Woman who has slept with over 700 men says "fuck you" to white men! EVERYONE from kids to landscapers to sex workers can see that IMMIGRATION MAKES US STRONGER!
>tldr basically white colonizers BTFO!
Woman who has slept with over 700 men says "fuck you" to white men! EVERYONE from kids to landscapers to sex workers can see that IMMIGRATION MAKES US STRONGER!
>tldr basically white colonizers BTFO!
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So this is why they keep their women in burkas.
they're ravenous
>starts video by flipping off her phone and saying "fuck you white bois"
Gee how can the left keep losing usually alienating the biggest voter base in America from your cause works so well?
Why do americans swallow their Adams apple while speaking and sound frog like. This really hurts my ears. You sound defective.
Well she isnt mentally ill at all
Yes, her daddy was a fucking leeching loser who betrayed Iran for money, because he was unable to create anything back at home with own powers and had to use white people's money, since he's a subhuman.
Fact: escorts usually only accept white customers.
Schahrzad is some kind of a sand nigger surname.
Where does she say or give any indication about sleeping with lots of men? What time?
there's nothing wrong with it though. it is empowering imho
I think she said in another video that she has slept with a massive #
but im not to judge anyway she can live her life
>Saggy tits
>fucks a lot
This checks out
thats a different person.
the woman in the video has pictures on her website (but I do not recommend looking at them)
These fucking cunt confusing legal immigration and illegal immigration.
>she will never be your nanny
she was so hot in that shitty show
dumb sexy jewess slut
it was a ruse to get you to watch the video. I've been RUSED!!!!!
>Ferk you
her sitcom's main attraction was the prospect of her sexually seducing the children under her care. It's probably why so many people loved it at first. It tanked real fast though, with its 4th season losing up to 8 million viewers, going from 16th most watch show according to Nielsens, to the 45th most watched show.
From what I recall on one fo her videos shes talked about sleeping with hundreds of men
>roasties doing roastie things
wtf is this, i cant even
remember the term cumdumbster from b?
fuck this bitch and her tired-ass argument
what the hell....
she was raped back in the 80's whilst her cuck husband was forced to watch because he was too petrified to do anything. It was all going well for her, then suddenly about two thirds into her role in the sitcom "The Nanny" gossip magazines started reporting about her flirting and making out in public with younger men and then a few years later she got divorced and now I hear she has slept with over 700 men and she's not young by the way.
whats the matter? threatened by a woman who's empowered?
What kind of name is Charizard lmao
the picture is a different woman than the one in the video.
best pic evr. thnk u
Was the rapist black?
Say that to my face
ooooh thats a good one 2. thnk u
This is the ideal female body, you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
what the fug???
I thought she has kids.
She talks like a basic bitch too. Disgusting.
Brave adventurers who run away from challenges to live the good life in other countries?
Brave people choose to face their problems and take responsibility.
The brave people are those who stay behind and try to deal with their problems. The opportunistic cowards are those who flee to other countries and do not swear true loyalty to the countries they enter.
They are the worst of scum to both their people at home, and to the people in the lands they now dwell.
no respect for immigrants.
Does this dumb fuck not realise that loads of "Indians" fought against the White colonists?
so stupid.
"Don't hate on immigrants and resist them because you were immigrants once and the natives fought against them but some assisted them and then you took over and slaughtered loads of natives".
Is that a joke argument?
"these people are land robbers who will try to kill you because immigrants are land robbers who kill people, and you were land robbers who killed people in the past so you should not oppose land robbers who want to kill you".
Beyond the obvious criticisms, some points for you gays to consider:
1) Generationalism. Old white people, technically came "before", young natives, unless you are hundreds and hundreds of years old, you didn't "come first".
2) If you have a problem with the American government, feel free to give up your property which only is YOUR property under American law. Give your house back to the "natives".
3) If you do not think in terms of generations and believe in timeless collectivist identitarianism, if you are not A NATIVE and feel that Natives have been ROBBED, then when do YOU plan to go back "home?".
