Ok so I'm a bit older than most of y'all but I'm a shitlord and Trump supporter just like you to the core...

ok so I'm a bit older than most of y'all but I'm a shitlord and Trump supporter just like you to the core. So answer me this:

I own five Regal Cimemas chains and I just want to know, why the FUCK aren't millennials seeing movies any more? Almost all of my business comes from busses from retirement communities these days. If things keep up I might have to close some of them down and put people out of work.

I did the right thing. I studied hard, I made a success of myself, and I NEVER asked for a handout, yet this entitled generation feels like they should just be allowed to download movies for free. Grow up you snowflakes, nothing in life is free. Get a girlfriend and go see a damn movie!

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I pirate them you greedy JEW

how am I greedy for running a business and making America great? It's entitled commie cucks like you who are greedy
Wouldn't be surprised if you never worked a day in your life, loser

I don't want to sit next to a nigger.


Capitalism, bro. Make some movies people want to pay for.

Tfw no bf to see a movie with

Because I have no desire to see Hidden Niggers, MJ as a race swap complaining about the statue of liberty, and complaints about how white Dunkirk was.

I'm a whore for movies, but even I'm reaching my limit, and movies trying to spawn shitty cinematic universes like Kong or The Mummy can fuck off.

>Nothing worth watching
>folk in front checking their phones are not ejected

There are plenty of black men who voted for Trump, run businesses, and protect and serve our country as police/military. This is the most transparent CTR shill I've seen in a while

it's not capitalism if your literally stealing movies online, pinhead


popcorn too expensive. no movies i want to see.

Movies today suck cock. They're really shitty and not that entertaining. You may need to get with the times OP.

I will bite
You overcharge dramatically
cinemas are never full
Why don't you lower your price fill the cinema up the you can aim them for snacks are you that retarded.

>Former (((Hollywood))) big shot il left because it is cancerous but not as cancerous as cinemas

Most movies are shit. You pay 10 bucks to see a movie based on a trailer and 90% it's shit and you want to walk out. Feel totally ripped off as you leave. Food and drinks a stupid expensive. Maybe try something new, the old model is not working. What about combining the theater with a restaurant, dinner and a movie type thing? I dunno man, I feel for you, but you are doomed if you don't change something on your end,

Sorry, should've been more specific. I don't even pirate this shit. Everything's a reboot of an old film, but dark and gritty and directed by JJ Abrams. This is why nobody goes to the cinema.

Hollywood makes shit movies, why the fuck would we pay to see that shit.

Why bother going to a cinema when you can just wait a few weeks and watch it on Netflix?

Cause movies suck lately.

Fuck off Mel Gibson!

WTF have got against the English anyway?

They are allowed to get them for free and you should have gotten a real job.

I don't I just cinenigger apologists

To all the snowflakes saying "movies suck now waaaah"

sorry but most of the country isn't a pretentious nancy like you. have you tried the local French arthouse you cucks?

you don't have to LOVE every film you know. It could just be a good way to spend an afternoon. There's nothing wrong with turning your brain off, enjoying some popcorn, and watching Transformers. Get over youselves already.

Well, folks are waking up to the 48% of the 1%. Hollywood. NBC, CNN, NYTimes, and on and on. Folk as are tired of the 48% of the 1% fucking up our country to make a buck, basically. One way to fight back is to stop buying their shit.

Sorry if this depresses the value of your business. Sell it to a 48% of the 1% and help us screw them. Change businesses. GUns are doing well.

is it really pirated movies or was it just a particularly bad year because the movies sucked so much? I think Hollywood just being shitty is more your problem. Good luck though


And you can't spend time with your dogs... Probably starving in your basment?...lol

Well. It's true. Most movie sucks. If most anons had gfs will looked like a democrat...


Instead of movies. Why not live operas or something artists other than shutting out paint....

Sounds good actually, my local arthouse cinema's half the price of the big multiplex, and they've got a bar that serves good beer, and you can take your beer into the film with you. So I'll just go there and you can continue to cry about going out of business.

Hate cineniggers

You will die pennyless and alone, nigger lover.

And the seats are bigger and there are fewer trailers.

Movies are shit

because movies are shit today. There all superhero movies, or a remake to some 90's movie. On top of that there is netflix hulu streaming sites and torrents. Movies are dying off.

there is nothing entitled about liking comfort of home over crowds and super high priced popcorn


>There's nothing wrong with turning your brain off, enjoying some popcorn, and watching Transformers. Get over youselves already.
And I can do that at home for free.

