Problem solved. You don't mind the business of other people.
Gay marriage
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Stop stealing euro nig
I would agree if people weren't forced to marry them and they couldn't adopt kids
He forgot to put on his meme flag.
but public taxation subsidises divorce. I do not support divorce. if I can stop even one divorce I will vote no.
Don't like lynrching black people? just don't do it, let other do it!
as long as they don't have right to adopt children
It's up to the church to decide whether or not they want to marry gays
it's 2017
don't believe in gay necrophilic incest?
don't have gay necrophilic incest.
problem solved.
Don't believe in pedophile rights?
Don't molest a child. Problem solved.
Don't believe in gay marriage
don't cater food for a gay marriage
I don't believe in homosexual marriage because it's an oxymoron.
Stop having fag parades in the streets where you wave your disgusting penises in children's faces.
Stop fetishizing HIV and deliberately infecting others with it.
Stop abusing drugs.
Stop being pedophiles.
Stop demanding that other people be forced to cater to your lifestyle.
Stop insisting that your sexuality is anything more than a fetish.
Stop trying to change historical institutions.
Then you can fuck each other in your bedroom and I won't care
Don't like pedophilia? Don't pay attention to the fag molesting your daughter.
but they don't live in a void and their fag shit affects my life even if only indirectly, and this violates the NAP
Why would a fag molest a girl?
Based muslim
lol that's how it starts
Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. Shocking stuff.
Not an argument
>Don't like rape? Don't be a rapist
>Don't like pedophilia? Don't be a pedophile
Bakery doesn't want to bake your gay cake? Find another bakery. Problem solved.
Don't like guns?
Don't marry a gun.
Problem solved.
so what about the cakes?
list of logical fallacies
>don't believe in people owning guns?
>don't own one
Don't want to rape children?
Don't rape children.
Problem solved.
not a counter argument
being gay isn't a crime
so go fuck yourself dipshit :)
That argument would only be valid if they didn't shove their gay shit down your throat at every opportunity.
That's what getting most people riled up. Not that they like to suck dick, but that they cannot shut the fuck up about it.
Molesting children, taking drugs and deliberately infecting people with a deadly disease are crimes though.
Think of it like this. Is it inherently illegal to be part of a gang? You could be a knitting 'gang' or a chess 'gang'. The reason gangs are illegal is because of the crimes associated with them.
Fucking leaf.
Stops being an argument when you start forcing people to bake you cakes.
Why do retards even have this as argument?
>don't marry a gay
>let gays marry
>they become more common
>degeneracy multiplies
>zoophiles asks for rights to marry animals
>pedophiles asks for rights to marry children
But hey if you're not into kids or animals then don't marry them
Problem solved
don't believe in legalizing murder?
don't murder
OP hurr durr
Liber(tarian)als should be gassed
Believe in gay marriage? Call it marriage. Why depend on the government to legitimise your relationship. Problem solved.
Gays are born this way, they don't choose to be gay.
It won't widespread if we legalize gay marriage.
Except it has
is that why there are more and more fags each year?
the increasingly lenient and degenerate society turns people gay
Show me proof, church boy.
>don't believe in a cow and a chicken being given driving licenses
>don't be a driving instructor
>problem solved
Because you want your kids to inherit your stuff and just calling yourself married doesn't do that.
Inb4 gays no kids
Plenty of gays have kids from prior heterosexual relationships, surrogacy, or adoption and they want rights for their relationship with those kids.
But gays shouldn't have rights over kids, even their own, you see?
Kids from previous marriages can inherit assets from previous marriages in the same way as if their parent entered a second hetero sexual marriage.
Gays should not be allowed to adopt, that is child abuse.
Bitch do some research yourself if you want. I'm not going to waste my time to teach a retard.
Look at the countries that allow same sex marriages, check the year they started doing it and see how much the gay population increased starting from that year.
Now fuck off and do your homework.
Did you know?: You can throw fags off buildings, since they are magical and can fly.
How EXACTLY is it child abuse?
I don't think so you cunt.
When speaking of marriage as a government institution, marriage is designed to incentivise childbirth and attempt to ensure that children (or future citizens) are raised in the most stable environment possible-such being a two parent household composed of a mother and a father. This is because all studies of marriage and familial relationships through thousands of years of recorded human history have proven said environment to be the most stable. As a government institution, gays have no claim to being recognized-nor is it unfair or discriminatory since it seeks to create an outcome which gays simply cannot provide.
Alphabet soup community BTFO.
(I'll admit that I ripped this from an image I had)
>Believe in gay marriage?
>Don't force others to believe in it too
This is the crux of the issue, I dont think anyone cares if they go into parks with one of their poofta mates who says "I now pronounce you poofta and poofta" and they then call themselves married and call each other husband.
Where we take exception is when they try to make us acknowledge their "marriage".
The entire reason this whole thing got out of control because US media turned it into a media circus and blew the whole thing out of proportion by shoving it down everyone's throat, like they do with everything.
If you just quietly pass a law allowing gays to marry without making a big fuss no one will actually give a flying fuck.
Fuck you Burgers.
>not recognising the societal damage which comes from the bastardization of an ancient tradition which composes the foundations of our civilisation
yeah nah. i'm part of society and i don't support allowing gays to marry.
the only reason it was able to get passed was through the propaganda campaign.
t. legionar loser.
