The Netherlands has been without a government for 175 days

>The Netherlands has been without a government for 175 days

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delet this

no1 cares about this stupid country

Why not just Anschluss at this point?

Tfw no gf for over 175 days

Oh look, obsessed ausfag shitposter is spouting shit again.

You really need a life dood.

fuck our healthcare , its getting more expensive , and yet you voted AGAIN voor D66 .
fuck you white ppl with your STOCKHOLM SYNDROME .
your are ruining this great country.

I remember some dutch Libtard friends who, after the election, thought there would be a 4-way government including GroenLinks, I told them it would never happen, they started bitching and moaning. Looks like I'm still right.

There are too many parties in NL (this coming from a Danish guy) serving too narrow interests groups.

PvdA needs to learn from the Danish Socialdemocrats, go hard on immigration and Muslims, regain lost territory. Otherwise, they are dead.

VVD bitches

this is normal for us, don't worry. Our cabinet will fall again and again, it's our gift from above

our jewish ways will save us
>pretend country goes to the shitter without government
>beg brussels for gibs
>germoney pays everything because muh grebbeberg
>get shit load of money

They are monarchy, nobody cares if they have a coalition or not. The government of ministers are below monarchy and they work inside EU. It's more about who gets minister salary than anything else relating to goy.

This. Why are we even talking about these windmill loving faggots.

lurk more mbe you can learn it's function


Seems to me like the south could use some windmills to pump water away

Hou je bek, jij verdoemd teef.
You fake Germans. Your language itself is a shitty made up version of German.
Jij bent een anusridder.

>any year
>voting cartel parties

/OurGuys/ need to expand and get back on their pre-summer roll with the livestreams etc.

More proof that elections are a formality. True political power lies with the permanent bureaucracy.

Bitch, please

You should do some research into state theory, a strong bureaucracy makes the wheel spin even without a government, the power of the bureaucracy when a minister is in control of a department depends a lot on the minister. A strong minister will steer his bureaucracy, a weak minister will get steered by his bureaucracy.

Germany is a worse shithole.
I'd rather have no government than merkel fucking everything up 'for the greater good'

There is no mechanism for another election?

>talks shit about language
>uses same language
weak bait

There is, but not until talks of a coalition have failed. They haven't failed yet because it's still ongoing. There have been longer negotiations in the past, there have been shorter too. It's actually quite normal compared to previous years.

So far, there hasn't been anything out of the ordinary.

Only 175 days ? Make another thread when they break our record.

Dutch qts are welcome to seek asylum in my basement. Over 6 foot tall only plz

It doesn't even break our own records.
OP is just a faggot

They still have good dental hygiene though

This is actually the second longest formation, ever.
It's been 150+ days since the outcome of the elections..

We'll make a thread when Belgium becomes more than a non-country, bureaucratic totalitarian headquarter

And that without fluoride in our drinking water!

Netherlands is one of the main contributors to the EU project you filthy scum. stop spreading bullshit

like elected politicians actually decide or do anything. Same in Belgium. Self serving civil servants run 'democratic' countries and do what the next layer o self serving civil servents in the next layer above them in the EU and then the UN do. At the top layer is basically you have no property rights because muh environment and no right to hold a weapon because mug Africans murdering each other with small arms Did you not know this? The only variation is self serving civil servants like putin who are just as bad but take over countries as their own private authoritarian kingdoms and prop each other up like with putin and best korea.

PvdA said after the election, they lost because they probably didn't spend enough time on minorities.
they are crazy and lost at this point.

What coalition talks have been about so far:
-Multiple parenthood
-assisted suicide for people who feel like they are done with life.
-No more referendums(they never go how to government wants, reeeee)

Does the word 'Ukraine' strike fear into the hearts of the dutch?

What's the general consensus on that referendum these days?

Well, Denk got 3 seats entirely by appeasing the minorities, most likely ex pvda voters. Its not that strange a statement.

>And that without fluoride in our drinking water!
Oh, how squeaky clean and refreshing that must feel?

Speak for yourself, I voted Thierry

The lost more seats to Groen Links though.

Cuckservatives, lefties and all establishment figures are butthurt as fuck about it. The rest don't really care.

Netherlands has never been great you fag

The netherlands doesn't even exist anymore. Just a bunch of racemixing apathetic cucks and niggers who wouldn't fight for it if shit hits the fan.


Why don't you just fucking leave. Fuck, selfhating fucks like you need to go back to the desert.

Ik woon op een terp.


Neck yourself my man.