When I was a kid it was about 15 dollarydoos and I could justify it, now it's like 25

Lets be honest: you were never the target audience anyway
we dont serve kale and avocado at Regal...

Fuck off

Not legally! I hope you get thrown in the slammer cuck!

>why don't they buy tickets anymore????

>soft reboot
>belated sequel to a 40 year old "cult" movie
>fag diversity festival bait
>revisionist history and Fabian propaganda
>all with tacked on Chinese pandering for overseas box office

Yeah dude wow what a fucking mystery

>screening leftist propaganda and making the people pay for it
>making America great

Totally not your fault, but movies are shit. And the people in movie theaters are shit.

I'd rather watch on a smaller screen at home and not feel disgust that I'm watching the same thing as the other people in the room.

Turn them into shooting ranges.

We do here in germany. A LOT actually. It's the only palce where it's still 99% white peop- oh... yes i guess i would never go to a cinema if i was in america. I am sure it is FULL of black people screaming at the screen.

>owns movie theater
are you one of those old fucks who found their way here from reddit?

>trusting an industry controlled by (((them)))

Because new movies are purely shitty kike propaganda, try showing older films occasionally. Only time I've been to the movies recently was anniversary showings of older movies.

i don't even download movies anymore because they're all shit but seems to me you need to switch businesses if yours is going under you blathering boomer

Seriously, shitposting aside, I go to the smaller independent cinema because it's cheaper and I can take a beer in with me. I'm not going to pay £12 for a film with half an hour of trailers when I could see the same film for £7 with 15 minutes of trailers. This is basic business, offer something better than your competitors and people will pay for it.

This. I barely _download_ movies those days, like 3-6 in half a year at best

>I hope
Shouldn't you hope that your failing business won't go belly up or something?

Just play pirated movies in the theater retard

>paying money to watch the big electric jew, ever

Top kek you old nigger loving faggot

>go to a theater
>pay 20$ for ticket
>pay 10$ for soda
>pay 15$ for snacks


>stay at home and watch movies on my sony z9d from netflix
>eat whatever the fuck I want
>pause the movie when I need to go to the toilet
>snacks are literally free
>soda is cheap
>beer is good

Gee I wonder why.

Millenial britfag here. I see movies in the cinema maybe once or twice a year. I don't pirate movies (apart from literally decades old shit), I use Netflix and Prime.
If you want my advice, SLASH your ticket prices with some big promos, something unmissable. Give away "free" tickets if customer buys large popcorn and large drink or something like that.
A night at the movies, if you buy your ticket at regular price and you buy one snack and one drink at regular price, is £20-£30. That is fucking unsustainable. I can get dozens/hundreds of hours of entertainment from a video game for that price.

If you don't change your business model, you will go bankrupt within 10 years as the boomers die.

What does it matter where I came from? The important thing is I'm a Trump supporter like everybody else on Sup Forums.

Why are you so obsessed with Jewish people? Are you a Muslim perhaps? Definitely a lib at least... nice try CTR.

the free market has decided theatres are shit

turning my brain off, yeah nah your giantic faggot if i want entertainment i'll do things that i enjoy not what some boomer cock sucker tells me i should enjoy

I'm 28
I haven't seen a movie in the theater sense return of the king. I haven't even pirated a movie either. Movies just don't appeal to me. Video games are a more entertaining and over the long run cheaper then movies. Also the constant sjw propaganda doesn't help. Sorry about being the horse shoe maker in a world buying cars

>stay at home and watch movies on my sony z9d from netflix
>eat whatever the fuck I want
>pause the movie when I need to go to the toilet
>snacks are literally free
>soda is cheap
>beer is good
ALL of that while still beeing a commie? wow.

Netflix and Piratebay, I prefer piratebay it's free that way. Times are changing old man.

>Go to movie with gf


show some good movies not the kike blockbuster shit.

Yes, he can. He can buy the film DVD once and enjoy it at home an infinite number of times. Sure, may not be free, but it's cheap as all hell. git rekt boi.

>like everybody else on Sup Forums.
This must be your first thread. And you must have just showed up today.

Movies are jew tricks. All but a handful are absolutely degenerate. The last one i watched at the movies was zootopia and its blatant commie propaganda. Who in their right mind would pay for the privilege of getting subverted?

