Red pill me on chockers. Is it a fashion statement.... or something more?
Red pill me on chockers. Is it a fashion statement.... or something more?
I have daddy issues: the fashion item
Black belt in blowjobs
Why does it matter? How does it affect your life at all?
Stop sticking your nose up other people's asses and maybe you'll not ask so many stupid questions
They were big twenty years ago and they were big twenty years ago before that and now they're back
It is a slut statement.
You have to go back (to you know where)
it looks nice.
redpill dropped.
Don't know what everyone in this thread is really talking about. Whenever I ask my friends they say it means the girls do anal.
Maybe everyone here is virgins? I think that is actually what it means in my city at least, everyone I asked says that.
It's a very important job.
she could choke on my cock
When I lived in Romania, it was a sign of a slave girl or in debt girlfriend.
Sometimes a girl is in need, so when you buy her, basically pay for everything, she is yours so the way to show your submission is the chocker.
Makes girls look submissive. Could be conscious or subconscious, but she wants to be ruled.
hOw DoEs It AfFeCt YoU?
*wears a choker and dresses like a whore*
*dresses son in women's clothes*
can't i
*orders mcdonalds bc pasta's too hard to cook*
find a
*fucks 3rd man that morning*
good man??
Historically something ballet dancers and other performers would wear to signal that they would have sex for money after their performances.
Other than that it's just slutwear.
Theyre signalling theyve been fucked pretty hard in the past and may need to be choked half to death in order to orgasm
I'm sure to young girls it's just a pretty necklace.
If a girl wants you to know she's a slut, she'll wear a shirt that says SLUT on it. Or yoga pants.
I used to see them worn in the 90s
unironically kill yourself
It means they are champion oral sex givers. It's like a badge of achievement b
Shes saying choke her you fucking virgins
Tattoos signal emotional baggage from the past
Hair colors unnatural indicates insanity, usually of the single mother kind
At American University. Have literal thunderthighs wearing yoga pants and everywhere, half the the male population dress as retarded barista. The fact they are wearing this as norm with, what I doubt, the message intended from attire goes to show this as more moral degeneracy at a fundamental level rather individual
They're fine.
This, sometimes it's a girl stating that she is a sub. Most of the time just normies being edgy
This. I see them a lot on Tinder lately on young 20-somethings.
its a black belt in sucking dicks
Do your planes not have a handbreak?