing the wrong thing for the right reason. if he went to a muslims only island or some shit it'd be another story
he also killed the educator faggots - and teens aren't kids - he spared the younglings you pms retard