You asked a question, and now you're going to attack people who gave you an honest answer? Fuck you. Enjoy bankruptcy you defensive prick.

I just rewatch classics now when I feel like a movie. When you watch a classic like Vanishing Point or Dirty Harry or even 80's Cannon B-Movie like The Hitcher, modern diversity shuck in and jiving pandering garbage seems fucking laughable in comparison.

>I worked hard I did the right thing picking something I could've seen years ahead slupping in profit
>I did the right thing

Also one cannot fuck gf in the theater properly and plus it's uncomfortable.

I actually like the whole big screen and loud speakers of the cinema but modern movies are shit. Once the cinema had a "classic" screening of Die Hard and boy that was great to see full screen. The 'shoot the glass' scene was so loud and continuous I had to cover my ears!

So yeah, have older film screenings for half the price.

I haven't watched movies or TV in general in years.
I don't care. Anything I do care to watch I can just stream online at my leisure from home. Not even illegally mind you, lots of legal sites streaming the few things I do want to watch.
The last movie I pirated was Live Die Repeat last year.

Get rid of the forced diversity and leftist virtue signalling and I'll start going to movies again.


Hollyjew making shitty movies.

My girlfriend always wants to go to the theatre.

Why the fuck? Who wants to pay to see jewish propaganda and 600 percent markup snacks?

I only go to movies about the holohoax so I can sit there and scream out refutations to all of the kike's lies

Netflix combined with a lack of good movies, every new blockbuster is just sjw hollywood trash. Prices are stupid too, occasionally I will go out to a cinema still but it's a drive in. Much further away than the huge cineplexes but I can smoke and eat and do what I please in the comfort of my bmw. Here in TX the "drafthouse" cinemas have been doing well too, they have food and booze as well as luxury seating. Adapt. Don't complain that nobody buys buggy whips anymore.

Learn to write you autistic cunt

>pay 10$ for soda
>pay 15$ for snacks
I never understood this obsession with food in cinema. In the old days here it was actually even prohibited to go inside movie room with any food, you had to eat anything before that or throw it away.

Because of niggers, user. We don't want to go to an urban youth hangout that reeks of weed and makes you 100x more likely to be assaulted by simply being there. Yeah, what a great movie experience, a bunch of nigs yelled the whole time and started a fight in the middle of the movie over a street corner or some girl.

god tier troll

Same. Conversation goes like this
>Let's go to the cinema! That's fun.
Yeah okay I'm but is there anything you actually want to see
>No...but we could still go.
I'm not going to sit in front of shit for two hours

In my state we have $5 movie tuesdays at most theaters. I need a qt bf to go watch jew propaganda with.

Hollywood is full of pedos, and the plots of Hollywood films tend to be shit. There is also the indoctrination they push on us to consider. I am watching a lot of Gallio movies from the 1970s instead because Hollywood does not resonate with me at all..

hahahahaha i can tell your new as fuck that or just mentaly retarded.

Kids don't want to put their phones away. Ever.

Post boi pussy

You know why. Why pretend? Maybe you don't. You're generation is characterized as extremely greedy. That is the equivalent to spiritual myopia. Here is how you csn save your business. Go out into the world and volunteer, not with your money dipshit, with your time. Give your time, freely, to those who need it. Roll up your sleeves. Maybe you'll figure it out. Protip, might want to try your hand at a different business.

>why dont people come gibs me money ;(((
>give answer
Fuck off and die boomer

Just regular pussy sry user

Muh fuckin' based africanus americanii in a red hat. Fuck niggers and fuck you. Movies are all full of jewish horseshit and you contribute to the brainwashing of young people. You deserve death more than niggers.

trips of truth

I find myself waiting for the Rifftrax version to make them entertaining

>tfw never bought a movie ticket, music album or video game
I love piracy

That's actually where the theaters make their profits.

I go to the cinema all the time, like a couple times a month, youths don't go because it's very expensive

A. Too fucking expensive
B. Clientele is terrible
C. Movies are awful, not well made, totally degenerate

Advertise on the spanish channel if u want more business

Because if you take your 2D girlfriend to a cinema people give you funny looks.

I hope OP is dying of starvation one day and one of his based gorillas rapes him to death before he can starve

poast actual pusi baus.

How ugly are you that you can't find a guy?
My money's on fat.