Stop supporting dead ideologies and get off this board.
That's why we don't let hem change OUR definition, nor the governments definition.
I dont believe in gays in the first place, i see it as a human evolution malfunction that should be minimised not encouraged by allowing them to marry.
t. aussie kid throwing insults.
Also not an argument.
You have propaganda campaigns for everything.
Why do your people always go full retard with everything?
Why is there no room for nuance, but only extremism?
Is it because you're just binary-minded simpletons uncapable of any deeper thought than yes or no? Because critical thinking doesn't seem to be your strongest suit.
the argument isn't "everyone HAS to get gay married"
Try again libertarian . This is why you guys never win
Jews support Capitalists
Jews support the Alt-left and pro Immigration
Jews support communism or they did,also Soviet Union had a jewish majority when it came to leadership
HMM i wonder who's behind this
Fuck off Ariel Bogdan you ain't fooling nobody
Poponar jegos
They can do whatever they want but we won't change the of marriage and promote filth in our society. My problem with fags is not even religious based, they are a well of disease and degeneracy, watch their fucking parades.
Don't like nazis?
Don't be a Nazi.
Don't like Trump?
Don't be trump!
Don't like racism?
Don't be racist!
why shouldn't gay couple be able to adopt a child? Can somebody answer?
t. nationalist loser.
I'm not even gay.
This country needs to be more modern, but with closed minded retards like you and those religous rednecks that live here we can't modernize this country.
get off my board little fucking faggot
Exactly this you faggot scum:
Don't believe in child brides? Don't marry a child.
No. Male gays are well over 90% of all child rapists.
this is not your board, kuala fucker.
The issue was never "rednecks" you faggot
We don't have that to begin with,we've been lost since the second world war fucked us.
Oh and let's not mention the subhumans consuming and giving NOTHING in return in this country.
Fuck off with your "modern" shit,you have no idea what that is,you saw on tv fags mouthfucking eachother in the usa and now that's the norm right?
Fuck off gypsy
>Calls me out for insulting.
>Immediately calls someone who they disagree with a loser.
You see the hypocrisy here, yes?
Oh while we're on the topic, a bigot is someone who is intolerant of other people's opinions who differ from theirs and here you are insulting everyone and calling them losers (such a childish term, which is ironic considering you claimed that I was a kid) which is quite intolerant and therefor-
Pic related.
giving more freedoms to those already superior, only renders oneself at a greater disadvantage
same was true in slave era burgerville, as it is now
You either accept that Romania is changing, or you move to Russia. Even those conservashits from Coalitia pentru familie and PRU are sucking Russia's dick since they are receving shill money from there to deliver their conservashit propaganda here.
I was insulting somebody who started insulting me first, by insulting somebody you don't disagree with someone in a decent manner, but responding with a insult to a insult is defense.
What are the chances Romania will explicitly ban gay marriage? You think the family parties in Romania are being funded by outside interests to push such a law?
de_stroyed that cunt
it's bad for children. children need good role models.
lmao. ironic post.
It isn't hard to do that when you use your head, which leftists seem to be incapable of doing.
Just like the kikes,Russian game was always dividing and supporting whatever opposition there is in said country.
Which of the following is more of a "slippery slope": Gay marriage or third wave feminism?
There it is! That's the image I ripped my above post from.
>Me implying anyone cares.
gay marriage isn't a slippery slope it's a vertical cliff.
How so?
You have retarded groups like Antifa and the Alt-right sperging out over issues that aren't even there in the first place while your society is imploding in on itself.
it is binary though no joke. either marriage is a man and a woman making a family or it's nothing.
How can you hate gays when such a trusted institution in Romania like the orthodox church is filled with them? They even let that gay bishop from Husi to stay as a monk and to keep being payed with our tax money.
>faggotry= a "modern country"
That was the fucking problem with this country, not enough fags.
You are the closed minded one. How is it going to improve the society in any way?
>in before he fell for the clothing designer meme
Seriously, try to explain how homosexuality is a step up for the country.
Well, the purpose of sex has become recreation, not procreation, therefore gay marriage followed. We need a complete realignment of our values.
you've probably never even seen a parade, besides when seeking out cherry picked photos
HIV is negligable and it's infection rate today is a smidgen of what it once was
so they're addicts and pedophiles now lolk, link me the study, I'm pretty sure I'm already familiar with it so I know its massive bias with the samples
in what sense do you mean cater to their lifestyle?
if it's exclusive to men then yes it is more than a fetish you moron
changing historical institutions? you mean marriage? it's original concept is outdated and we don't give fuck about the religious reasoning behind it, sorry
Don't believe in white nationalism? Don't live in a white nation. Problem solved.
desu I think there are worse things that need at the forefront of conversation. Things like transgenderism and the negative affects of third wave feminism.
If only society weren't a public good.
Your the closed minded one because you're insulting me instead of bringing a decent contraargument.
The society needs to be more tolerant with different people, consenting gays are not hurting anyone.
This society is changing, more and more young romanians are supporting gay rights, you don't like that, go to Russia, especially if you have a fetish for dead fortgotten slavs like Corneliu Zelinski.
100% agree
I think you are picking a fight with the wrong people mate.