Why aren't liberals going giving up their "property" and going back home?
man... you guys sound like a bunch of salty xenophobes desu
Old whore has an opinion thats worth shit... well theres a surprise
Where does it say she fucked 700 men?
omg stop asking this. go read her blog and watch her videos she has said or implied shes been with hindreds of men...
watch some of the videos linked in this thread. dont be lazy
Coming from the ugliest language/accent in the world that's fucking rich
I bet she fucked a lot of dudes too.
She looks nuts
Why would I be salty?
The liberals are getting absolutely crushed out of existence and their moral positions completely morally justify the most extreme of White/Western defensive strategies.
If Whites can "steal" land, then blood and soil is a legitimate concept.
Therefore Europe, Anatolia, much of the Levant, North Africa and Central Asia, is the collective property of the White race, and we can tell everyone to "get out".
If the ancient Americas actually do have ancient Europeans there that predate the Natives, the natives will have to "get out" of America too.
Failure to accept these terms is conclusive evidence of racial double standards and therefore, in the name of anti racism and equality, liberals must be punished.
It's win win win win win from every single fucking angle.
It's the end for them.
No salt. Only happiness and rainbows for me.
It's not women's fault for being a woman. Just look at the bible, the whole story of genesis basically can be expressed as:
>Keep your women in check, don't let them make decisions by themselves, or suffer the consequences.
Now whoever supported women's rights to vote, work without male permission, run political parties, get higher education etc. should be imprisoned.
A woman's role is to raise kids, cook for her husband, or be a non.
Pic related, pinnacle of humanity, at least in my opinion.
wtf i love indians now
One of that bitches titties is a creative adventurer. Just one.
thde woman in the pic is not the same as the video!!!!!!!!!
They figure in a decade or two when whites are a minority they'll be in power forever.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>law breakers because MUH COLONIZATION
>there were no laws at all
>calling pioneers ilegal inmigrants
what happened to this hottie.
looks shitzo
I've met many from other countries who say the best stay and the worst go elsewhere.
They don't move to another country because they want to escape repression or their families suck or they like the culture of the country they are moving too. They are selfish materialist cunts who care only about themselves.
They only care about what a country can do for them and worst of all, then come in demanding all the top jobs for no other reason than some bullshit oppression narrative.
Alright. She IS nuts
And yet they never think anyone indigenous to Europe should be allowed their own homeland even if they never participated in any military action abroad.
Not only that, but if everyone in Europe benefitted from a handful of elites who owned slaves and grew rich off colonialism, then trickle down economics works!
Jesus fucking Christ
Holy shit this woman is insane
what is this even supposed to represent
What about the latinos and blacks that don't want more illegals to go to the US? Is she rasist?
there was no country here when the land got colonized
thats why it was colonizd and not invaded you stupid cunt
Depends if they are running from a war torn country and leaving their family behind.
In that case they are cowards.
i cant argue against that
reminder that Fran married the MIT doctor running against Liz Warren who was at the "Free Speech" rally in Boston but no mainstream media reported on it
wtf her tits are 2 different sizes
why are you being so judgmental?
she sucks then too
Jesus Christ, who cares what she has to say
>mother of 3
>pretty charmed life
>at 53 has a breakdown because she's an old roastie
>leaves her husband and 3 kids
>runs around fucking anything that moves
>writes a book about it
>hur dur, i love my roastie vag
>moves to San Diego and she is a professional hooker
This is woman is the end result of lefty feminism
her own website
Seriously what sane man would want to tap that ass? She is ugly as fuck - uninteresting and by behavior severely disturbed. This only shows that on Earth are at least 700 desperate cucks willing to fuck literally anything that moves...
one day she was a married mother of 3
4 years later she is a hooker who dumped her family to let strangers baste her dried up eggs for money
all your for the low low price of $6000 a day
t. virgin
In video she says her father is Iranian.
Her father is Iranian. She says so in video.
Ohhhh...I see