Ever since I was a kid my mom told me I was mostly Scottish because that's what all of her side of the family is rooted in pretty much. I got raised by her (single mother) because my dad died a few years after I was born.

Growing up she told me my dad was mostly German and I never thought much of it. Yesterday I asked her if I could ever visit my grandparents who live in Germany, and she said maybe, but she hasn't spoken to them in over 20 years since my dad's death.

Anyways, she told me their last name is Schulman, which I had already known but never knew it was a Jewish last name. I asked her if my grandparents were both Jewish and she said yes.

What the fuck do I do I am not even joking, I don't really even look Jewish, my nose isn't that big. I don't know if I still hate Jews or not anymore, can I just identify with my Scottish side?

Congratulation and make sure to apply for your free Israeli citizenship.

Sage, shill thread, happened to an irish right wingparty leader few years ago,copypasta

No big deal

Gas yourself.

Well, shalom I guess.

post nose

I know this situation. My guess is, your grandparents wanted your dad to marry a Jewish woman and not a shiksa goy.
Can't undertstand why else they'd not be in speaking terms as soon as your dad passed away.

Regardless, Jews consider others Jewish from the maternal side, which is why they can get dickish when their sons go off with non Jews. They might not consider you ethnically Jewish at all.

However, I think you could potentially get Israeli citizenship through law of return if you could prove your pops was Jewish or if you asked for help from your grandparents.

You're not Jewish. Jewish ancestry is traced only from the mothers side. But still visit your grandparents, I'm sure they'd like to see you.

Are you really that stupid you think it can only happen to one high profile person in history and every other time somebody has a similar story they're just "copying" them?


this, i wanna see too

Beat your mother and abandon her for even considering having Jewish kids, then lead your life to the best of your abilities.

Jew's aren't the problem
(((jews))) are the problem.

These threads are made every week to condition you retards.


Am a Scot with a big nose. Am not even going to ask my family. Lol. There's no way any of us are Jews. It's not like a Jew nose though, it's definitely more Roman.

Omg is that thing alive?

scotts were always jews

or some type of jewish origin

red hair was always seen as a jewish trait

this. pic is not op. do a simple search, lazy fat-asses.

Do aliya :^)

This story has happened to multitudes of people. Why would you even think anyone believed that pic was OP? Don't assume people are as dumb as you.

I have only ever seen Jewish men with red hair, never a girl ...

>What the fuck do I do I am not even joking
you know what to do

Judaism is a religion, not race you lying circumcised faggot.

You are one of (((Us)))
Come home Jewish man.

I dont see the problems OP, youre on the pigs back (pardom the pun) now surely. Just network accordingly with your newfound tribes membership in mind and ride the privilege from it.


>scotts were always jews
uWOTm8? Thats the dumbest shit Iv'e heard today. Celts are Germanics, they are most certainly not fucking Jewish you shitposting hymie faggot.

>it's definitely more Roman.

my father is anglo-celtic but has a "roman nose". he did a 23andme test so theres no hidden shitskin. i think its normal for celts

there is that actress from the faggot sitcom will and grace. shes jewish and has red hair.

Nothing wrong with jews my friend.

Every smart man knows Germans are the real problem and jews just carry the blame like Jesus did.

Go full Jew you fucking idiot! Become a card carrying member of the tribe.

In case you didn't happen to get an IQ bump from the Jewish genes (which it looks like you didn't given your confusion on what to do), Jews help each other out. Given their small numbers and the rough go they've had for 2000 years or so, they've learned to have each others back all the time.

I'm not even fucking around with you. I live by a synagogue in Las Vegas. I didn't know anything about Jews but living around a bunch of them for the past 10 years I've learned a lot. A lot of them walk to services so many live in close proximity to the synagogue. Anyway, the more i've gotten to know them the more i'm convinced that Whites will have to copy this aspect as we continue to hand our nations over to nogs, beaners and goat fuckers.

By the way quite a few Jews are Right leaning, at least many of the ones I've met here in Vegas. Almost all the Jews I've met from Israel are Right and they like Trump and hate Obama. Almost all the Jews i've met from NYC are far Left and fucking love Obama. I don't know enough to know why they are so different ideologically but it probably has something to do with dealing with muzzies in Israel vs. Jews living in the West and not interacting with sub-humans.

Anyway OP, go full Jew. They'll get you into a good school. They'll help you get a good job and they'll try to marry you off to one of their hot Jewish daughters. You'll be set for life as long as you don't get drunk and go all 1488 in front of them. I'm also not joking about them trying to marry off their hot daughters. There aren't a whole lot of Jews and they value family as much as they value education. I'm not a Jew but I have an MBA from a pretty good school and I make a good living. I've had multiple neighbors and acquaintances set me up with their daughters, granddaughters.

Oh, so you think you're special now? Is that it?

Sorry but you aren't going to survive the day of the rope.