Imagine /pol. Just imagine. Look what you did. Are you happy?




Maybe all that time spent on twitter could've been spent applying for citizenship.

>don't like shitty jokes
>is one herself

The only shitty joke is the Dreamers' chances of staying in America

>Went into effect 5 years ago
>Never in that time ever stopped to think that maybe they should apply for citizenship

>in order to be a DACA recipient you must either have a job, be attending college, or enlisted in the military
You guys all at least have a job, right?

imagine living in a country illegally for years and never going down the path of obtaining citizenship

Yes I'm pretty happy

It's what dispels this whole narrative of them being perfect examples for how integration should work. Fuckers couldn't even be arsed to try and make right on their prior violations of the law.

It's impossible to become a citizen of America if you aren't a multimillionaire

Hey anons, how long does it take to get kicked off twitter? I feel like i'm been pushing it with this relatively dank meme I created just to troll DACAs



Imagine reading so called 'jokes' about how foreigners intend to 'brown' your country, take it completely over and than proceed to turn it into the same dump you supposedly fled from.

No one is stupid enough to believe this, right?

Serious question.
Why are you guys celebrating the end of DACA if they're just gonna try and get it through congress and make it an actual law anyways?

Hahaha How The Fuck Is US Citizenship Real Hahaha Nigga Just Cross The Border Hahaha Like Nigga Break The Law haha

That only greases the wheel. Maybe they should have saved all those remittances and filed paperwork.

Maybe if they're as hardworking and intelligent as they claim, they'll make their home countries great again too. Why should the US alone benefit so from such an obvious brain drain? Obviously this is best for all involved.

Maybe she should go back.

LOL. Jokes on you. COngess is just a constipated bunch of old corruptocrats.

I do imagine it and it fell horrible. i wonder why more people don't though...it's almost as if Sup Forums is full of niggers.

Stop the citizenship meme permanent residency is much cheaper/quicker

Many l*ftists are.

They could just go home.

Because there's no reason to feel bad for them. All of them are adults, all of them were fully aware of what their legal status looks like.
The fucking program was named Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. "Deferred". Nothing about it was permanent, yet they are surprised that it's ending and complain because they didn't prepare at all for this.

Nigga Close Your Eyes HaHaHaHaHa
Fucking hell. It's like those people can't live without twitter for a second.

fucking J.W. how can anyone be this based? We need him running in 2020, he's gonna make Trump look like a naughty boy.

>doesnt like shitty jokes

imagine being on daca and wasting your time on twitter. what a bunch of losers they really do need to go back

>don't CACA on my DACA
I give it a 10!

>Imagine some bullshit
Nah, I'd rather not.
How about you self-deport instead?

Wait, so know Sup Forums is taking credit for Trump's DACA punt?

Wow you guys are fucking high-end retards.

How many DACA anchor babies does it take to screw in a light bulb ? None your out of here !

thats a colbert meme

Fuck me, with all this possible deportation nonsense I've had the ork "DAKKA" stuck in my head on a loop.

Imagine losing your livelihood to DACA recipients and having to listen to King Nigger say a thousand times that your situation doesn't exist.

'Ere we go, boyz!

Honestly these retards should be blaming Obama for this shit, which is the whole irony of this. If Obongo didn't magically decide he could just go past congress with regards to immigration reform we'd never be in this situation. And yet, democrats are such fucking retards they actually think Obama was a good guy

>Hurr Durr sending back Mestizo to south america is bad

Why is it Bad my fellow Liberal ?

Because their country is shit-hole that nobody want to live, my hypocritical liberal fag?

And Reason that country so bad shape is "culture and mestizo them self"

That You embrace "what a beautiful culture they have"



One of the South Americans I know never stops talking about how fucking much he hates white culture, especially Northern American culture.

He also never stops talking about how shit his own country is and how unfair it is that he can't just move to the US.

They'll never admit to the logical conclusion though.

Democrats are dumb as a bag of bricks, they operate on feelings, not on facts

>can't handle the banter
We can fix that


Imagine working and paying taxes out of all holes to fund schools and whatnot, only for a bunch of entitled invaders to reap the benefits free of cost. But wait there's more! Said schools all teach the entitled invaders they're oh so oppressed and it's all the fault of ebil whitey, who must continue to fund the education of any Pygmy jungle retard that sets foot over the border! At least no one hurt my feelings on twitter.