Ik woon 20 meters onder de zeespiegel

Ik woon in het huis van mijn moeder

Verder dan dit kan je niet zakken.

Dat is geen verassing in deze economie
>huren is 700+ euro per maand
>hypotheek 400-600, maar die kun je toch niet krijgen

I unironically voted D66. But I do think DENK should be thrown into the gas chamber as soon as possible.

I don't think Netherlands can get any more fucked up

23, hypotheek twee jaar geleden gekregen toen ik nog een jaarcontract had. Eet stront, vieze leugenaar. Je bent gewoon lui.

kys aquafresh

I honestly don't think of Belgium as a real nation. It's weird that you compare your "country" to other actual nations.
oranges and apples..

Ik heb ook een hypotheek, gekkie. Jaar contract is gewoon moelijker te krijgen dan vroeger voor een hoop mensen.

Can they please legalize bestiality again?

The Dutch are the only other group equal to the Anglos in achievement. If only they had more numbers they could have done so much.

Not that we are a country but still, we were were without official goverment for over 2 years.

Beat this

you really think European kings/queens have any power or something?

And we had no government for almost a year and Belgium didn't have one for 500 days. It isn't that bad actually.

it should be done within a few weeks though. more than a month is ridiculous at any point.

In my opinion, the PvdA is catering to the wrong people, the liberal middle-class. PvdA has betrayed it's core voters, the working class, people who are impacted negatively by a lose migration policies and a reduction in social services. That's why so many voters, who would historically vote PvdA have gone to Wilders, Forum for de Democratie and 50-plus.

The Danish PvdA has pivoted so that it matches the Danish People party on migration, and it is one of the few classic social democratic parties that isn't dying a slow death

Ok, you do it then, with a political landscape as fractured as ours.

You are correct. Dutch politics should return to being about Dutch citizens. They've wasted so much money and time on being the good samaritan that they've completely lost touch with their own people.

But I guess it's racist these days to protect your own interests.

>I'd rather have no government than merkel fucking everything up
>what is the eu

Aruba pls , don't hate on us, we love you so why don't you love us? :(

Id do that little hajabi cumdumpster

Dutch killed trance music, fuck em

Goverdomme kankerjoch


Strong and Stable

Will Geert win the next election netherfags?

Wilders is a faggot memester with no plan of action and a party that starts to believe less and less in their leader.

FvD is where it's at.

Our Monarchs don't hold power you retard.

Are you sure you're not thinking of Belgium?

>Check deze kankermongool dan

Party that support race-mixing between white people and coloured. Kanker op jood.

Kanker op kneus.

/our boy/

Hiddema wants racemixing.
>Our guys

Yeah fuck off.

Was zwarte piet alleen bij je moeder langs gegaan ofzo?

You're elections are so shit. You rejected big Geert because the PM feigned some beef with turkey. You deserve everything you get. Kys.

I know this goes against Britbong principals but yeah we let Erdogan know we're not gonna stand for his dictatorship and muslim brotherhood friends.

u guys can't beat us lmao

top bantz

I love the NL a lot. Any of you who've been regulars at Amersfoort, Hilversum, Utrecht, etc, will know the sad state of affairs in the country right now. Around 20 or so years ago there was already an influx of Turks and Moroccan filth but the problem is far more severe now. I'm saddened when I think that this place I love so much is becoming like another Bongistan.

Fucking disgusting, very sad to see.

>without a government for 175 days

Best 175 days we've had in years.

Geert Wilders received more votes than he's gotten in years, all in all that's a pretty decent victory for the pvv.

Anarchy works if everybody is cucked enough


Actually it's just the two major cities, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, that are the degenerate leftist shitholes you're probably thinking of.
The rest of NL is pretty based.

>Around 20 or so years ago there was already an influx of Turks and Moroccan filth but the problem is far more severe now.

We've had NEGATIVE migration from Turkey over the last 20 years, and net migration from Morocco has dropped to below 1000 individuals per year.

What you see is 2nd and 3rd generation.

If anything we've handled immigration and assimilation better than anyone else.

Going really really far to prevent being associated with racial ideology and nazism because the left tries to cast him into the same spotlight they have slandered Wilders under.

He shouldn't have completely disregarded the leftist smear narrative, just call it what is, divisive, ideologically oppressive attempt to make anything that doesn't fit the leftists ideology into blasphemy punishable by shame/guilt/excommunication/banishment and even legally.

The left ideology is the modern equivalent of a religion, a dangerous one.

Lol sure