I'm sorry i don't stay current on Colbert. Can you reference this?

Bonus meme!

Before Trump, these Idiots had about 8 years to become nationalized. You can't have it both ways. If you choose not to become a citizen you need to go back.

Liberals really want a civil war dont they?

quite underrated desu

>don't care enough about the country to adhere to its laws and apply for citizenship
>and let's face it, they'd accept you if you passed the simple tests and whatnot
>don't do this
>woe is me

They should be thrown out for not giving a fuck about the USA

They should be packing their bags desu

wow she seems sincere. maybe I should help. ya know, being a white man and all.

Imagine having laws n borders n shit.

Yeah you'll get rektor soon.
I haven't been banned yet, but i'm generally subtle.

Been going full autismo, as is my personality. Fuck, pol is depressing sometimes but i belong here.

fucking kek

Exactly. I said this exact thing to a coworker yesterday and they had jack shit to say in response. They don't want to be Americans, they just want what America has to offer without giving back to the country in return.

inb4 working the register at mcdonalds or washing dishes at applebees is giving back to America.

I thought Trump wanted to legalize DACA?

>Spic goes looking for sympathy on twitter
>All they get are tweets about having to go back and pictures of little cartoon girls with smug faces

The reason he did it in the first place was the the congress couldn't be bothered to do jack shit about it, you mong.

What is veto?

Doesn't matter, he should have made a better case to congress, it was not his right to implement this program which is why when he released it there was a massive uproar from every state, of course though you never heard it because the MSM went out of it's way to down play it

I'm sorry I can't imagine my ass hoping the border into Mexico and not being gunned down or thrown in jail hard labor for 6 months

>that awkward moment when the day of the rope is POV
As it has been said numerous times pol are the real uncivilized subhumans and will therefore inevitably be purged when it's about time.

A baby can't be born inn six months tho

Obama was one long string of "I'll do this now so that someone more competent can sort it out later." Except when Trump actually does try to sort it out Obama cries about how cruel he is.

>a better case to the congress
How many times do you have to repeat the same appeals to deaf ears before doing something on your own?

>there was a massive uproar from every state
A bunch of whiny conservaturds crying for no good reason.

It's not like he even stopped deporting people altogether, since he just just changed the focus away from harmless people.

>Trump actually does try to sort it out
What exactly is Trump doing to sort it out? Removing it without a replacement isn't helpful in the slightest, either to the individuals or the country.

It doesn't need to be replaced, the illegals need to be gone.

Yes, yes. Let's kick out close to a million people who're essentially Americans in all but on paper.

You'd gain more by categorically deporting all the obese people.

He's forcing Congress to get off their ass and actually put forward real reform. He's given them a very fair timetable to do so. Whether or not it does get done is completely up to Congress. In any event he was correct DACA shouldn't have been passed by the president. It's a legislative issue.

>having to read on twitter.
Close twitter, problem solved.

Pretty fortune then that Mexicans are more obese than Americans. Two birds one stone.

One of the only good boomers

i guess its better than being forced into a labor camp 4 6 months or worse

its only funny cause these ppl actually think i should feel sympathy 4 them cause they broke the laws of my house... its still funny, & im laughing even now & these evil ppl; how dare u


>contributor to @clickhole
No wonder the articles have been so shit lately they've got women writers now

Trump did it with the full knowledge that the congress probably can't get anything done, and merely shifted responsibility to them. Trying to paint him as a good guy who did it out of respect for the authority of the congress is just laughable.

Just put all the obese people in Mexico, your aunt included, and everyone will be better off.

>Are you happy?


My... aunt? The only aunt I've got left probably weighs all of 90 lbs soaking wet. Regardless Trump isn't shifting anything. The responsibility is and always was with Congress. DACA was supposed to be a stopgap measure. Allowing it to continue sets a horrible precedent and erodes the separation of powers. If you could put "mah feels" aside for half a second you would see that Trump is doing the right thing.